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constructeur maison moderne tarn

constructeur maison moderne tarn

the mad words that war presents eighty three days the story of cement using is the flight jesters it's my last name somewheres in the media what your pre-strike

your mother didn't like children may be going out to use easy layout black which you guys is that maybe you would be you and me seem a second-class marine merit gonethrough a dutch merchant ship along we are out there eighty three days we was torpedoed

about four thirty in the optimal mobilenumber second nineteen forty two a fast dutch cargo ship was torpedoman'ssong a few hundred miles off the most of south america only a few of the four hundred men onthe ship survived and one of them basil dominic users seaman second classof the united states navy was found on a raft in middle shouldnearly three months after the sinking and the national broadcasting company

in cooperation with the council on booksin wartime brings you the incredible saga of shit and as we understand plan words at war presents eighty three daysfive mark murphy was to appear or nothin much not much we could do he was off watch what happened million jelly he was my body and jensen couple ofothers with this plane poker

job on polk jensen oddly close to a million bucksfor how much a million bucks you know i mean don'tforget it fracture view army fort mon to you this where the spots or shuffled but take it easy i'm delivering you doyou like my own way propagator pot lvl i forgot

if we've got but three thousand miles we have to tellyou everytime dedhia that's hard won a million bucks helped only cuts picked dallas one outlet potluck we gottorpedoed lowered jets annoying museum and then down part of it

at city college a torpedo becausecatching fish fish is a torpedo c mean johnny had the deck ronan check-inat argon stations there was no use by the time we got there this ship was so far down by thehead we couldn't get elevational a gun so we took our shoes off one over theside portsip do expressed a great and delight

date pay tho restrain on where not really a raft of some bamboo sticks last year could hardly see johnnie persons runningsome private we finally got together are right wasn't big enough to climb up on so

we just hung on watch the ship down here it goes all my clothes on hamlet analysis one hundred box so much for studentloans too like boris kragelj pollution wentdown just to work we watched twilight as many men as a parent was more upset

instructor washing adoptive salesshutoff meeting instead of water they were sorry about it to our ideas itself way looked when they went by and waved at us when they were way past one driving down yelled back yet wbc gridlock sir

it'll look weaker than the presidentwill coincide after a while dark that was real tough real bad runs an indictment restaurants would you yell and sometimes crime i heard him and crime like it was a baby after awhile he stopped

ground i guess recognition on the i was glad we stop crying like concert that night wave in the water section on the raft whose that night perot morning week gotta kinda laugh o although i have theskies said he was an incident talks became written by and i had to cover mylike it was a horse

they had a long bamboo portland made out like he was one of them nights you know i i'm not cognate calculation are still around the senseof woodpeckers collapsed abbott and water and then they go away for a while i came back again isn't walks withsoccer began with the polling on timing kept our writing this hatch cover likeit was of course accountable after while until the sun came up

was tough and i but when the sun came up you can get away from it could turn your back to what ben wouldreflect off the water like from america what step in your eyes it was going tocarry on the back you had all day long was like that just hanging on a person and does notonce in awhile when we come up with the edge of the refcompany a belly masson making scrambled eggs or yourbrain

nobody said much decade nobody party just hung on q team waited for the sunto put down after that things got worse everybody started seeing things off thehead feed me stars were peak cokes group but the white sonic ship made weekweeknights and ship for sure they were ships all around us personal smoke

and those to be calm water not far off christ scored offer cigarette chronicle the rat pack starts going away crowded apprx iraq on top for small not a problem to try to come up tomarket treatment cares once a great jao it brought me back to the raft half-a-dozen times

i kept seeing things swa mom on that was like that sickening stopped sink because monitored predicted uh... gents snoop right particularly inside of the brain jackson personnel on the other side ofthe custom german spies were placed in a

with a pretty nice guys except show upat the nice guys in the pre-oscar honors just compete more fixed up right back text comeback comic calibrator compact you eloped caddy baghdad record bernard books suggest someone off look but don't

over others satellite market they swam off looking for a hatch cover underneath the supposed to be a case ofbeer castle ridge he thought he lost a book i gotta getback to my father catapult former cabinet secretaries igotta get back to my father if there was no need to look after wildcats which program

sandwich no more talk about books we may became only the incentive was like the day before only nobody hadany been swept by then acceptance and walks he was still riding the hatch cover likewhat's up four six seven eight sharks are employees had we was getting kind of dot the program no sleep

goes off a little expert woodwind and starts looking sideways and all thesony kept himself on main street map quicken connection citadel and start certain of the water exploreropt homes like that all morning edge ob but i saw the rack the big raft

the one we were hanging on it was justbamboo would hardly quote purpose other one stock a part of the water a coupleof fate was about ten feet long i told joby about i said we ought to goover there and get on it coming come on to park come on board go ahead you're what i got cut yourselfif you want it's not going to talk a lot

started off by myself was a long way off papa k your swim tort after a while dot so i couldn't make itthe way i was going and i swim because in front of a to get the current workbreakdown and i couldn't swim anymore display their water electric electric big dog cramps alike usually dissolution the graph come my way

talking to a eclipse him this way sir storm to the left limwk copyscape won't let texaco extract that's the point leftover more finally optimum

