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constructeur maison moderne yvelines

constructeur maison moderne yvelines

hello, good evening dear friends solidarity tolerance peace these are the topics you are going to discuss within the framework of this programme launched by the european commission and in which many towns in the european union participate and particularly today

you are going to participate thanks to the house of europe yvelines and its dynamic organiser regina lecointe i would like to congratulate you on it and tell you how important it is that we the electees of the european parliament i am speaking to you from brussels regretting not being able to be there among you we deeply care about your reflections, your exchanges, your proposals i will go through the words backwards

peace is the great success of the european union such a historical success that we have forgotten it our countries have waged war for 20 centuries and since the last world war thanks to this european construction not only are we in peace but by living together, by working together by regularly gathering together our political leaders our administrative leaders

our economic leaders our trade unionists by twinning our towns by sending our students abroad to study with the erasmus grants we made this miracle a reality unprecedented in world history unfortunately with no equivalent elsewhere in the world today through the reconciliation of our people

that is what must first and foremost be preserved in europe it is infinitely more important than anything it is the basis of everything else tolerance is a quality, it’s a behaviour, it’s a vocabulary which has been introduced into the history of france only at the end of our religious wars in the sixteenth century by henry the 4th the â« good king henry â», my bearnese compatriot and those who were around him at that time

and whom we obviously need in our public debate in france in europe and in the world in order to move forward together our predecessors knew how to make a division between what pertains to the religious and what pertains to the political what pertains to the absolute

the good with a capital g, the bad with a capital b what pertains to the relative in the social life in the political life one is not in the good or the bad in an absolute sense but in the relative sense we must learn to live together with our qualities, with our flaws to tolerate others̢۪ ideas

to admit that even when we disagree fundamentally with an interlocutor there can be some truth in what he or she says and the european parliament from where i am talking to you is a tremendous venture to teach tolerance to listen to each other we are 751 members from 28 different countries

separated into eight different political parliamentary groups but if we want our voice to be heard if we want to get involved in the decision-making process, in european politics we must no matter how find a majority among us and then between the left, between the right, between northern europe, between southern europe between centrist, the green we listen, we exchange we reach a certain number of agreements and we move forward together

and then the last word is and there… everything has to be invented we have to rediscover the need for national solidarity france is a country where this solidarity is crumbling away solidarity between the rich and the poor between the cities and the countryside between those who are connected to the modern economy and those who are still in occupations or in fields which depend on the endangered old economy

solidarity between all the numerous populations which embodies the magnificent french people and then, solidarity, we also have to invent it on a european scale and then on a worldwide scale and the major problem to me about europe is that it has not yet invented its model for solidarity

solidarity isn̢۪t a vague concept it is precise, it is measured by a budget france̢۪s budget is huge we redistribute close to half of the national wealth generated europe̢۪s budget is tiny we only redistribute 1% of the generated wealth on the european scale we have to be more solidary

and also express this solidarity in the tackling of the challenges of the outside world whether it is positive challenges with the emergence in all areas of the economic and private life in new technology, in training, in communication, in the internet or unfortunately also in negative challenges with wars with migratory influxes as well as outflows

that we are witnessing lately we clearly see the difficulties there are in setting up solidarity between the member states if we don̢۪t manage to do it if we don̢۪t know how to discuss it with tolerance then, it is the main objective of peace of peace between us, of peace with others which will risk to be threatened understand that we are in the heart of a fundamental debate for our country

for our continent for the world of the 21th century thank you for your contribution thank you for all your proposals good luck

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