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faal hosting promised had television journal of the impliedconditions of the hour rogerio every monday wednesday andproject presentation of the nineteen what's notwatch company maker outbound jane the world's mosthonored rock and whatnot distinguished companion tothe world ahmed lunging good evening this is right now it may i introduce our creditors for thisedition of the lunging prosto larry let's uh... c_b_s_ newscorrespondent and cannot proper national

affairs editor of newsweek magazine all very distinguished guests for thisevening ephedra richard abre upload used to be a no-man's land but these are the days when by buying a ticket on a commercialairline dignify crossing off on think a cocktail at the same time delhi three score more years ago bythirty five years ago our guest tonight found out whether there was any landnorth of the north american continent

he made a purchase coverage liked and i must say that admiral boorda our guest tonight isgoing to administer the explorer but he's been an inspiration tocountless americans a bird you've been to both live for myself for is ready unexplored land left on this that might appeal to adventurous youngamericans

uh... yesterday and that up around the buffalo becauseit's getting credit at panera because they find out it's really usable that only two eleven but militarily but strangely enough players left in theworld today an area is big in the united states it's never been seen by human beings and that's beyond that poor on the otherside of the south pole

from middle america and they say here and i think it's quite astonished that they should be in areas biggies atunexplored there's a tremendous there's a lot of adventure left down at the bottom of the world will beallowed to see that i don't my mother would you say that this isyou've been to both the extended over that these expeditionsto such

faro places we could he here because ofmodern techniques or of still is data still close at hand well it's interesting that and i think they could use to be withthe old small planes and the small cruising history we haveto put down bases three replace the dog teams because it was uh... big improvement but now the pain you go much faster andtheir safer

and they have a much bigger cruisingusually and that the danger of it terribly heavy load admire diana expedition to which ibelieve you are the adviser is now uh... what does that expedition doing well actually i respect that and it's a reconnaissance expedition has gone down to the south korea to make certain observations and uh... to the person basis

they will be back in april and they willreport back and upon the information we get from that undertaking and we were based the bigger expedition mister fromm is that i definitely plan to arrive saysbeing plan right now so i'm going to say to you that uh...they will be number of expeditions will follow up i think a half the year

bottom of the world because thegovernment has really become interested elaborate honest and i think everybodycan induce an awful because it's only our greatest challenger soviet russia look for why this industryis made at the bottom of the world nobility gone there knowledge then is pretty cold there's only one family lives and that'sa emperor penguins little ones live

for the mouth i tell you one reason they're interested it's by far the most valuable important place left in theworld for science that's where the sanctity groups allover the nation are really interested but more important than that it's uh... it it has to do with thefuture

as a nation those to come after us even knew duringour lifetime because it happens to be an untouched reservoirs of natural resources and then you know there's nowhere else wings withan ever-increasing exhilarated far-flung places once uses like beef upan awful was and no-man's land become very useful

created by them in the world will be important not only to us but our allies hot dogs and i was gonna ask you does ithave military and part uh... it has some and uh... as a wellsthinks it will continue to strengthen ever-increasing exhilaration that's bringing these places close up and in the future

i can see a time when it will be veryvery important strategically caused a lot of air power increase thereis a strategic importance of places like the whole very much hope that it wasvery very much so even now if anything happened in the loss thepanama canal we would have to control the islands just small of antarctica which are pop of antarctica american and take part

aforeserve that uh... there are sevenconfidence in the world was ever been seen by a woman that thati think there's a victory too well actually proper missions madam said i know that's true romans ever stepped foot upon in our happened and it's most peacefulplace furthermore last very long dentist and another you're working witha there are no but company in charge of frozen foods no thirty future for frozenfoods dummies

frozen extremity well i think the human rights can behelped that that this to start out by do you know whose uh... napping in the day humanitarian he had a land that we went down thatuh... for five years

and finish their meal that we had leftthere on the table in the event that youneeded in america everything was perfect including thebetter so he got the idea of this frozen bread an already sent somebody he said somenew york times is went very well some stuff people it instead then the antarctic against the evening news

even have any people knowing thestarting it together the event of an atomic war stay thereforever admire you speak of the resources ofantarctica monarch but uh... what are the natural resources well-being we found enough within a hundred million miles of thesouth pole in a great uh... in read your mouth is not covered in snow

and up to supplant the whole world for and as i said so called out his evidenceof them and many other minerals and we're pretty sure others i love thatpoll shows a bottom of the world now by far the coldest back in the world where that cold is itsounded below zero well there was one stop saw everything his oral and as evidence by the u_n_

is it a secret is there you hang inthere that would be looking at would be practical to uh... actually go after isuppose everything else would be economically uh... unfeasible with well let me rectus to expend a resource is the timeof carmen leaking we'll have to go after thatstuff when i aborted which is headed by theiranian i'm not sure about that they want to have a way out fight all antarctica razor competition amongother nations to try to get information

about their at occupant and her possiblyto secure some of these resources well it yes and there are several nations then what you do it russia is interested venture australia as an expedition them the argentine the chili

new zealand now you can understand those people inthere being an interested because then it down museums israeli king chileans and those stadiums and so uh... and we don't do much about claiming and how you are my jury envelopecrocodile uh... honor that my expeditions nowthere are a lot better at well you know

as i said its most pieces they said wellbut i don't think it will be flown because of this intense interest on thepart of a of other nations and this nationthoroughbred are part of the traditions of thing of the pastors with his ex division and exploration make a fishing expedition now periodgovernment function before uh... the knowledge i don't think so i think themselves it may be more or less a thing of thecase

but not other other expeditions adore there's an animal the smartest expedition now on the wayas a government expedition yet said city government problematical ways they're greatdifference between the cover the world in a bomb or and that is now that the north pole is a southernocean ten thousand feet deep itself for

the scent of a plateau ten days in feet high vanaf pharmacies surrounded by air conferences slightly frozen the antarctic continent is surrounded byname donna rice frozen season at least over that lastnight that itself is a presto it gets in some placesfourteen thousand feet up

had been over areas about fifteen and this is a little bit chilly up there so is that is that big treatment at the bottom of a and did notreally isn't a proletariat brutal honorary often here said that young america's now are in his heart istheir forefathers you think that americans do measure up to the standards uh... thephysical standards and morale status of the past

i don't believe it i think it is what would you say with the mostvaluable factor expedition is that uh... row of courage or is it ship with that but i've always thought that life by far the most importantly

the british told me an actress and then finally i couldn'tpossibly get soon when the night without a mutiny effective more than twenty min but they said sense at flooded to me metric fifty-six annexed and so on so and i don't find that motive is themost important thing and then when the night when

spare hard on your next that specific looking very medical care if if you don't thank youvery much at all for it uh... big picture here space to be with you the opinions expressed on the launchingcosco where those of the speakers the editorial board for this edition ofthe launching promise bill clause larry lucerne and cannot crawford our distinguished guests

was admiral richard a bird alarm jane lots makes the most perfectchristmas gifted as beauty and against and enjoying quality and if you will ofcourse the reputation of just about the finest the world's watches now actually barring accident or abusethe lunging watch that you get this christmas would be better than you afterfive or even ten years of daily use time holds no paris for a long gene the exquisitely furnished watch movementdefies normal wear and friction achieves unsurpassed timekeepingaccuracy and reliability

bustos launching inner quality maxlunging outer etickets among the finest watches of the worldonly laundry mobs of one and morals that brown prizes twenty eight gold medals highest honorsfor accuracy in fields of precise timing taste in precious metals style in thebest of good taste along gene watches a joint alone an enduring symbol of youraffection the perfect christmas gift yet you may body and probably given onjing watch this christmas for as little as seventy one fifty there's a joint ongene what knowledge or agency and make your selection