i climbed up on for the first time in forty eight hoursreally helps out of the water uh... were four of the guys in the big red followers that they were spent timehadn't been wrapped over to where it champion vincent books were but wouldn't wouldn't go

or funny or so worked out all i could dowas just lay there videos i couldn't see johnnie really got toknow what i just knew where they were on the conference in box i could see him still riding the hatch cover articles ofcourse when he was a night every once in awhile it started with asweet i'd wake up and start open water with scorpion after a long time

and seeming must khana suite not walk up and later regret where author like i told you there werefour other guys at the craft one i knew and some addicts he was my gunnery officer of courtship then the worst beastly american sailorand case pender swa

he was a dutchman kor unexpectedly sports guy was a seventeen year olddutch kid named who going down nicole who came down well you can't go wrong comic tiny corehooted down so we discovered june he was from holland me was crazy but america bedtime story all day long mathematics complex stories elected eric holder of the from fivetimes already but to wait for i've been talking about the three-part

academy upendra profit i'd like you you're going to candy celebrated their case it is part and hesaid ripe for a trip to marked the firstmonth went by iraq's uh... these punitive running out of wooden water it was ten gallons of water and itbecame a chocolate and we started and we're actually dot until it wasalmost all gone mornings go fast

every afternoon was working here waiting for night to come so if you getout of a piece of chocolate everyday maddox coaching your kid still prepare of proper credit attested foreigner are nine believe parkalum medicine card so order there's a lot carito popular i don't know

i wish you wouldn't ask me every timeyou tell that story it's about from you you're finished just going on on thehall i'm not going to tell you i love that uh... story beasley was the first after we ran out of computer to catch alittle minnows became alongside the raft we get involved phones and all only decent complete grounds sorry

study get weaker you could tell got so we couldn't here okay here occidental nothing there anyway so what's thedifference airfare thanks for your lips moving all right we welcome that

would you say after that started going blind the cup worse and worse we've come up to him holed up fourfingers in front of them and say public figures can cbc like you say how many fingers conceit easily that right

i'm holding up forefinger seat can you see them now situ december third was my birthday the day before it all the other guysbuck how i'd never been away from home beforemy birthday here i am out in a raft new york ch level under this

then the art group reserve river thenyou can and the telegram or maybe even column on the phone ul daisy are we gonna be picked up one day my brithday smart never forget it takes only

and call com or whether operation com overcome because of store on the boat rescued this tomorrow wrote elicits kolkata but uh... you make yourcase she moved if we it kicked up to do the canadian tomorrow it should lookgood for you euclid kate india

the next day was my birthday always went fine still talk about mybirthday kept on going the grain the hardest on my birthdayfitted ever did before the criteria who live eleven fyi you'd be picked up to about one invitation scoop yesterday it was youwith the immediately yuki this to say that afternoon the late so far supporteda few feet not cry

head out for a few small account for myeyes society you will for sure fifty comefive succeeds post twenty years old christians scaned we're up fifty three days and christmasmood but i'm ralph reed part of it movie himself and i could put my fingers allthe way around my own easily with the worst

like a cigarette alice please just lay there and talked himself forbefore we didn't even know used on you case manage swathi oldest dutchman keptsinging some kind of great story nico ticketing slept most the time climatic set on the edge of the raftturning his head responsible go from one side of the other watching arrives wasso wildly in his hands against the edge of the rafters and after a while he said quickly sayingit political pasty some kind of dots ondelighted straddling that's

under the words of might not be so badbut not going to work that i would not doctors or out withstood i said shut-up action who view called u articles mary mary

players below happened earlier uh... is you know what i do about it short i'd walked down the street michael oneof the first five and ten cents or i can't uh... i get me some pics grants atselective appears juices weeks with the little cookies they get ground-upeggs inside and five intent

they're always frank and i read a thicksquare he like to know the kind of cut off the beach and thenhe proceeded grown-up makes inside at the atlantic note lafayette indiana which column but no not where i come from where i come froma carbon makes square lapping at the column written a book mildly hero answers mimi

on the sixty-six morning we woke up and if so let's pick up these rewards all night long b c the moon in themorning we look and see how he was he was dead whose hands were up in front of my keywas grabbing for something iced-t_ fictional we knew he was dead but we kind of washington for a couple ofhours hoped we would move then we were sure that statementaccomplished on the reason

ready to bring whatever stripper about your career good catholic of six m micah and partly sorry packing up andunit installments in except that the loss painted now all because they have to be mycholesterol couldn't serving of all my love for me that's not what i saidbefore she was at stake elections dependents to put in my life go out this is our friend take good care

union crowded onto a better place usd too book dad happy to be something like nothing muchhappened on the revocable bar given some arresteddot so maddox wouldn't talk to benchmark italy to meet you didn't vendor slotnickkid were sort each other to so the only one of the redwood dr themselves make when the others one outcome submittal ofnate and then i told him

visenteno m calendars votes dot same lou access to stop singing and make that said william jumpoverboard so you don't no u telerate in i said no he says no that's in about a year or early of what the always said doesn't see the bottomline

uh... lou but that shouldn't saying it easter bunny begging ought to take it you can hear him sing wanted to say tragic hero lesson catching up

onstage to block you uh... could you hear me my religious uh... uh... common bring yours how many painters have are holding up comment that arrived yet you sure

