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constructeur maison moderne yonne

constructeur maison moderne yonne

hi y'all ! for this new video from the bushcrafters from outta space ! today we're back in the morvan with mr muggles mof and myself ours pimentã© so we're here

for 6 days and 5 nights we just arrived we put the bags down in a nice little spot and we're going to look around for a nice place for the camp here is the spot we chose to begin our trip we don'te kwow

if we're going to stay here for the all six days yet but for now it's perfect you can see the lake right there behind the trees we are going to start building our camp and then we're going to show you around and show you our camp see you later ! wasup bushcrafters !

here is our camp ! marvin jerem and mine is right here here we go working ! so here is the camp almost done we all have our tarps and hamacs out as you can see

jerem has a little setup to keep all his stuff dry well protected in this hammock the setups are the same as usual for the tarps and the hammocks i am not going to talk about it i put all of my stuff on an emergency blanket, all of it fred has done the same with a tarp

and that's it so as you can see over there fred is doing karate ! no, he's really getting some wood and preparing it and we're going to make a fire soon and our lunch ! a few progress in the camp it's still a mess under our

under our hammocks but we did put up this tarp because it's been rainig pretty frequently and there is the place where we are going to make ouf fire and we decided to raise it a little bit to try to preserve ...

the ground as much as possible... so that the roots don't burn, etc. in order to avoid leaving any trace and so we collected some old rotten mossy logs and we covered them with sand and we are going to try making a fire on top of it so that ther's no direct contact with the ground so we'll let you know how it goes, if it's easy with the wet sand under it, etc. and we'll show you our progress

for now we still haven't cooked lunch, because getting the sand is taking some time but in about 30 minutes the water should be boiling and we'll cook some lunch ! working hard ! we're going to make this damn table !

here is our little setup for the fire so, as i said before, some rotten mossy logs, some sand and some earth and we made our fire pit on top of it and now we are going to try starting the fire... we already have some wood here and there... and we are going to try and make it quickly so we can cook

as soon as possible great progress ! someone's working hard ! and you're doing it real nice ! so are we going to add one bench? two? one? on each side ? yes sir ! we're probably going to use a trunk

we're going to look for it later another one around the fire it's a bit messy right now but... we're going to take care of it, don't worry... dinner is almost ready the rice is already done the ratatouille is still warming up and the porc is cooking we'll show you when it's done

it's the flood ! but we're dry ! the fire on the other hand... any good frã©doch ? awesome ! yeah bo㯠! all i'm asking for ! it's now about 11pm we all went to bed

we'll see you tomorrow good night ! hello everybody ! it's now about 10am on the camp we just started a small fire to boil some water jerem is getting wood for the fire as it's been rainig all night, we take the bark off to have some dry wood and make it easy fo us to make a fire so we're now going to have breakfast

and we'll see how the weather goes, what we're going to do, we're probably going to keep building stuff... nice day ahead lots of things to do ! what are you cooking frã©doch ? it looks like we have some pork chops marinating in some olive oil and some herbs nice ! it's going to be great !

we are going to cook them up here you go wonderful it's getting there ! ah ! a little bench right in the middle of the aperitif ! we're having an aperitif, charging the phones... it can't be charging much

as there is not much sunlight on the other side, jerem is taking care of the fire and we're going to cook the pork chops, the rice, the peas and the carots in a moment it's looking real good ! really really good !

in there we have our peas and carots warming up and we're good are you serving the food ? oh, so that's the kind of guy you are... bon appã©tit fred ! bon appã©tit frã©dã©ric ! it's a dog-eat-dog world ! not very bushcraft ! give me your plate...

here you go ! we're not going to starve today... not for lunch anyway... give me your plate it's right here hello, i love burnt meat great little plate ! we have pork chops, semonila, peas and carots

some healthy food as usal oh yeah ! oh la la ! so good ! here is the table and the progress on one side a small bench for this one

we used lots of small branches to raise it four branches attached to each other on both sides to make the seat pretty much exactly the same thing on the other side except except instead of taking small branches, i used larger pieces of wood underneath there is already some logs to raise it even more

the small logs, the seat is similar, four branches attached together it's very nice we are probably we're definatly going to eat here tonight, maybe play some cards between friends and mr muggles decided to make

a fire table... so we'll see it's our first time attempting it so we'll see how it goes so the idea is to build some kind of cone, inside which we'd put some leaves and some sand and on which we could start a small fire without harming the ground and kind of easy to use. see you ! here is our fire table

made by mof and mr muggles ! so as you can see some pieces of wood attached together some earth and some sand inside and on top of it we're going to make our fire it's going to keep us warm when we're at the table we have some potatoes cooking in here slowly in the ashes