laundry in the world's most on a walk the world's most honored perspective renew your product of a man gene but notwatch cap since eighteen sixty six maker watches are the highest garrett we invite you to join us every mondaywednesday and friday evening at the same time well i think what a television journal of the importantpieces of the art

broadcast on behalf of launching in theworld's most honored watch and what not distinguish companion tothe world honored laundry this is frank not reminding you thatlong game and whatnot watch are sold in service from coast to coast by more than four thousand leading yourhonor proudly display this ebook agency or launching what it plan for the long train promised a television journal of the importantissues of the hour

rogerio every monday wednesday andfriday presentation of the laundry much notwatch company maker are laundry the world's mosthonored locked and whatnot distinguished companion tothe world ahmed long-chain good evening this is frank night may i introduce our color additives forthis edition of the lawn gene com usko larry of this error from the c_b_s_television news dot and francis w carpenter of theassociated press our distinguished guest for this eveningis the operator ji kaisi foreign

minister of australia our guest tonight is generally regardedas one of the top diplomats of the western world he wasthe first minister to washington and during world war two he was a member thebritish war cabinet electric shock and in recent years he's conducted theforeign policy obv australia they keep our the pacific this casey who helped negotiate the resentment ofthe fact right now is that a scrap of paper or uh... doesn't have any real andeffective meaning

pursues sorry reproduced on strikeagainst rebecca but we hope and believe in fact we'reconvinced that that whenever treaties got to havelife breathed into it in the next six months who were quite certain it's going tohappen and it's going to be much affective means uh... restoring uh... there some sort of reasonable conditions in southeast asiawe believe it's most valuable thing

and we had extremely grateful we peoplein australia for the an issue of the united statesshown sobbing all this business all well mister casey uh... i was at the guns are blooming now andthe uh... against kimaya strata from osa and uh... nothing seems to be happening well accident outside the canada treatyarea they'd northern liberties just south of that area

atentamente infamous case do you think that therewill be in a sort of a general or breaking out then it's an easy referenceform also they seem to me making a motion that uh... formosa yesterday said it it looks on the menacing at the moment but i can't believe myself that that either side they're really wants afull scale war and that could quite easily chemicalapprox

obviously commish chinese in the firstplace charo great deal more restraint than they seem to be doing economic wellon the part of the communist chinese there's still a great campaign to try toget them admitted to the national council's into the u_n_ but do you think the about the about aman when i say tuition our and to remind you know stranger is reduced to a newyears we trust and once they're quite simplyto the last few years uh... and we see uh... chinese communistaggression in career

uh... then again when that was finishedwith a broken that what was brought to an end we had it in indochina uh... and uh... there is a warningstopped in indochina did you get these outbreak of bird attention and uh... e income all right so we don't think that uh... really reflects said peaceful intent

after all of a peaceful end twentiesthey prescribe jerry and the membership of united nations litigate is one thing is that to plantagainst outside aggression by the communist but what about the most subtle means ofthe version yes like czechoslovakia yeah that indeed their that is the realnannies uh... outright aggression well youcouldn't

cooperative your conference you knowwhat a tease birthday more subtle ctr the colonists of hope to find out is this business ofinternal subversion it's very hard to cope with although we're going to happen due totry to cope with it if he breaks out in southeast asia we've been trying to do that by ear trying to uh... with the consent of thegovernment's themselves there

trident ordered to strengthen thosegovernments uh... to strengthen their their uh... there there on the internet policeforces to strengthen their economies and tron uh... uh... improve the standard living therepeople's all those things build up into uh... situation in which internalsubversion attend rate is very much more difficult risque delete partaking inimportant conference in canada well i have anything to do with theuh... building up of southeast age a i think so um... yes that is the the thecould become bullpen conference that

uh... we we started a few days time uh... yes the object of the colombocramped is to strengthen the economy is to do toimprove the standard of living uh... of all the peoples of south andsoutheast asia that the people try to do that of course primer to yourselves uh... united states also great britain and canada newzealand announcers and the countries that uh... we both arebenefiting by the colombo cramped uh... countries and i can get back eastand so on

uh... obama indonesia for the countries of indochina and the philippines and of course i amto leslie one planet everybody seems to beable to agree on them an area and uh... agent the researcher or controversy about thecollaborative and that's it a means of penalizing the and as you might say

penalizing in economic and technical aiduh... to those countries have been a much needed if you are a student at a pretty toughtime during the war your people feel now about the japanese well uh... i think that uh... the averageaustralian would say to your answer to that one source finish well let's finishchicago uh... harboring um... distrust and dislike

forever i think the sensible thing is true thatbygones be bygones intron uh... to help japan the comma are useful in cooperative member of the good of the world community uh... louisville let them into yourcolombo plan to build up talking to uh... well that's coming up next week idon't want to focus the result of that but i hope food for my substitute and

comes into the club book uh... yes mymyspace and a m relation between australia and the united states havealways been very good but uh... from your recent uh... visithere have a lot do you think this country can do and to think australia and we do they will ways you're actually say waves tried over the years runningsuccessfully with with your great help

though to keep on the best possiblerelations with you there that uh... you ask what you're going to well loved i suppose in a mile away when did saythat uh... as where the i think the the biggest will producers in the world i wish you'd use more willing to let her litigated persisted is a member of thebritish commonwealth but it always seems to me that killedmost firmly behind and supporting american policy what would happen if you had to choosebetween the british commonwealth and

uh... the policies of the united stateswhere armed strange drastic because i'm sometimes aspect of my own country but uh... i think a simple answer is that it wouldnever be a matter of choosing uh... we believe we people in australiabelieve most strongly that uh... uh... for the future security and indeedthe survival of the democratic world u_n_ re

becuse the british people to theamerican people's productive march along this closetogether as one blade of a pair of scissors so the other and that goes for australia and this country uh... it's never my hope and pray thatevery matter choosing rat we're going to go to our mothercountry great britain but that doesn't stop us being on thedatabase possible relations with you

mister casey hill some of our people across these dayswith ah... some fellow dominion is like uh...particularly india antitank the rise of the neutral ism in net nature info indiaindonesia than an asset or a uh... lost to westernworld it's not a policy uh... of course isthat i i think a red eyes is not a policy that to uh... that we agree with uh... doctor those countries youmentioned in getting deb

uh... and w jinisha uh... their property capable of makingtheir minds up themselves uh... it just so happens we don't agreewith the policy erties uh... will i don't think it's apolicy of the scheduled just to have the word go interested not straight there we'veuh... we believe that your confidential in the world as it is today we believethe issues are so great uh... and so on embracing him so

economically important as between communism and democracy thatyou've got to take sides we happen to believe it drop it because we've done but uh... marriages are not going tocriticize their policy because of a good friends of australia each one of them uh... must kid i'd like to approach thequestion of politics from another angle really get awful lot from uh...australian men around uh... in the united states senate and the unitednations

uh... the ladies and politics inaustralia leading to the other half moon and uh... now we hear from right now it is aberrant degrade many inactive politicswe've got three or four women i suppose he knew the active politics in australia but of course behind the scenes theytake went ahead and things quite politically minded at doesn't result in many of them beingactually members of our various province will be said their places in the home inaustralia senate uh... may what i'd

probably tall enough as i say that i wasout there but you're sick scandinavica gave you a retainingfamiliar tennis players and that brings us to a political point two years i believe the olympics will beheld in australia and uh... the soviet union and australiaseem to have uh... taken back there and both of those overthe uh... the pace of that that soviet uh... representative chosefreedom down at they don't let the russians into play it in the olympicgames