chatsworth but i was mine was four fingers are held up just like i used to for peace maddox was kept already was compliantsuspect these had was dark aurora usd ten days and weeks that nightseventy six ninety was blown away all my now on that one of the document would beon the make sure it was alright next

morning seventy-seven my wall clock nico the kids watch were of a cutie nirmal cathedral future ryan will better look at him mornings maddox housing com mister maddox

program lunatic fringe in our view uh... and form didn't want recent ready to move it earlier today recovers quickly you've talked about his wife told would be sure to come backwith honor cost would be bad luck if you know

maybe rich with the with na nog lackawanna uh... so we buried maddox say that wehad a certain this time we watch despotic was here was off along by then folded upof water and we could see grip passed a snap-back fifty feeders scare falling off of work and something john

rocks here clinton water we didn't seemany more the one morning bender softball cupmckinney listened there's a new high plot resisted the can hear anything behaviors upheaval apana day her startedyelling at mad standing up and in the bombing down magazine writer rearm forefingers fromthings your stimpson for people who were i would

didn't you maria clearly the queen's uh... mhm yahoo you there who's got two more points than discovermalapit for stricter skype in early in the afternoon vendor stoppedup and he saw some small eroticized exactly google would meanvigorously subject of the roadways that

we couldn't see anything but later onwhich starred we start one ship internship import a combo on just what all memorized we just want meant bandits once said atthis this is not stupid but don't quote report remains rightaround the convoy precipitous wire one-at-a-time standup opera falling down historic accord restaurant combo and weknow some smart bombs obc both subjects died at

than a pc popular right boris kidnapcase we have only a miryam that probablydoing you have to wait out at that moment that antonio at whati don't know what not happen without a record setup the students they feared words invented at planning a colorado's going broke

more drama brain what one american or at pad but parallel one updated green t iti recruitment remember remarks later on a guy from the coast guard downpeter letters like repeat the idiot

which bb blood just didn't grow up you'd was made mother didn't like him and and i'll take it easy layout along with uh... there restore peter over seventy program of words of warwhere brought you probably from the

recently published book eighty threedays survival of seeing a movie about markmurphy this book tells the true story of basilis the semen second-class annex baseball player from southborough massachusetts the radio adaptation work but you getsummer imminently was played by paul matt other than the cattle for gordon tomwhere can i flinch myron mccormick bill quinn jackson back and blend anders the original music or compose markmorris ki and conducted by mexico vermin

the production was under the directionof builder most next week we're good wall will bring torule passages from paris on the ground by at her sharper or with another woman organizingunderground railroad smuggling british soldiers other conquered front words of war is brought to reel incooperation with the council on books and worked on by the nationalbroadcasting company of independent radio stations associated with then_b_c_ network put

demand this program came to a real problem newyork this is the national broadcastingcompany words at war presents paris undergroundbipedal shot everywhere character justly rose sharply place that we are out acrobatic returns that that

it's good that i didn't cost much at theproblem so i don't care but can be blessed nbsp believing in beef and i didto get there attempted by saying that they need toreach house marriage australia over it's nothing dot one ofour salvation just act like this is a city convert people placard detention yes chutney hi for uh... that's alright trackingsystem now

youth that we from sleeping pills and i smoke a dean and give and i think that marcus markedas big pink redemption i've been yes u who can make it dropped you then i won't be filmed his life course job we think you depleting home

justify second extent that you were andwe can of lying here at night belt it really happened to me is also experienced would you like to hear the story youth smoking shagun when i you know broadcasting company andcooperation with the council on boat to more time present another program outwe're doing for which brings to radio important warbooks

tonight one of the most amazing truestories of this war was oil powers underground by preparatory mathew old miserable president so better chartreuse post-treatment courageof our corporate merger agreement part-time another story leading to herin prison an experience position or burgers on onhard to believe that happen here see jacquelyn i'd always had manyfriends in paris my husband was a newspaperman needupdating me there we need and i did my best dennis grayand people ripple

cable media covered it with her to rather separately these living inparis but happy time we had then the barking it's an optician marched on paris we cutthe crotch cell the roads with jammed they were not cleared him not to divebombers machine-gunned fog to clear the way for the german army proposes except watched endless columnsstony faced great uniformed troops

passed by then they were ordered to return toparis headed away so i've been restocked andbake for something to eat the government people it before you hadto do is this maths english to math competing at school use your property iswhen we screen milked nothing at tone one moment

the sweet peas into the bayaku yet be seated ladies pictured and and and the day added t teaching and a sense of that week material can be counted

achieved also at stake think dietrich booked shook c we don't want to stay with us tonight youare englishman down are wanted on the french citizen sometime no different my friend here is the american thing youcan do something for me

my industry to start co and back someone you must leave the twins but even the peace and to me the repeal are let's just do you suppose indecent net gaps ideas he has missed child's ski dashlarge cash he is he's the man

goodies p my name's william gray on the product ras i'm in defer to him got caught dunkirk queensway i'll be working my way south germansmove faster packwood and not now your computers around back

why don't trouble you baby spit if you look at this french text patientwhile longer overseas you can get peace in civilianclothes appear to take care of myself up to thatkill ron pakistani going to transmit worded anyway and youmust be kept it in your destiny we learn from that way they treat you as a prisoner ofwar in civilian clothes they charge was aspy kitty helpless exactly wat looks like my brucescott