and the embers and down there at the table we already have our fire table here well nice what's good around here ? ham, ham, sausages, tomatoes

cheese which is going to melt in this pot right here, easy... and another dried sausage and mof is going to cut it indeed he's a good man here you go we also have some white wine left

in this plastic bag hello mr frã©doch ! hi dude i'm great ! you had a good night sleep mr frã©doch ? pretty good yeah ! it was warm ! today it's very sunny very comfortable ! we have a beautiful sun we are in the shadow here

but there's a beautiful sun over there so we are going to go to the lake to have our breakfast ! should be nice ! here is our little dining room in the sun ! we can have a better look at the fire table we used yesterday it's working well we had a great fire yesterday the pieces of wood didn't burn

it's really cool here is our table, really nice, made by mof one bench on each side here is our little roof i made with my poncho it can be used as a tarp so even if it rains i think we should be all right with only a few drops under there now we are

going to start our fire in order to make coffee and tea we are also going to get some water i think we are going to get water from a village around here, in a cemetery and here it is. today's plan and we're probably going to keep building building the camp cook some food obviously right now we're charging the batteries as there's a little sun

we've been given some solar pannels, we are going to see how it works out we'll see you in a moment ! it's already noon on the menu diced bacon, some pasta, already cooked, right here, some pasta shells, and then we're going to cook some onions, some crã¨me fraã®che, kind of a carbonara a real carbonara damn it !

a real carbonara ! my bad... and it's going to be good ! here's our lunch... at the table ! we have our pasta, our bread, our little wine, hard to do better... but we did !

diplomatico ! yeah i'll have some onions extra onion on the way ! extra onion do it ! do it ! it smells real nice ! bon appã©tit ! it's coffee time ! here we go for a stroll with mr muggles

we are going to walk around the lake enjoy the landscapes because we pretty much spent two days at the camp, building so there is this little path alongside the lake which is pretty awesome with some old stones and some old trees so we are going to follow this path and we should be back in about an hour so there should be some nice landscapes on the way ! this is the saint-agnan lake

in the morvan regional natural park we already went to the crescent and the chaumeã§on lakes last year but this one is pretty wild... there is always some... there is some people on the other side in a boat or with their dog but it's still pretty damn quiet... pretty quiet, even though we are not far the tracks our camp is pretty much right next to the path we're on and we don't see many people. in three days we barely saw a couple...

for about two seconds it's pretty cool let's go on ! pop corn ! it smells good ! it's popping ! popping good ! here is the result ! pop corn for the aperitif !

i have a soup a soup ? a soup ! he used his maã¯tã©'s voice... wait, let me turn on the light... what's in the soup ? in this soup there is some eggplants, butternut, carots, courgettes, potatoes !

oh la la, but... it's wonderful ! and what did you add jeremy? so, today i added... patapouf ! patapouf ? some serrano ham ! but that's going to be awesome ! serranooooooooo ! serranooooooooooo !

it's about 11pm now and we're going to go to bed soon... we had a night stroll by the lake, pretty cool here it's very warm thanks to our fire it is extremely hot it's really36200:28:19,080 --> 00:28:20,700like an inferno and that's it... we're chilling around the fire

we had our soup we had our tea and now we are going to go to bed so ingenious ! morning ingenuity ! a coffee filter you cut the top of a plastic bottle and pierced som holes in the cap? that's right. and you put a filter in there

in order to prevent all the coffee grounds going in the cup ! yes ! of course ! for breakfast we have crepes ! here is the crepe batter prepared by mr muggles crepe batter with a touch of diplomatico ! should be real good ! here is our breakfast on the table

bananas, kiwis, almond paste, nuts mix, some eggs, some cheese, chocolate, cereal bars, orange juice i am finishing the apple juice and we're going to cook the crepes and put some of this inside... cook it on our small handy fire... we really have a great setup for the morning, it's really pleasant

to hang together around a table hmm, the good crepe ! hmm... with some lumps... lumps are good... here it is ! our brunch... crepes, melted chocolate, warm bananas,

some pecan nuts... bushcrafting is hard ! lots of sacrifices... here's how we struggle guys ! it's a chocolate struggle ! thanks to the ultra ultimate and fantastic fire ! handy ! i forgot about those !

small... big reflecting wall rather... in angle... it's protecting us with the roof on top of our home made cooker ! and as you can see here there's a little upgrade just like home !

so, good evening everyone ! it is now, about 8pm we already had dinner we had a salad made of cucumber corn and cream, and then some raviolis as a main course and now we are going to walk around the lake so today we didn't film much bacause we were low on battery...

but we build some stuff as you can see... behind our fire , our fire table, we built two reflcting walls, a nice little roof, and a window it's all keeping us warm when we're at the table and it looks good aswell... we'll show you tomorrow the camp all of it... but we're glad with what we've done !