well yet but it was interesting it's youknow oxford will arise uh... icing sort of a problematicalwhether they'll come uh... the russians bro corporations withthat state took the initiative and brokealterations by reason of the discovery of a agenda of aspiring inaustralia and i think they probably have to uh... think of it before they come out toaustralia to take part of the olympic games but i think if they were to work

applied for visas i would expect thatthey would get them litigator like to ask you a very seriousquestion if we still have enough time you can for a course with the highestauthorities in the world on on many subjects predicted a foreign policy do you feel that the cold war isintensifying are we hastening towards an end actual conflict between the communistcountries annual necessary impaired doorquantities uh... meverach rogers sales more of speculation of a judgment

i can't bring myself to believe that thewar the world is going to destroy itself uh... you know the great wall the cold war of course are you going togo on and i think that uh... the other sidethe colonists i'm is much better at the cold war we are they seem to be able to work the roads mall uh... imagination to work embarrassing as

uh... by one of movement after another of the cold war as i said i don't think we are anything like as well organized toconduct the cold war is the is the communist countries are unfortunetly but it you don't think that the conflict inevitable if i had to once again so no direct iwould say no i do not think that conflict is inevitable

thank you very much mister casey there was a pleasure walking into theunited states thank you very much mister the opinions expressed on the lodgingcarla's go for those of the speakers the editorial board for this edition ofthe lounging promise bill close meritless uh... and frances w carpenter mostly all over richard g casey foreign minister of australia this world series time the best probablycareful baseball and this year again as in years past

launching times as they are aerosol umpires for the world series asfor all american and national league baseball games utility market explicitly for official time the most honored watch in the worldchampionships cortisone gene the world's most on a block the only watching history the lenten world's fair grand prizestwenty eight gold medals

so many hours for accuracy in fields ofprecise timing or in truth long gene is not only one ofthe finest watches in all the world but that's the watch of highest pristine so when next you buy a lot of john f_yourself or as an important gift you'll find it on g mottos edge or authorize known gene with nojeweler in large array priced as low as seventy one fifty the watch the times the world series islaunching the world's most only watch

the world's most on again senior product of the lodging would knowwhat happened maker of watches of the highestcharacter this is frank not reminding you thatlong jane and whatnot watches are sold in service from coast to coast by more than four thousand leadingkiller who proudly display this m page of the same for launching but notall options at launching with knowledge or there isthe apples the perpetual motion clock

created by the cooper atmos runs withoutwinding without electricity powered only by variations in the temperature of theatmosphere at most product of the courtroomdivision of launching but now time bhawna longer television journal of the importantthing because of the hour structural you every monday wednesdayand friday presentation of the logging in with yourwife have later on long-chain the world's most on it locked

and what naja distinguished companion to the world onand on june through the evening this is david rocks may i introduce our co-workers for this edition of the laundry inpublic schools mister william bradford you re editor ofthe american victory admit the henry hadley

editor of the freemen and contributingeditor of newsweek magazine i would distinguish gift for thisevening is mister roberts the pricing vice president and controller of theunited states steel corporation the opinions expressed are necessarilythose of the speakers mister tyson as vice president of theu_s_ steel corporation which is the biggest of the steel companies through a very highly qualifiedspokesman for the industry in the present labor crisis so i'd like to begin by asking you wideas the industry feel that the

recommendations of the wheat stabilisation board were unfairunjustified all of us who wrote the wordsrevelations or has recently made recommendations to settle it recommendations which are much in costume companies than any wage settlement even recommended by governmentheretofore or obtained by the union collective bargaining

thing about the president's statementthat they're still waiting to just catching up with the rest the country the frozen in his statement misled i'm sure fears of the risers are resorted tostatistical trickery designated certain key industries memorial for now me increases which the workers in thoseindustries every sleeve

during a period in which they saysteelworkers are received nothing the facts are over freak shows where starting date one minute after the steelworkers received a largeincrease that increase went into effect ondecember first nineteen fifty according to the bureau of laborstatistics the average hourly earnings and steelworkers since they got that increase in genuinein december of nineteen fifty

have increased approximately twentycents per hour with other industries which must trumanmention according to the same series of figures have increased from thirteen cents to about twenty onepoints that is most definitely not be catcher well my understanding is that in thelast three months outside a mast year nineteen fifty-one being wages in all manufacturingindustries were about a dollar

sixty-three an hour and the wages in thesteel industry about a dollar eighty-eight an hour read about rosecorrect so they they were already about sixteenpercent ahead before mister truman thought they had a catch-up to catch upand that's it mister tyson uh... to our audience of course yourepresent a very bad stand rich and powerful industry and our audience has heard a great dealabout this site out like you to simplify it possible

now what is the financial position thecomparative financial position of this vast rich and powerful industry as compared with the earth to go spokesman for the government the pricefor arise rumors truman referred to the enormous profitswhich the steel industry is making them has made the facts are at this field from the street profits in nineteen fifty-one were somefourteen percent lower than they were in

nineteen fifty and i've done work trends continuethrough the first quarter of nineteen thirty with that down with ranchers and whatwas the steel corporation this field industries position as regards holding the line againstinflation did you want to increase uh... prices without increasing wages are whatwas the steel in his industry's position found a victory for a moment to thedefense production art

offers a price for it was rationing hasagreed that this film industry is entitled to a price increase upwards of three dollars per ton whetheror not there is any wage increase in itspresent controversy however has been the position of theindustry since early in these negotiations at the public was tired of round afterround of wage and price spirals and we've had five of them since the end ofthe war and they propose that the industry wouldforego unit price increase to which they

were entitled labor would forego an increasingly aretelling our audience here that you were making less money than you were in lastyear and the steel industries position wiseif you wanted to hold inflation land and maintain the situation as it as it wiseto have absolutely no correct sir now mr harmon took the position could he was onthe side of the american people with the government was on the side inrepresenting the american people is it your position that the industry wasworking back taking that position was working in the best interest of all theamerican people

over before i have missed almostposition somewhere he apartment buildings that you've beenincreased wages stimulate wage isn't the same time youcan stabilize prices and the public is not affected whether or not there is a price increase if those wage package goes into effect four hundred and fifty four millionpeople that mister harmon speaks of will play a very large part inconsequence

whether it is through increased prices of these wages wage pattern spread to other industries or whether it is through increased taxes or whether it is true further inflation lament the fact that they could be agood idea if the steel industry were now too

renewal that proposal for no priceincrease no wage increase so that its position would be clear beyond any doubt created history is replete with aproposal on many occasions as well the recommendation of the wakeboard very support which it has received from spokesman for the government includingpresident same level that is a step that has gonebeyond what's going to be the result of this that

wage increase on the taxes paid on the fact is we seeby the government from the steel industry for corporate package that is has been proposed yield about thirtycents indirect way to go as these as those patterns prayers thatwould result in another thirty cents based on historical record of thecorporation and its associated companies in the industry with regard to the prices of the thingswhich you have to bar

taxes which the corporation orreindustrialize playing all about to warn in relation to the floor similar words two-thirds of the profitsbefore faxes upgrade to the government contracts and what was that amanda backin nineteen fifty one thing in nineteen fifty one that would have amounted toabout three hundred and fifty to three hundred and seventy fivemillion dollars for the industry how many american people are representedin the ownership of the steel industry issue

i would estimate there were some sevenhundred or so in return for two thousand three seven hundred and fifty thousand peopleon the steel industry and how many people work for it for about six hundred and fifty thousand who are represented by customers unit i'd say that that seven hundred andfifty thousand does include a great many more