baker anyway now wait a minute gurantee alcott the luggage compartment local ski teamcrazy enough to spin stopping cars on dedi picking up it'll be taught happenlifestyle if we could get into passing on him but it sounds it's great as my american friend who would say howwould you like to join us the game of cops and robbers

but how do i mean army would be the cops we three should be the robbers i think it's like you got the phone carrying down there drew do recap gray a better adventurous there we didn't know what we were getting into

jeevan don't stop our carpet none otherthan the luggage compartment which opened in the space behind the back seat and sell only smuggled bill gray into anapartment occupied by three middle-aged whitman kitty myself and i'll bet onmade marco he didn't have to be a spring marblesimply froze the marrow of our bones seventies cap decision counties homespun hostingsolutions them and meeting

it's now you said i've been everywherehad made god i've been crazy to mike and his dry but no one can know no one will tell mekitty there must be an underground railways sounding some system of gettingme into on monday by characteristic just try to get in touch with us has been hit in the bathroom heredirector there he must know it because tapos getting closer and closerto approving message c suspects is much

he wants to give himself up to save usin case the kind of movement masoud i was told today that the germans arenot to think at two british soldiers as prisoners of war any longer they're shooting the spots the land and establish that to tighter and tighter around thisnamely wages gave i_d_ waited for that mark on the door thatwould mean discovery and then one evening kiki added bouncedinto the apartment face what heavenly

smile he gets fixed up troubles are over knowwhat happened cannot go not a print copy one and pretty we'vegot uh... if i i i just don't like the one that has happened inside you're never shuts down we met him when we went to bed so justcan t lol of course that big husky that part of the first of all that's the onehit webster intel is a member of a compoundthat's getting prints noticed out of the country deflected it goes

how do they do it a shot one of themnumber in the police prefect if he ran past he gets from all the paper they need tokeep them out of jail nbc com this menace just a matter of smuggling themacross the demarcation line and i have another man to understate right on theline so that's easy instead and i just have to pay fiftytrying to head to the jam and far too difficult to tell the superman on about taking bribes wants to put the victor olympic is true

tomorrow sunset will bring us billspapers we deprive a gasoline to visit hospitalsin prison camps apostles and reviews that gasoline to drive to domy case not cut off governor how could begin to thank you dispatch your friend alka use mathematical ready here downcreek facilities six people in general

trondheim somewhere eccentrics to ties cds deficit margo empty judgment waiting bringing out be which detailed chicks upscale withtanks in the bathroom under the picture cuts here

covers that and not something of interest in the topcard it's not that this picture every who guided to use it to accept to whatpredicting started to shuttle correct and tek-tips ally it idea schedule it didn't want you over toastmasters asked and desperately don't darkest test to get into bedpertain to campion just keeps cracking

kitty tightest hug her style kiss fifty seconds uh... gabrielle carey event backed out that you've got to give you judgment this is my baby american friends shot she's been living with me in pattersonsponsor seven unwilling victim of the

war paul from home by consent i'm from a guest upper-middle shudder mister examine your own graco means you'd have to excuse its appearancehowever my beverage in babies cry keogh maybe may have contracted contestcomputers from a typical town now popular stated

black bears it's alright having just in the futurebusiness built by the top here that this is not that bad his pet has baseball they sent me right here in the car dispensed with there this dictate their their approach or of course where they've been

quietly raving about it not being ableto shave i don't you worry i think i'll get to doa barber tomorrow said that they cut this a here it is this cut is expired about ordering it grand prix intended togo back to america because of the warning what about all about this help but thinkthat it students seemed worth renewing it andcircumstances

answer the olympic boosters yes he did you know there are i'm terribly distressed about addingkitty ought to help ploy of enlightened upset by ourvisitors enter we didn't mind god let up that great concierge yet

your concert it either bennett trap player alexander lowers the of that where the third animal madams permitslist madams border always for a moment but there's a fair goodness it's now come to get in amessage bedding isn't a regular content here

you can even if the spirit neededsomeone to conclude that madam address precursor to the court says and are useless you know forgot the party gentlemen in about basic interest in the civilrepeated use not but my guest answer at his name as ceo room buddy et cetera member of the poor you me my heavy breathing there

mccabe it enhances collect from process have a survey of at work i'd anxious expatriates jobs sales helms motherwilliam gray at about midnight there and never forget how refund worry i feltthat probably would be and bring people you can compare it towork at the county that distracting things were reflected my eyes

well you it would look good at scott doyou find so were you after you've had a cup oftea its address here's a look here are expected yourgoal much area of the car keys and on all right and i had something else to dowhat are you always hear pets are better tell you about him bhatia kiki what have you been up till likeactivities i have to he was walking down the road

i think any witness kato just in the wayyou could be interesting to him i have to offer to help and added sentofficer escaped from prison camp popped into which can cape when i look at her by tonight to be onits way to join general to go to mended all of the overactive t_v_ effect do you realize you restored luckydirectly point you'll quickly you're not to yes but oh kitty

promise me not to get into another thingto this kind with the paper over there look at these at the back of his newspaper expressedin the basement jumps into it is looking for his friends in the quakewhich is this military hospital too long song what about the action you want to checkit survive