here it is, monday morning... rainy day... so, all of our stuff is obviously under our tarps, safe let me take care of this hammock... so yeah, all of our stuff is safe under the tarp we pretty much abandonned this spot as it's raining and we took shelter

in our little refuge over there ! so we used several... either ponchos or rain coats, to make the roof and some kind of wall to protect us from the rain on this side and here yougo, we're pretty well sheltered, dry and we're waiting for the rain to stop so we can... maybe make a bigger roof

maybe work on this setup as it can be improved we'll see what we'll do for the rest of the day. how the weather evolve... even when it's raining we keep smiling ! here you go, we're holding out ! heeey ! come in woods ! it's sunny and warm ! we can play cards dudes !

we're going for a swim in a minute. you showed them the lake? you got to the lake ! ladies and gents ! tonight we have some mash with chorizo real good ! we're really enjoying it ! so today was a rainy day, we didn't do much... we stayed around the fire or in the hammock unfortunatly our roof was a little bit too close to the fire and it was getting real hot so we're going to make another one higher

i should finish it after dinner and it should last the night making it more confortable for us tonight... it's now about 10:30am so yesterday we didn't film much. we didn't have a lot of battery and the weather was absolutly horrible ! to be clear, it's been pouring rain non-stop all day so as a result, we didn't do much, we mostly stayed under our little refuge here

on our benches. we had a big fire last night to dry ourselves... so we didn't do much during the day i started building a roof higher than the first one as it was getting hot because of the fire so i started building this roof but it was raining so much that there was not a lot of progress and on top of that some branches broke... anyway...

it wasn't the best conditions to work we should have been more prepared and work more when it was dry however, we had a nice reflecting wall, and we had a pretty good shelter under there enven if it could have been perfected... so a nice little trip, there should be some videos of us packing we are going to try and burn most of what we built to warm up and dry our stuff and we are going to start destroying all of this ! we already started packing,

and then i will start burning everything here you can see, mr muggles is destroying our little table, the one we made next to the big one we're going to start burning this, and one at the time we are going to start burning pretty much all the stuff we built, and the remaining wood will be thrown away and we'll finish with the two fires we're probably going to finish with that our last day...

it was a great trip ! unfortunatly a bit rainy yesterday but it was predictable but exept for that we can't complain about the weather so... great team ! we'll have to do it again... we are going to film the disassembly of our camp, the packing, and the way back ! it's a fail ! last meal in the woods

the most saprtan ! you can tell mr muggles is cooking basmati rice... we're on a strict diet ! we're going to have some cheese and the saucisson, we've got plenty we're going back with some food once again... so we started... yummy ! we started packing

as you can see apart from jeremy... no, he did take his hammock down ! we started destroying some constructions we had a beautiful fire, we cooked on it we're getting there it's really nice ! the colours in the trees are wonderful here's the area where we spent our 6 days !

the sky is overcast today but we had some beautiful days, we had a lot of rain yesterday... but overall we can't complain we were pretty well prepared and the camp was pretty well hidden here we are, right behiind that tree we can be heard, but we're pretty much... pretty much hidden so it's now time to clean everything, time to.... pick everything up, pack everything,

and we are going to hit the road in an hour or two all set ! all packed ! fastoche frã©doch ! we're going to immortalize this moment when mof destroy what he had built ! we kept the first thing built on the camp for last our little table ! he's commited ! as you can see !

so we already cleaned quite a bit we burnt or threw away our tripods the shelf we had over there we packed our camps now we are going to let it burn for a little while and when it's all coal, we are going to soak all this, throw away the big branches

make sure it's extinguished and... and destroy our little structure and check what's underneath it fifty meters of rope ! here's our table ! so it uses a lot of rope if you don't reuse it but it's possible to use paracord and reuse it on another trip... it's nearly the end now.. hello, we're extinguishing the fire...

no worries... it was pretty hot anyway... here's what's left once the structure is taken down so you can see that under the ashes there is still some wet sand and therefor the earth underneath is completely untouched the fire didn't have any impact and we are going to scatter this coal, the earth, mix it and...

and scatter the result around... and there shouldn't be any trace of our stay... here's the spot where our fire was, and as you can see... we soaked it, we scattered the rest and then we covered the ground with some dead leaves and honestly... it's already very clean but when the leaves will fall it'll be impossible to tell we were ever here

a rain or two and some dead leaves it'll be as if we were never here and here we go ! back to civilisation ! in the mist... so now we're probably going to make a last stop in quarrã©-les-tombes and then we'll hit the road to paris so, thank you for watching this video ! don't forget to subscribe if you enjoyed it, you can also find us on facebook

we will see you soon for another video take care !

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