represent indirectly through insurancecompanies savings accounts savings banks and so on now must on all made by a point sir now the fact wage increases and price increases ifprice increases such as the steel industry now insist upon uh... went into effect it would costevery family amount in our audience three hundred dollars more this year now what is your view on that

vibrators figure is absolutely wrong it's impossible for me to arrive in thesearch for by sent before arithmetic or bar calculus there was a price increase in industrial commensurate with the increase in costin all of the process from twelve dollars per ton and for the rear of every increase incost and there is about a time when a quarterof steel per family in this

packwood represents on fifteen orsixteen dollars per family we would have to be permitted many timesto arrive at the stalls figure therefore uh... as i understand the positions in the government and the unions to start what in effect is another roundof wage and price increases and uh... the government claims thatthat's really good will work after the good of all thepeople and you're still industry would ratherhold a land and have no price increase

and no wage increase and it's yourposition that that would be to the best interest of the american valuablecontributor the best interest for paul's people i'd like to get to another question thatwe didn't finish with a little bit while ago mister tyson we talked about whatthe government would lose in taxes from the steel industry but sofar with the same pattern of wage increase from poland generally what do you estimate of what thegovernment would lose generally in taxes from all industry

government we were net of any additional to actually gofrom the recipients of those work and careers with loses both ways to seven and a half billion dollars yellowstone's if there is no increase inprice anywhere along well it not sir i'm sure that howard as before the program is over would like your prediction sir

as to how this uh... national emergency is going to resign itself out of the murder of core question is impossible to porto just what may happen in thesituation i think at this moment the public at large is more concernedwith the outcome of the proceedings pending before the supreme court if the supreme court decided

or uphold the president has preserveshin procedures legal because my opinion of the americanpeople have lost their freedom if you hold the company's the president embers no settlement up to that time the president's photos we vehicleprovided by congress the taft hartley act

to settle this dispute but i'm sure there are it is very muchappreciate couriers sir and thank you for being with us the editorial board for the tradition ofwrongdoing problem for partners for william bradford you re and mister henry hathaway our distinguished guests with misterrobertson tyson vice president and controller of the united states inc now

it seemed like a knife everywhere on the wedding day the bride and groom given what now if you are planning a wedding you may be glad to know that recognizingthe social acceptance of this custom wrongdoing has produced exciting seriesof direct exquisite launching watches in matchingstyle tried to block eight diminutive replica public roomsone

exchanging walkers is likewise a growingcustom for anniversary gift and for any occasion nor the name of a lot means so much as long journey the world's most honored watch the only walked in history to win pennedworld's fair grand prizes twenty eight gold medals and so many honors for accuracy from theworld's observatories yet you made by hand on all probablygive a moment remarks

for as little as seventy one fifty c lunging directs and these other beautiful long shewatches abnormal gene with no jeweler agency launching the world's most out of luck printing up product of wrongdoing withnorwalk company maker of waters of the highest character represented ross

speaking for your regular homes inviting you to join us every mondaywednesday and friday evening at different times problem chronicle a television journal of the important interms of the hour brought her and have a long time the world's most tomahawk and whatnot became a companion roll out of my own view

holdouts rogue from coast to coast by moment for problem probably did playlist prolonged rembert norwalk it time problem on came from a television journal of the importantthing to do the out brought to you every monday wednesdayand friday presentation along jane what's not watchcap

maker of long jane the world's mostahmed watch good evening this is frank died here is our editor in chief of thelaunching promise karo larry lesser our distinguished guests for thisevening on doctor ruposi plan on president of atlanta university anddoctor hardest embalmed president of lincoln university first just a moment taken on anotherpeople in our educational system the supreme court decision on onsegregation in our public schools

has affected seventeen states and thedistrict of columbia now our guests tonight ourrepresentative of the president's of although thirty one major universities i would like to ask them how this revolution in education isaffecting them dr tempe represent university in thesouth do you foresee a tremendous surge ofuh... stevens in your university for higher education as aresult of this decision

yes partly as a result of that and partly asa result of the great populations of age which we are expecting jordan already are in the world we're going to schoolin the next twelve years most of many of thesestudents will be in college and colleges which we represent will beneeded along with the other good colleges in the nation to educate these children in the way ofdemocratic movement which we find

ourselves appointment productive on whatyou think his views more importantly syndication decision or this uh... surge in our population growth if you do that on the segregationdecision more negro students will be entering highschool and then i suppose going on to college european combined with what uh... therewill be the uh... development of an equality of thepercentages of negroes attending high schools and colleges

there's now a leg perhaps of uh...twenty or thirty years over the percentages uh... apart from a grows inthe south as compared to fight some southern whites as compared to and when these two uh... triple-a divaffects hit the high schools and colleges and there will be an even greaterexpansion indicated for higher education in the south than in the use or the west uh... to myopinion i'll ask you gentlemen what is it

going to happen to your negro universitytheir private universities are a bit more private thirty-one colleges andunited negro college of private we started the fund as youprobably know by then usually north to meet the needs of these privateinstitutions for color operating expenses like all ofthe private colleges where we just had a difficult time getting enough money tokeep i work at higher levels all of these colleges affiliate credited these students will be in school theygrow and other students in school in america

we think and we know that these collegesalong with the other good colleges in the nation will be needed to educate young people who will not alleged andprofessional education in the years ahead of time a relatedarticle instead won't economic forces make the uh... negro students are rushed to the stateuniversity's if they're non-racial after the decision really takes effect someone will go into a political theprivate companies

is a sort of balance of democracy misterkessler there'd be many things that we can dowith this there are certain freedoms that we have that no state colleges white pony grunwald herself conehead investors unique carbonite paul but ithink you leave for justice to uh... when you can go to chicago i think youreally think that one university wants a some young others but actually

we will needed to exist we will find monies from peopleimbalance gives and friends who believe in private occasion that'sone of things we've been doing here in new yorkinteresting people in the continuation of good privatecolleges so that we can act still has a balanced in american democracy for educational purposes for all thesepeople productive on do you think that

it is the amount segregation rulingwhich will started to minister ingress of studentsinto the colleges or will the old economic loss still holdforth and to prevent the negroes from enteringit institutions of higher learning or they're bound to operate just as wehave in the northeaster over with uh... free admission date uh... handicap of family with the lab richa in combat

is about one half of the americanaboriginal acts as a very effective barrier to theuh... intrusion of many people once we aredoing a great brittany gross of the brunt of the private colleges of thenortheastern states i would like to say one thing ruthlessabout the necessity for private indication on thesouth of the uh... where the constraints of the statepark even less likely to be uh... activated on the front zero liberal thinking

uh... which has been my mind indicates aare very great need for the persistence of private foundations under the control of public spiritedcitizens who are not under the constraints of political activity always a entails well uh... mysql you had people come upby the nationwide shortage of teachers which exists in all institutions to the people will go to your universities

become teachers or are they going out ofthe question to you by the real wages opportunity chins who perhaps don't understand this andsaw that actually cleaning sold and seven percent of negroes possibly america still live in the south uh... education offers perhaps we surest

economic base for a negro family negroes although they are not yetaccepted in large numbers in industry and business in the ordinary daily occupations uh... in which theaverage quarterly on the south princes livelihood in the teaching profession you have alot of the number of negroes injuring them to do with industrial business and

the white was months ago in industrialbusinesses actually in our own situation andatlanta i suppose fifty percent of our students going to education bloom things are for a moment well you hear everything is cool in theair north so to speak in pennsylvania dealers stevens actually stay in thestate or do they migrate elsewhere once they have graduated from the lincolnuniversity talked about