tum and uh... that index that's he's one of the boys who don'thave time to contact friends who could help in the skate safety daily or yes jobs and probably against never landscape

military hospital in your town relieved those speaking about broadwaynot right and in the man in your area of ourtime angeline you are a lot of london about the kitty that all of this hardest little archit wringing my handsand fear then it to the speaker kitty catreported dry if this is the break-in began onmilitary hospital yes of course cure parsley no get down to see you backgoing back to the hospital will be lucky

to doubt that suspicion of mouth havecity ticket to see that the pick up from thatsix major spending the hospital allegedly a wise uh... matter of fact i have another reason forgoing back to you know onlookers hope chicky although you what times d that poor sick corporately he knew it would happen if ten bethescaped the other day he made me promise to come back andhappy to speak to mother of mercy

ad probably going to popped back and forththese blowouts it's too bad we didn't have a chance totalk to cope with the agreement between the squad just expert at without arousingsuspicion specify will change we gotta get opt for that french majorcaesar's alright his own right yet let's make that don't have that it's responded toxins weeks that those redeployed useless evidence

mudville people do you know deal it is that all of hiswith your visit people it easily the really kind of you totakes its into this seems to small irrespective that you've seen it yetwould you be kind enough to answer one question willie's lieutenant jonathan bilk you must be wanting to make a we've been through the whole thankingthe people of conversation with the shelf that itwould be intelligent enough but they

didn't know you have to miss kitt speak and i know all about you your mission entities i can understand you'll see pretty withthese british soldiers who uh... prisons away though we are concerned whitby please you have violated the laws establishedby the high command of the occupying bills that benefit or your plan

used it making we're absolutely year in placingno-one it is a regular people hit you up to theabilities which at this stage incidentally hamas soldier it is ready to abate not only a sort of the eighties and most of the flint river it this way i could not get thewithdrawal to the disappearance

public than adults and hitchcock and then have to go to play that at all is said to think enoughbecause i did it get misty the suspect in the middle comeback pay commuter i'm very happy to have met anotherremoved amongst youbet upgraded is it that theyquickly coalition of is coping you to your path the or

that was too close for comfort you see kicking around like i'd been toinsist to stop making peace teams and that you are predicting rights stupidcourse and we couldn't have more of the named suffix of tragic that's company and who watched jonathanberger skate you know the date of data sopathetically but we don't have a chance to speak to eight weeks playing that wasnecessary action constitu menagerie attitudes toward call for me and it's another tocompartment all contact now

yes everything that this can be the most amazing moment i've ever known i am sure that providence took apersonal interest in our word frequent on for months and months they stop us at all private tax cuts could be whatever novel lucky enough tolead a team bina couldn't touch for the countryparish priest father christian markley who had nearly a

thousand british soldiers escape fromdunkirk riding in the bullets he became one of these lynch so they would be hit this is no we must send each of them on the sweetpainted with the french uh... star but that means alone and morepeople who know what to do it trust so many but you don't realize that the otherserver is that well frenchman that's

olympia these she's sounds and then feel that that's ever classes on outside so we think the it smuggled out one hundred and fiftyprojections one hundred and fifty trade pared back pain in one evening i was alone in theapartment except the marco chelsea thanks

model and sd everybody still eventually elicit bottledid doctrine lead of the hottest week just terrific statesman was sent out ofthe country but the british is exclude come here specially but you'vebeen drinking at the sidebar damn quite alright look why did you come back tooccupied france week beat the shit didn't we conditions objects is bad debt where to upset the

trot is that why you cross the line you did not think we left force enoughto try to go digital d_c_-eight my papa doc watson that's which he did not attend getting thosetwo things you said without over the country we demand that we be it part time and that's that get out of here

multiple out so these men are up on automobiles the blackwell about that may i suggest to vbs pulled aren't artery cuban work but it's a bit ten thousand perhaps read florid the german high command ripley tenthousand many person providing names andaddresses

those gation hiding english soldiers areeighteen into risky dunya interdicting trip boast to amend to sell us out ten thousand pranks is a lot of moneymarco island anyway these boys are no good panetta's embarrassed at at at at at at at what you mean madam and missus atthat

reigate and yet i noticed that when a string ofsets breaks and my other pops up the out as far back it seems we have twelve mm blistering but they did you have to be first myself than the others but at least stand out here promises josette

five psi hotmail dot this year to see a all yes at hotmail about this is thatthat's right state yes at hotmail dot and pull out the it people like paul dentists diligently and the people i queuing carries amessage an estate retreats don't give up never does the things that distinguishfreedom-loving people from those bond cassie thanks father grab a face that and theythought they expect to get into bed for

mercy instead he told them you think he was beaten foss foss is still etalaat with children the gentleman said that to you peak who did not you'll be netball week gopal bellsouth immediately hostages deal don't million soldiers

i do not expect to win justice in thepoll conducted that the other side of the swastika but i know indian defying justice we creepy that's with a simple parish priest toldthe nazis the so-called cochran's for the secondtime to get shocked me and you would not mistaken had hiscourage the to agree much and

jacking success but what i hear op all i see just get com thing they seem to be catching up last night estimated at upon a time

a suicide where a small yv at that but you take a catalog you shot a couple the what do anything about it but snow that'sjust an actor pride to be released madam chacha three shop you but upset at knowledge wasn't another not to trick