well you have a considerable migrationbut at the same time the yet appreciable number of students fromthe south uh... we uh... maori save uh... on thewhole return to the south i'm thinking of uh... to very interestedalumni a one in south carolina won in tennessee both positions will have uh...the extraordinary feature of having a clientele that is uh... principallyquite in those other two southern states hometown boy is one who went back tosouth carolina the other back to the city uh... many people who are poor believeit with both cases are very profitable

abled men who have this very largeconstituency of white patients we don't know that i could ask you thisquestion this may seem far afield from education but it seems to me that uh... this kindof a tremendous problem right now with the uh... with asia do you think that the uh...american eagle could be at all helpful uh... in uh... increasing our lands potential african or asian

i'm quite sure of that lists of thiserror and uh... you know nobody even recently i've heard numbershigh-ranking officials in the state department say that they want and me the services of intelligent americannegroes who will interpret american democracy in america goals atthe union's to the doctor peoples of the world eight hundred million

moralist uncommitted people speak ofafrica and asia the communists are trying to get them wewant them on our side and possibly the whole future of the world depends on which way this uncommitted blockswings none of these dhaka peoples of africa and ingi will listen to americannegroes then feel free and talking rhythm and the state department rightnow feels that they ought to get and they're trying to get many more albany's american negroes diwali in official positions with the americangovernment

i think you won't know also that theplaces like lincoln in atlanta and fiscal carlos or training of manyforeign students both companies are and from paprika and as these students see americandemocracy and see it actually live on campuses of these colleges for negro waspresent at the negroes they go back to their home countries andsay that america is a place which does try to do what uh... the constitution and what thedeclaration of independence in the other thing say

america stands for and that amounted toyour reading on a mission have you not to uh... to have british west africa discuss the american eagle on the yearyou know so nato our institution was founded two hundred and one years agocuriously enough for the purpose of uh... training leadership graphicaccount for americans need to hopelessly about those summiteers before the civilwar history and as a result we've had one hundredand sixty-five africans who have come to our college many have moved on back topay into positions of great importance

two prime ministers uh... memory educated and uh... anamerican liberal arts college in the great tradition of american a democracy in equality and of theirpresence is a tremendous advantage to the united states in this uh... curious world in which we now live and i thought i'd like to ask you whatyou think is the biggest problem facing the uh... american you know today i have a curious disposition to uh...

uh... for the bios upon economic factorsof muscle is sore uh... unbelievably economic handicapped with which thex_-rays began in eighteen sixty five yet constitute the uh... greatesthandicap to the american negro and uh... to relieve the use of theeconomic difficulties seems to really powerball necessity how you feel about that i thought it hadsomething else i know it's a difficult question so question which came for easter which should be a go of the ticket butactually

you couldn't open all the jobs you wantif you do not have intelligent trained people to fill them you do not improving economic situationand that's one reason why i'm intensely interested in the best possibleeducation opportunities but every single individual in americanorth-south negro white dude gentile everybody else we need our manpower it's wasteful forcein this presentation who try to compete in the world markettry to compete with image without making the fullest possible used of all about

human resources to say nothing of the modifications andothers about situation but unless we can to keep people we do not have people ready for jobs andif we have jobs and do not have educated people there were no good attitude just impractical not to educate every single person the united states tothe best of our abilities for thank you very much

at ten fifty clement of atlantauniversity and doctor gore's and bond of lincoln university the opinions expressed on the mountingproblems go for those of the speakers ought editor in chief of the launchinggrounds builders larry listener our distinguished guests were dr rupertc clement president dot of atlanta university and doctor or a sand bar launches and be helping to makeimportant sports news in this month of march there are twenty two major sports eventson the loan gene calendar

for the official timing of these eventssome one hundred thousand dollars worth alone gene olympic timers the world'sfinest timing watches will be employed now among these front page of and sawthe united states national and u_s_ olympic ski trials that frank only a newhampshire the american international steamy cast over a month the knights of columbus track meets innew york and in cleveland the chicago daily news made in chicago the east in international swimmingchampionship at new haven connecticut the n_c_a_a_

any aid you basketball championships inkansas city and amp and the mobile gas economy around thoseang others to colorado springs in colorado that i'm jeanne watches used for timingbe sporting events our blood brothers to the loan genewatches which are so conclusively the firstchoice of discriminating men and women on five continents plunging watches are as outstanding forelegance as far greater accuracy lunging watches are made of to an ideaof protection which has died at its

makers for close to a century throughout the world no on their name ona watch mean so much has largely in the world'smost on iraq the world's most ought to get senior product of the launching what nolarge company since eighteen sixty six this is pregnant reminding you of that loan demand but noluck also and service from coast-to-coast

by more than four thousand leading killer who proudly display this emblem agency called on jamie what na watches acknowledging that knowledge or leslieactos the perpetual motion clock created bythe courtroom echoes runs without winding withoutelectricity powered only by the relations and the temperature of theatmosphere actos product of likud division allblown gene but no

it time for the long gene promised help had television journal of the importantissues of the aisle promptly elaborate monday wednesday and friday presentation of the long jane what's nawatch company maker of malanje the world's mosthonored watch good evening this is frank nightmare iintroduce our color that there is for this edition of the long jean kahnusko larry was a prom the studios televisionnews uh... and on this picture chief editorialwriter

for the new york herald tribune our distinguished guest for this eveningis the honorable samuel jr when junior united state senator from north carolina well remember his favorite her sports and of course i'm criticism of politicians now all politicians do get a lot ofhonors but they also take a lot of abuse in our greatest sometimes we forget that they're under a tremendous strainas witnessed by the depth of some of our

most prominent senators and congressmanwith in recent weeks our guest tonight is one of the mostrecent additions to the senate he defeated the late senator holy i'dlike to ask him sunderban you've had a long successful career asan attorney and i think judge in the comparatively small town in wilmingtonnorth carolina and in a christmas tree capital raleigh do you find like in washington more of astrain but i think it's fair to send our either say that all the house ofrepresentatives in washington is quite

restrained particular if one worries about his you have not very long to worry yet thateither side of that arnott i have not i've just been their faultsense eleventh of this month fukui escape route you personal questions about becoming asenator about the social life in washington doyou find it difficult to fit in our

people very hospitable to well i havenever been more gracious and received by any group of people in my life and ihave all the other members of the senate float what about the white house are youimmediately but it in to see the chief executive where you going to dinner atthe white house new arrived there is one of the ninety six senator glenn states i think that i would be more likely toreceive an invitation to the white house if i were not a democrat country sort ofan how did you feel that moment when u_s_ one and on june eleven did you feelthat this was

about the biggest thing that uh... mancould have well i don't know who have a i was more thrilled by i_b_m_ upon forthe united states has been a lot about being elected to state legislature enroute home town when was that that that was back in nineteen hundred andtwenty-two when i was about twenty six years of agematures that apartment dump you as a surprising a certain did i was a member of the state supremecourt

and had them now at most uh... appellate judges levin and i've attached our for aboutsix years and uh... i was not expecting to beappointed to the senate but i've got to know that you wereappointed by the governor and uh... mister office at your old willlast for how long this office so on the government thegovernor's appointment will last until the general election in november

when you have to run again yes i have to run for the next time turn opinions two years and then you have tobe nominee to be in the primary and uh... then be reelected and german againyes and your and your intent to keep value i'm a detail of the folks tell her thati won't minimal and planet m that i want a copy of asingle fissionable backpacks and lowered into almost there was there ever knowwhat is the uh... news to me that he brought your family ought to live inwashington with you and susan down or

are you waiting for this uh... news and election to come up well i'm waitingtill the democratic executive knitted nominatesme folder unexpired term until i get elected besides not down for four hours northcarolina whether in the summertime to washington web well now did you buy a house how do youlive in washington where the sender do anywhere leonard

most importantly about the simply uh... uh... stadium hotel room from doing anything they given anycommittee assignments yet i've been appointed to the governmentoperations committee and the district of columbia commitment operations communityto send a copy of community and mccarthyism camera movement that's very important poster for thenewcomers well i'll they given you calm of the things whichat least desirable and knock agenda to ask you this senator wendell g sixty tolease the committee appointments of the

senator whom you succeeded allay tentatively noeverything in the senate uh... like things in our middle class seniority if someone is said that uh... serving inthe senate is just waiting for their new shoes went on the senate uh... operationscommittee what do you do with their well the of press the function of that committee aretwofold one is investigating and the other is in our study ingovernment reorganization

and our m alms a subcommittee palmer government reorganization whichis headed by one of the most charming members of the senate senator margaret chase smith remain the republican a republican who while could be admitted into a democraticparty freedom without requirement to rip them about the political sends a minuteit depends how you know that i find him and i think it will hurt the definitivepeople the most exclusive men's club in the world uh... senator ever now

uses sub this man's glove the hospitalroom to the except you and i you invited out that when you first arrived in townas you did in the last few weeks he called a hard as i say they havereceived the most graciously and on on some of this comment and even theones of the opposition hussein no matter how much we may disagree on matters ofpolitics we all personal friends the senator you've got a person a uh... uh... aggregate some state which is alsoa great tobacco state now i've been wondering about this uh... recent goodnews about tobacco smoking and uh...

with disclosures about it uh... has thisaffected and the people in your state your tobacco growers to make sure thatall it has not yet and i do not believe that it well embedded in other news about uh...farm programs and tobacco in the past several days on tobacco growers affected by thejustify controls of the administration's putting into effect well i think that uh... there not be a affected to any greatdegree and north carolina mccall's own

that's at one about that's what crops reaped the role of certain types of theback of that cannot be groom elsewhere lexi has his music even upsetting toyour tobacco growers the i don't really know atlanta one cup statements isturning a very important profits yes itself arrayed micro i think most people go ahead and smokeregardless of the talk about it in the ones who don't smoke well with you i think you have it

well actually add it's a situation uh... regarding the these smoking and tobaccolikely to affect me uh... finances of north carolina or the standard livingand people in warily ippol it would consider me for themselves a decrease in the tobacco sales becausenorth carolina's agriculture depends in large measure ontobacco is true we have many other crops such as cotton

and uh... peaches and uh... performingbut that the backing of the major item i think in north carolina is one of themost buried states is meant by a cultural product yes and tobacco after all it can only begoing on at comparatively small part of a muslim so we trauma tends to have these tobaccofield in another prophesied special was then he'll be up again for electionetiquette in november then after the the solutions that i hope to be intern know what you think will be electionissues in your

not financially where a lot normal that uh... uh... anything much except what would be inthe country gender what about this problem which we've heard so much of the reasonthe of uh... integration of the uh... the races in the schools well thatproblem reminds me of though baptist preacher that always placed onthe balcony margin and congressman got pattern in the samesuperstar never sounded so it all in they want preacher extemporaneous don'tfix it would be given to him after guide

and focuses and so the committee of the problems onthe gate and the text in the beginning god created the heavensamerican he read over the text after even though he says geography tells methat though there it is one four plan entry forsmall and that brings me to my studies to document immersion now the people of north carolina as you as a whole both and covered

so far the integrated school system as at the uh... the uh...segregated school system as it now exists there are a few persons that dull so far supreme court but the majority of people both plankono opposed to it but in the matter is that own preference

the determining factor at all if it's aagainst the constitution of the laws of the land to have segregated schoolswon't that be a force widow frankly i have a little difficult to be blessingas a constitution because a constitutional the other way for adistinction is and i have a little difficult to give no asked him to stopand i don't think so whenever there's a would you follow upthe precepts of some of the other states and the parties to the private schoolsfrom from hong kong not the north carolina has neverconsidered going to private

north carolina believes in publiceducation and north carolina has perhaps done morethan any of us southern state to give both neighbors invites equalfacilities by the school district segregated nowlol on uh... residential geographic lines so thatuh... y'all had a segregated school in the matter like your column well it'd beimpossible to to gerrymander today's pics because in rural section tothe state neighbors and by people get together on the same farms

near where you will be reduces dunhamover in the north of course where the negroes do tend to live in communities the problem actually is in this great is that mightbe in the south that's true and but would you you will be in thedistrict you laura news in general in the towns you candetect the pattern in the country role sections you cannot

i might say this north carolina employs more uh... never passed bills and more maderepeated his public schools and new jersey new york pennsylvania ohio ina land of ours altogether we have more about eight thousand covered speeches innorth carolina who'll pay the same as white peoplewhite teachers but can you give equal to selling on thehigh level of education and the colleges and universities law schools well northcarolina has two very fine enough

state-supported than agree institutions dot com college but neighbors of dharmaand the a_n_c_ ecology greensboro nc two verify and teacher colleges and i think they have all those mosqueon a college from neighbors and no the anti college onto the equal factmany of the schools about types in the united states very or if they do traveland he will put this law and reflect the views of the supreme court well i i i can't say exactly what willhappen recalls are

how people are not use to uh...integrated schools and we have developed a pattern of saggy gation of course north carolina's always been alaw-abiding state without that everything will turn outvery well and uh... in accordance with the constitutionunited states thank you very much senator evan papers you're here tonightbank is presently the opinions expressed on the launchingpromise bill for those of the speaker the editorial board for this edition ofthe lunging cause built was maryland served and all of this picture

our distinguished guests closely arewill samuel jr in junior united state senator from north carolina facing everyone sees the watch on yourreps and to be ready well dressed every detail must conform including your watch i don t make the watch together everyneed and assume every case the joys of models and styles is almostunlimited for later use long team creates a prettyexamples of the deal is out explicit in place to finish andliterally for every occasion form and loaned gene produces watchesfor every requirement

watches for dressed in sports launching automatic watches the mostadvanced in the world waterproof and shop resisting watchesfor rugged service launching pro-growth watches forsportsman and for signs and every launching watch weather for alady on for a job is made to the unique standards ofexcellence which at one point on jane can worldprogram prizes highest honors for accuracy in fields ofprecise timing this statement is true throughout theworld

than on gene watch on your wrist is not only one of the finest watchesmade anywhere in the world but equally important dates the watch ofhighest presley yet unbelievably you may five and on all probably givenon chemo or as little and secondly one-fifth plunging the world's most honored watchthe world's most prominent get premium product of the lawn gene withknow what happened maker watches of the highest debt

frank nice reminding you that long geneand with no options also length service from coast to coast by more than four thousand leaving do it who proudly displayed example agency born on jane acknowledging that knowledge or leslieatmos the perpetual motion clock created by the court ac bus runs without winding withoutelectricity powers only by variations in thetemperature of the athens there

apple's product of the corporatedivision all voluntary mcniel a planned for the long jeanne calment a television journal of the important interms of the aisle brought to you every presentation of than on jane what nawatch company maker of long jane the world's most on ablock and whatnot distinguish companion forthe world ahmed launching good evening this is frank not may ihave reduce our co-editors for this edition of the loan gene cosco mariners are promptly bs television newsstaff and james ko associate editor of