they did release missus schott over appears here's our microphone the author of paris on the ground andperson to tell you the list why the nazisliberar pres which is better judgment and that's is released me from prison not to do me a favor but because theywanted to use me and pot of the bombing i was exchanged father tari espy

johanna hoffmann farming address on the line of bremen when i was told this by an americanofficial i said but i believe at gemini got the best of the moslem get hannah hofmann is certainly morevaluable to the gand than i ever could be giving nine states might be in this issue i have a thatofficial said suppose a british government and in thelast one i had a chance to exchange

views cabell well he was wrong there and certainly no he did handout but brett but my friend kidney is idoney followed which unit and she is paying very muddy any partygame i do not know whether or not the damagethat would have been death but i can't go on hoping the god of justice will continue toremain at my side

and whenever my hot begins to eight they'd known in this haha i have my last richest sustained words he spoke before a separate band when i got me i have not said i did what i had to do i knew the price and i was willing topage i have given england a hundred and fiftybucks for the one she's losing them

think of that and think of me when war is over go green and walk along the embankment tends inthe spring when i was used before i wouldn't see if you can contact or as we sent tome telander is i want to help them now they must have been they must carry on the work i'd can nolonger do

like continuing to be what they havealways been enemies detailing unwavering pandas hair as the eighteenth program of words ofwall where brought to passages from paris underground for the personalappearance of the author of this outstanding bestseller at a sharper the book was adapted for radio byrichard mcdonald the n_b_c_ staff

irene hubbard played at a sharper john alexander westcott others in thepast wherever they climbed shirrita bar pick-up l stephan traveled bertram timeswill inject looked the original music was arranged fromfrench and english folk songs by moslem works bmp inducted by mexico vermin and the production was under thedirection of jaws of mos next week words of war were presentanother adaptation of an important warble worked at war is brought to you incooperation with the council on book two

more time by the national broadcastingcompany an independent radio stations associated with the n_b_c_ network words at war on are nominated but a m i applaud yourwill make the as against the about abroad scenery having lived in wasn't while wearing them about whatstands on its own they've never flew on a clear day i would not have won the wayhome and what climate this year's

cumberland moderate dilutions residingvacation me with a germ x worked as the good oldone of no return right now game-winning through that breaking apart said it wasn't carolyn judgeships onetwo-three former five sixteen mostly as an invasion fleet in a scapegoat and wegot some news for the boys back home i wish we had a coppola wrong fiza historic just wake up call back beforehe gets back begun bag token eunice or even ok protect are a lot more than a crhodes scholars words of warning

national broadcasting company inc withthe council on boats and more time bring your mother in a series of radiotreatments of important books of this denied all booked is calling for itsfirst hand accounts of the war in the emotion those filed shrouded item steppingstones that mister ford also up returned the shortcut to tokyo and here is the story and calling forits own words heheh history can turn on a very small it

on a third of june nineteen forty two a navy p_b_ why patrol ship commanded bylieutenant al d campbell spotted part of an approaching japanesetask force and got word back tibet robert alaska but the jap said they were planning morethan just the capture of dot chopper eight no mistake about that they were planning the actual invasionof opposite they cannot west coast the japs have planned well in they meantbusiness but there was one thing they didn't know

until it was too late than i did notmyself back in touch problems i quoted initialwith an american bomber pilot going on jab high-level bombing sports reliabledebates dropping heavy explosives incendiary last we've got the oil tanks facebook and those jobs that might be in theclouds the first time in my life i wish therewas a brochure piloting good idea long winter's nap before we went on athousand miles a year now combat in the money on that vigor onthose jet planes asean dot robert at

peace letter starting today killing redeeming deadlock about that back up part of their behindthem top nine chaos supplies all natural astopped the bombing delights a let me know and what most people usecompliment you on occasion when a everybody knows that there should it's a little surprised we had a problem

honorable intelligence but both probablelaptop so there's more but into a trap what one time our political leaders wasnot right it was a victory but i didn't realize how much of abig-name polite snub of the radio shack found they operated sitting therelistening while abroad mineralization a and pride worry about cable service during the day away likeproject after once we didn't read past present as one of my heart

will use in their radio during the tripmuch normal has got the report as soon as those jap carriers that we had asecretive you'll get a stampede of moreno i dislike dollar planes hang upin the air arsenic and asked me when the he saiddon't understand japanese master with i don't need an interpreter understandthat katie desperate doing so i don't know ii i about getting any at our i_r_a_ i unique threat all uh... match howard cap off in another state is asixty eight when i apologize

door alone that ended the chapter even some of thelastminute com twenty woman but this data test was put in that caseagain at two one settle down to consolidate but our job just begun now belong months of aerial sluggingbegan from the new bases all at fall winterand spring our pilots bombed and stressed the enemywhenever the weather alone

whenever the weather allow that was acatch in illusions you'll find the follows thedirtiest flying conditions anywhere in the world thoroughly modern tell you somethingabout that told me in it's the weather that's arial elementhere caught in the wind in the cold bargaining like a blanket over theislands there today we kept a week

leave me out of the zero zero in the airthe meds zero zero weather on the ground we applied at the same we have to fly when even the birds arewalking yes while he's right the governor of a well along if the wind cyclone would be a better word they come up in a couple of seconds andthey below eighteen miles an hour when the planes are on the ground theyhave to wait and down with oil drums

even find attractive but it doesn't do much good that will widen its mail gets matched uh... with this weather around here thatpractically have to use a five hundred pound bomb for a wind sock we all longevity idea of weather bad as it was it was the only has athose kids of ours that the fates

listen this technical sergeant helloglad that value of a typical bombing mission is baptism of this was my first nation was pretty excited we just left the field night turned onmy indicator switch glancing at the panelists a little bonstations religion everything was ok so i slept on myheadset recall the colony of the phone vomited a pilot alike commission to test my machine gunsuh...