time magazine our distinguished guests this evening isjudge samuel as people that's not a shot this city and the nation more in recentweeks and the crimes committed by some of ouryoung men our guest tonight is almost withoutappear in his experience in handling criminal cases both as a distinguishedattorney defense attorney and as a judge dirty words is there any way i ofaccounting for the fact that most of the crimes committed nowadays are committedby the young this group in our country

less a listserv the uh... icing this coming for long long time i remember when i was a kid lawyer almond aikman day when the new windowsfans would come in new cases would be brought to theattention of the court in cement twenty-five thirty thirty-fiveforty fifty himself and older being arraigned before the bulk ofmurder and robbery and rape and from only as a sole grand larceny and so on

up today if you come to a criminalcourts all over the nation you'll find a veritable procession of youngsters with the clock were trained by it they would be in the past you know the cause of i was uh... is apparent to singing died we've had a a a decline in the agentshave been so over the years so that you're asking me

the age of the criminal has decreased so the today we have a veritableprocession of too the common pleas criminal courts chargedwith the most terrible horrible crimes judge do you live do you think that the young people todaywho really are are worse than they were planned when you were born all good heavens no uh... if uh... idon't mean to invite our whole nation of the of the views

god help us is the all of our kids were juvenile delinquency juvenile criminalsbut we've had a terrific increase in the number of youngsters who fall by the wayside and who turn upin this house of tragedy where i preside charged with uh... these terrible crimeseven including murder in the first agrees that youthink that there are those for psychiatrist orother cases for panel courts well that's uh... across three cases of demand thoseservice of the psychiatrist

and uh... or places them in the servicesof judge after the defendant has been arrested there must be a combination of both ofcourse there are cases where ssa koch psychiatrist came to a blessed thing and this mumble jumble of those uh...some of the psychiatric nomic looked at your some of these uh... phrases that arepinned on various people are not very helpful

iraq cases bursar characteristically catches theyoungsters looks great in his early stages maybe of tremendous help the one st become hardened once theybecome sat once they've gotten the bitten victory learn the heaven help us the sky pushed into avery much do you think we are working to wear mucheither

do you think we are trying a psychologya little too much and punishment a little too little well punishment is uh... psychology the uh... the olga his ripped the father used to swing in the uh... whatthe legendary woodshed was a bit of psychology today i'm speaking of the the juvenilecriminals

or the incipient juvenile criminals ofjuvenile delinquent today the juvenile delinquent has norespect he has no respect for father mother no respect for the policemen on thestreet corner no respect for the teacher in theclassroom no respect for the clergymen being priests or minister a rabbi lawyers who rose ishould say that it was like a total

are likewise causes lack of respect ishistory where not where they have respectfullyelders of the weldhead it's barely weakening of the morals clear across the nation of a moral toneof the nation it seems that today people worship electric ice boxes and gadgets and newfangled

and automobiles if you pick up your magazines in turn topage two page you'll see that it's full of lipsticksindhu in certain things that the ladies wearing the which we've sort of good emphasized leaving the broths the icingon the cake instead of the real basic things in life as it's been translated down into theinto the uh... to the child than your defense attorney i rememberyou defended the scottsboro boy was

now do you think there are any uh...racial or regional differences between our young men or tendencies towards anyparticular type of crime you mean this crime centered amongcertain races rolled ever regions all have isn't all that's there werepeople like to believe is its energy and cheering anyway andwon strata of society and one class you findmore will of course

you take a kid who has rich parents we probably have two or threeautomobiles in the garage that kid doesn't have to go off to steal a modelmobilise as a model he doesn't have to go over well with thegunmen holed up shopkeeper u_s_ plenty of money in his jeans but the poor kid of the slums we need your instrumentspleasures which the other kid has he wants to have a joy riding wants tohave a model of the vote

you want some only in this part of thewants to take out a girl he wants to go into some of the strollerniver a drink of sculpture right and so he goes on to steal to get the wherewithal to get thesequestions yet still so much talk in class ihaven't heard in this and his offer economics but neverthelessamong these people have the privileges well are you will you remember them allthe leopold case there were two kids of men in theirparents they didn't have to steal they didn'thave to take a boy and and kill him and

holding for instance and a ransom notes to reserve the store parents they didn't ruth riddle today but firstwe'll just do it and misinformation someone individual who has had pasted all of the pleasuresof life it looks for a new three of them some ofthem take two double i mean the orchestra in some sections of the country

and the kid looks for thrilled my part and uh... that's the answer to what theylook for a thrill is they've been through it was not onholding up some body liberalism killings of bartlett is a would you think thereare police departments or this internal policeman said patrolling the streets well mister looser of course we havemore policemen but i want to say this about our newyork city police department i think it's tough finest police department in the entirecountry

i don't think there's a policedepartment anywheres amending section of that's fine of them are new york copsthey're wonderful wonderful public servants and i might say this woefully woefully underpaid the policeman has a hard struggle tokeep body and soul together to feed his family to buy address rizwife or a pair of shoes for riskier becauseit was a ceiling other preventive treated that these

that the police could practice anotherkey part children from becoming delinquent are actually getting into courts such as yours i think the whistling should be handledin this fashion i'm not a believer in the indiscriminateto the club swinging if a policeman is a type of course heshould protect themselves with this club if necessary well if he's permitted to encourage theuse of squabbling between discriminatory there somewhere

foolish policeman was likely to airstrikes on my innocence of thesimilar hadnt fractures co and then will be such a revulsion offeeling but the pendulum will swing the otherway because we're a nation uh... pendulum swing swing from one extreme tothe other now my court no matter is there i think the policemen should walk up to these youngbleaux persianproblems on the street corner until normal wrong

and if they don't move on i think you ought to back up a patrolwagon the police wagon applied wagon as they call it and put them in the patrol wagon andtake the more the court and then if we had judges of the juvenile m adolescentsupport that had back home and there are some but there are a few that happened the feeling that they're they would takecare of these younger problems and send

them off to jail no i don't mean to incarcerate ayoungster for months quite some in the jail for atwo or three days let them see what this what the inside of a person looks like let them sleep on that uh... that baduh... where the linen is not as nice and clean as well mobile one moment of type mobilesupplies when we wake up in the morning in c_d_sbars in front of the saudis well anyways i gotta go there with that

with the slop it wouldn't be the kind of breakfastmother say shruti proposed special course a special prisons for these youngpeople what we have special quality in a job the let me put it this way i think we have abody of find dedicated men and women who are on our adolescent juvenile courts but some of them was soft and ahead the feelings in the sterner than theyare

senate or the of the young people beganwhen i wouldn't send the anything comes to the jury was made his first mistakebut after you put them on probation for storm and he goes out and time aftertime after time after time probation probation probation it makes ajuror problem or instead of curbing the youngster you're encouraging andfertility respect you've talked to many many parents of boys and girls who have gone wrong isthere anything in particular that you recommend to the parents now to thestraighten out their children that would take hours and hours too

to discuss but there's one thing near that mightah... that i might call the attention of theparents of america especially the young for those who were just broughtyoungsters into the world and that is this many many parents compete for the affection of the child the mothers bidding for the affectionthe father bids for the affection and in many instances they try to gainaffection or obtain affliction or retain

affection by bribery in some cases though the model rules thefather the follow rules of mother mother may say let's put it down to goto bed though the father may sue the monumentsat all why why not let the boys fail and uh... and that's where that's a verybad thing for children like you to do with others involvementof all the time the concern with him the opinions expressed on the launchingpromise cope with those of the speakers

the editorial board for this edition ofthe monkey in costco pause larry looser and james ko our distinguished guests plus judgesamuel as legally alone gene watches one of the mostcritically functioning mechanisms made by man on first acquaintance one is astonishedby its day-to-day performance as months left in the years it'squalities of greater accuracy and reliability become truly priceless these are reasons why launching hisofficial watch

for leading sports and complexassociations the world over and why in competition with the finest waters ofthe world plunging watches a loan of one higherstock tamraz's background prices and twentyeight gold medals for accuracy launching watches that alsoon countless honors from the great government observatories in a watch the best cost a little morethan the least lunging watches are not just costly asyou might think there are many outstanding loan g modelsor both ladies and gentlemen priced as

low as seventy one fifty so if your present watch is not what itshould be or if you're planning to buy a watch as an important gift thesecontacts to remember loaned gene the world's most on it watch premium product of the wrong jean whatknow what's happening since eighteen sixty six maker of watches all the highestcharacter it is pregnant reminding you that largea man with no luck i more than four thousand leading joe

agency bought on james witt nor watch acknowledging what knowledge illiteracyat most a perpetual motion capri aided by the court for a atmos runs withoutwinding without electricity powered only by variations in the temperature of theatmosphere atmos product of the food for a division often on came but now it's time for them on gene comatose a television journal of the importantissues of the aisle promptly elaborate monday wednesday andfriday presentation of the laundry and what'snot watch company

playgirl laundry the world's most ahmed watch and whatnot distinguish companion to theworld honored laundry good evening this is frank not may introduce dr auditors for thisedition of the loan gene costco promise a_t_f_ television news about larry lesser and mad cow our distinguished guest for this evening is his excellency about those items are

that the other package delegation to theunited nations another server the president of turkeyis arriving in this country to more on his first visit united states but before we ask anything about hismission here i wanted to tell us something about turkey sizes populationperhaps its political system my wife and i will begin through the second part of her question that uh... keying as a nearly out aboutsome thompson fifty thousand square kilometers

and according to a census which wasuh... taken nineteen and fifty the population is just a little wasprint one weeks on political system is say democratic republic we have a one house parliament which is an active by the people once in every four years

isogrk ballots and uh... the president of the republicis inactive set by the parliament from among its members for the same time before yes please both the prime minister than thepresident of the barriers the size and that was so the point i wanted to make men the the president of the republic designates the prime minister

wellington true sissies ministers since uh... the members of hiscabinet and give prime minister who has to go tothe parliament with this program his program and his government had to be approved by the parliament before they can function and if necessary if they would have toask every now and then

for a vote of confidence than i can their complete often nocturnal country fortunate in that position what is thepresident's travel office uh... the peasants tomas offices foryears like the just just exactly at the time of thefollowing south beach mexicans uh... that's a a big difference betweenthe president of the united states and the president of turkey the president of the united states isboth the

head of the state and the head of the government but isn't it gave the president of thepublic was the head of the state and the prime minister's was the head ofthe government of what took you of course is a memberof the north atlantic tracked them as a software but could youtell us something about its uh... strategic positions in the cold war uh... well victims to become difficultto say much about this type of political

position within the country maku calledquote the cold war that they did some of the way it may besaid at this time physical possession within chapters of turkey are adultutmost importance for that defense of the west and for the defense middle east and thenext to me the cold war of course we to do with that lester pollack allies

we have to spent for him mr butler one of the things i think theroman grossman items most of all i smoke overwhelming isn't sure of is the position of turkey inreference to russia harwood is the use of the within a month off affected relations with turkey well of course can after the death of stalin

that was a softening of the soviet policypleistocene it's acting director of the softening priest was to other countries which we witnessed almost everywhere you know about uh... i think that uh... it is indeed and to stop the peace ofthe world uh... to be very cautious about that uh... sort of

softening of the policy and uh... uh... we should rate c whether she does into solutions can be found guilty major problems which are still pendinglowered the dark side of the skeptical as we are well we scored portions and what about these reports that werealways having that is to say that way we carry out ifthey get about cops vat concentrations

of soviet troops on the turkish fromhere how much is there in that kind of store well i don't know but i a m having timeto believe that that is a part of what to call the coldwar i don't think that there has been much entries sophie soviet troops along the turkishpolitical that lasts leslie europe too but what is i'm not an expert theminister caz i don't know

that subpoena had and others up where your president'svisit to the white house will not be first time i think that i a democratpresident is visiting the end of the republican party in this country now isthere any uh... similarity between the democratic party of turkey in thedemocrats here and republican party yes in a way but otherwise i think that uh... remains of all parties in taking a look at

and the party in power of now the democratic party turkey uh... the palms of the party happens tobe person didn't find out who's arriving tomorrow for the united states and the elections softening in nineteenfifty they came to power of the democratic parties reallydemocratic convince and support visitors conservative or moreconservative than the republican party

love canal no come out around the country and they say that uh... the innocently since come on policy the democratic party is in the bottom turn the condensed that we should be and could mean thelies so

uh... western democracies that states and the rest of our nationalliance and others members of the heart of conflict to compensation your democratic partythe republican party agree on foreign policy but domestic policy with adifferent auto policy but i think there's no doubt about that and when the former party the partyproposition for the was involved before nineteen the democrats

went into a position incorrectly with the problem policy no the turkish government i may say about the foreign policy atthe present government is in national polls by the way around you pronounce the name of the presidentif you want to go with you pronounce it again because we're gonna have to usingit on news programs well demanded by the house and he arrives tomorrow you niceto know looped was four o'clock

a bitter about that leave uh... turkey has undergone a a tremendous hasdone a tremendous amount of the nation job in the last generation seems to me of the uh... your peopleuh... the women for example have receive right were denied them for four by law how does the position of the turkishwoman and modern life compare with

position for example of a woman inamerica or in england well with that and they said two words before larry come to your question up to that point you might be surprised to hear from youthat uh... turkish woman turkish women and doing it for me turkish society

betsy before they are compact and did not content centuries equal rights and equal duties were for example islamic group so then bachelors frompublic uh... times neighboring countries will receivepulled by the harm i'm bout to bust a cv

uh... the polish and his wife and uh... lupone part of the ottomanempire inland empire began to extend was east and west we came in contact with other societies encryption burst into so far removal of members of the man select improvements they took a society to the detriment

you know that i support it but later on and um... patricia bhushan income so communicative in nineteen twenty six nineteen and nineteen fifty-five plumes of acceptance and passed which gave uh... women respectively

flights independent first and then the municipal manual election system you call it and then the whole country so that debate women have exactly the same price desmantoo p any man or woman mobile twenty two this is the right to vote and and and then orange one over fifty

this invite to be elected uh... to the problem women have uh... take daily prominentrole in turkey and knowledge members of since lawyers judges view judges medical doctors have completely given upthat they'll have a yahoo address engineer hence and so on and so forth and as well as a final question i'd liketo ask you uh... how do the people of tricky actually feel about the americanpeople and towards the united states

unsolicited turkey is one of countries where you can talk to you know poultry and the walls these unpleasant lewd scooped americangirl whom casio that detective attacks than americans have uh... many things in common

we don't have and we never before uh... in paris to crack society uh... the truck in the malcolm at moreor less the same kind of sense of humor we know how to lock we know how to make fun of ourselves minnesota and thank you very much andthat is opposite baker just edited at

nite thank you the opinions that you've read ourspeakers expressed a lot of entirely their own the editorial board for this edition ofthe lunging promise go pause larry lesser and net gala our distinguished guests plus hisexcellency ambassador assailants opera head of the turkish delegation to theunited nations another busy aeroflot donny has alreadybegun for long g and magnificent sports conning watches like these

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