at answer it further instructions straight okay so that i'm ready did re-open the bombay doors and waited forthe red light at the one sort of put the control ever in selected the target came up i cut it off on blog leaned forward so i could follow it down

i saw brown streamlined shape pull awayfrom us waddell down into the water just short of the target causing the bombed or as i call thepilot baba due to pilot dick fish or target everything ok sir that we're getting close had to get a check all of my instrumentsover and over

i heart was beating move faster type ofwarm i kept wondering whether or not i'd beafraid then off in the distance we could seekiska island very obscured by mr left-hand froze on the bombay doorcontrol of my right hand on the ground report a large circle to the right and suddenly on the horizon two ships etc etc heart was pounding careers where mybreath was coming apart we're going to run in lower mast height

i wondered about the ac ac thirty thousand feet and the aircraftdoesn't warrior but a fifty your neighborhood boy could not as wellbut i'll be begun our whole formation got ready for therun pouch action suit pocket

k gut operator pilot ross avoca let's get 'em ailene leblanc doors dot reading bangout a romantic evening dodging bobby's getting withholding like hungry wolveswish it was in destroying the recognition meanwhile retired spotting you heaps of

flame and smoke who was an explosion almost every tenseconds second shift was waaay groundswellsinking when it's done with black smoke pouring from where had only count three other planes robert at the tail gunner they get a lot like i got one

kid kit caring in kids no medals passed out for that a rated no pictures in the papers lonely road it didn't work done mission was a successful dot was was thefield only mother did not live without them

remember one rate my friend wally one ofthem i wasn't on the breeding and eachmorning after breakfast the combo who's with the other email their cut to hear the day's mission brite it part of a mess hall tipping up theirpriest lined leather flying suits broke the weight of the hot through thekinky blackness of an alaskan winter morning come on the matter with us misterforeman or giving her mission briefed lawless mypurse online me i a lot more art than

him i have in the air over the last one to enclose it alongwith it all categories separating out as adults on the day if and when agata climb to about nine or tenthousand on the layout that on top of the chain from around the bulk and other colorado darted towards the island there on the map

bacon i did a great diving track all flights javelin right first elemental use a sixty five hundredbase alitalia deccan element of the five hundred doctor a bomb in a roundabout uh... the first time it will take timeout of the second those updates it was a loose formation except againspider opposition in which case will close up regular tactics jumping a moderate gets first priorityof course

remember under a bombing rama co-pilotwill maintain a risk that the pilot flies the ship probable five miles north of the sport well quite are covered education they got in trouble uh... you'll all a great effect at thebase maintained radio silence on the layout tattered frequently uh... what we have much zero oppositioni think so

uh... aircraft uh... reappraisal communique will staytill july i hope that there was no land aircraft fire but uh... look out for those problems let's all boys thank you watch it we should hear about the weather somecommon excel about whether or not now workers must donot have laid out with that sexual about meeting some of the more itand if you are like art level of

government work in the jigsaw puzzleseminar vomited escorted i probably i sent a isleye after this glorious puzzle i ever seen i think it all along it's probably thepicture of beautiful thing anot financier peace work account they'll the fact that centimeters corey for what is a writerheartland i sammy but you could tell the story abouta girl

all year you know that uh... what's apathetic intimate what sam is well with the girlback in new york so we've got a bum but is wings evengaze to a so we went downtown bar sets me back five minutes maxi but what i told your mum paganini heclass my back he says my boy on michael pop-up box for everybodyproperty sonnets so what happens so i get sent to alaskaapricot up that stuff like that passion even aboutthe cause

what's the weather report that's favorable we go witnessed team tao it's on board viewership unless it's a long list for paint itback inside right now which is that there's a question grab briefcases and charts filed throughthe door out onto the field jostling

talking the planes are already on the linewarmed up and ready to go the cruise by land and they're all fourpart of the morning more standing on about what's going on revealing canceling chechnyans museums go philosophically should stand on the field as they begin to comein

strike news news i said was the field with adefect from a mission but today they come in quiet claimed by plane watched wall-e shipment shuttle he started city it looks good doesn't look good old said return ofmore than simply the ones the movement prompted the holes in them

guardianship uh... ago thank you sirpresident of the plane was good so you sure couldn't there must be nearly ahundred holes in it calling palmists war the was it buddy heard bomb it is dead sammy into the salmon you'll have to worry about thatengagement ring anymore this and it was good was a bad mission and none of the boystalk about it

you always get a reaction and when you didn't go through ityourself i felt so we do in the news then wentback to the hunt will revert to incentives unfinisheditself policy like it was sitting forestry piecingtogether deleted is sold none of the hud without saying just up to think what christmas is likeup there on a lonely battlefront

half a world away from got a christmas party up at the base i'll never forget it there are many trees on the aleutian youknow but you must have a treat for christmas though the boys one up behind thecaptain gathered all modes of green tundra morphs they fastened together with bailing landthe shape of a small for somebody sprinkle shavings from a bar ofsoap around for artificial snow

and a christmas tree decorations theyhung some empty fifty caliber show salvage from the floor of obama justback from a fight over tests even fashioned a star of that please from the top of the for the top of thetreaty by folding red cellophane guestlist it was on the nicest revengeful well i know that's always brown then sent on the tables along thebenches and on the floor with shoulders prop against the body needs of the rowbehind

shaggy and shameless zehra rain-soakedorchestra pit oldest sergeants leaking little strands of blacks more round ofthe rough elites uh... we're waiting for the festivities beginsome of the boys were talking about their favorite subject you know you think if i came to a placelike this you know it's just thinkin i put my toothbrush back home is stillhave same old place beside the white space i was thinking about my mom's friedchicken

you have never tasted fried j continuedtasted hers if i was home when they don't have to do brochure fried chicken but to be mashed potatoes great too hotbiscuits for dessert maybe we'd have that uncannystick ice cream i'm i'm exodus out i'd probably have to turn the freeze itfor lots of tough job but i get to lick the plunge delay

eleven texas mom out of the pecan pie for dessert no problem will confront your pecan pie at the first thing on what the make itback but then it is speaking and pot uh... what i'd like most is to see mywife so i've never seen more right after i left for you

that reminds me mister ford you could do me a favor if you would surely what is it when we're back and recruit gerrymanderrecord for my son on one of those uh... recording machine music store there you're going back to the state soon ready to take the record back to my wife i know she'd like to have it indicators of the wealthy

you know your life i'll be glad to do thanks a lot alright parks that start the celebration celebrations tonight like this couldhappen christmas is a time for exchanging get i'm sorry posed with the just under mail from home hasn't come yet

you all know all those things uh... hotel window i wish i could put a package under thetree for each of you where profit despair i did manage to pick up your things overat the expo not not to go around of course but it is better than nothing that's y each man with anticipate whenit came in we're going to raffle off a presence wehave

watch it tickets if you get your number called or just sound off were elaborate unavoidably thirteendaylight attack christmas and think a lot of saint a pop pop pop alrightwelfare's the press balboa it's twenty seven i can't speak shock dot god does have a happy apprised hero i want to get one causeway bayepicure likely i think it is the pilots

jack i had i say that spread by chaplainthe the pilots boxing matches no maxwell's x it's not bad one hundred fortify hoechst but while a to ground kruti what peopleknow about it yet gtalk at this sub par sab kaise nazi-like salute but but the thirty

public backing bank vault pauline ac there are so if you are present nike chaplain i quit president break and come out cases in the state courtship that number thirteen why do i get an actress spokane don'tlook for a thousand miles it heart

all right we still have a few more presents ticket but first let's try carol salary here's what we all know orbital product out there seagal so we can all here let's go throw are

that was christmas sales we've got to take you up on puttingbecause you see there were no boats our menu that day consisted of beingsoooo lukewarm sdo tomatoes boiled potatoes which had been frozenwhich no one eight bread without any potter vienna sausage but i was eating it with our air forcecombat crews soliciting elbow to elbow with those men another flying since orfighting are on the war and it was a finance christmas and inever had in my life arsenic it used to like that back to thestates was the song

in the absence of the bond the weather gets to be a part of lifeitself got their intentions esn depth to him that sort of attention might go everytime i saw a little boy sitting in the summer because then i get thinking about waali while he and his son i brought that a record back with me asa problem one i think that the music store inanchorage

i had to bring it to while his wife i think about the corrected alive wallet prospero pratap it if they can start oc pepper there today officer altogether uh... a lot

record when tom andrews a little bit alright although some all agree familyhealth plan you know so i think uh... forget theirworth or profit if you are a sign of iraq i'll be coming to talk to you or building mate and i hope we can talk there won't be awarrant you could be ready or abdullah

play off the request software about uh... ticket david laporta practical i hope pocket uh... pickup alright like uh... ha ha apollo needle stuck that way one whilehis wife i'd always hoped it didn't because you see it was good fun

wally wasn't coming back i never knew just what happened to himbecause plane crashed into a market in the fall while it was a good pilot there was a bit jap i live in the worldwithout fighter moral line but an enemy cooking fight b maybe it sounds trite to say that thosekids didn't die in vain holly and sammy and the others but it's true just the same they'd bejapanese pushed him out of absolute

christa the weather will be on our side rebuild many strong new places and mom and by that on the old one fresh-faced here i a kids who lived in never for applying and repairing a chainof stepping stones it may become our shortcut to tokyo

as the nineteen th program of wordedwall where brought you passages from the bestseller barco report shortcut totokyo the book was adapted for radio bywilliam will go report was played by helen bonds mustbe more quality others in the past work aniline john gerard art carney palm andnorman rules and to agree the original music was composed andconducted by marcia morrissey on the production was on the next week brigid ward presents passagesfrom whom dared to live or model tenant management with the wildof the royal canadian navy

problems here is a which isn't that the perennial biennialhuh program came to from new york

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