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constructeur maison moderne toulouse

constructeur maison moderne toulouse

originally, the entrances to towns and cities were built into fortifications, forming a boundary between the urban environment and rural life. later on, with the arrival of the car, everything changed. pushed back into the suburbs, the entrances or approaches to towns and cities are now areas characterised by unintelligible town planning, a jumble of signs mingled with no man's land. frisomat, specialist in industrial steel buildings, started thinking about this issue, and launcheda call for ideas among architects. frisomat is above all a manufacturing and assembly firm, since 1978. we focus on buildings in cold-rolled steel, a nichemarket in which we go a very long way. this meccano mechanism has a host of major advantages. first of all, there is the prefabrication in the plant, which saves time,

because while that is happening you're not on the building site,or rather you can do other things, you can prepare things. but the steel elements are prefabricated in the plant.it's precise, it's calculated. there are no errors. when i saw the buildings that frisomat constructs,sells and distributes throughout the world, that's when i had the idea of suggesting this challenge. we didn't want to create a competition. so therewon't be any winners or losers. there will be people who, together, will put forward ideasand who will take part in the whole process. we liked the frisomat approach right away, because it putsthe problem to architects, and not to politicians. a building has to be adapted; it has to respect its regional environment. so it's logical to work with partners who are scattered across the area.

so frisomat went to strasbourg, chambã©ryand toulouse to consult architects. in fact, this subject is very topical at the moment because the issues "approaches to towns and cities", "business parks", ... are topics that we are already developing in the office, as we are acting as consulting architects for several businessparks. so this is fully in line with our vision. it's part of our culture, our distinctive featureof being architects and engineers, of working with people who will teach us todevelop specific construction systems. having a company like frisomat that uses its know-how acrossthe planet is a particularly attractive idea. it gives us the chance to consider our ideas in the context ofdomains that we are not necessarily familiar with. but today, what can be said about the approaches to towns and cities?

unfortunately, my opinion of the approachesto french towns and cities is not good. i'll be fairly brutal, but i'd say that theyrepresent 40 years of failed town planning. because when you go around in france unfortunately you see - and everyone says the same thing, including the elected representatives - a disaster that makes the approaches totowns and cities not very worthwhile. what is it? it's simply the result of an area where there's no awareness of the town. there's a lack of rules, a lack of neighbours. so these are areas where each construction existsseparately, is different from the others, but above all has no thought for its neighbour on the right orthe left, and even less so for the one opposite. the approaches to all french towns and citiesare more or less a disaster area. you always have the same scene, with a row of shoeboxes,huge signs, and arid car parks at the front.

very impersonal places, that offer no potentialfor developing quality of life. okay, but how can we do better in the future? the issue of the approaches to towns and cities today places the architect back in his role of coordinator or at least town planner, the one who will make the rules. people no longer want to go to impersonal supermarkets.they want to be in the centre. they want to be able to go from their home to the localconvenience store, to go and have a drink in the pub. they want a community life. it's the overall concept that will be able to offer an image on the scale of a city centre today, an image that says hello to people as they arrive. so that ultimately, throughout the day, there willbe people present in the complex.

the approach to towns and cities remains a major challenge,but today's approach will be tomorrow's centre. how will frisomat products help you implement your response? so we'd like to highlight the more basis characteristics ofthe roof purlin, which is part of the frisomat style, which people tend to conceal these days in businessparks, preferring horizontal roofs. i think that on the contrary, in this project we will try to do the opposite. here this is clearly the case, the frisomat construction system had a great influence on the way we composed this architecture. today is the most eagerly anticipated moment in this call for ideas. after several months of thought and discussion,the architects are to meet frisomat to present their projects and compare their ideason the approaches to towns and cities.

it's true to say that the major defect in the approaches totowns and cities today is that there are no public spaces. and so, because it's associated with the heterogeneousnature of the architectural styles, there is no longer any recognition of or empathy with what is built. the problem of the use of public spaces is a real issue. you can have a hotel, a spa, spaces devoted to physical activities, so that ultimately, you'll have life throughout the day. this variety means that, because there are services on the upper floors, the restaurants will be busy between midday and two o'clock, because there is a hotel with a fitness centre for instance, theproject will be lively at the weekend and in the evenings. and then we come to the visuals, which were a delight to produce

and which are supposed to move away a littlefrom the shoeboxes people talk about, which are entirely compatible with the idea of alight, metal frame, inside, but still visible. and then there's the question of the coating, the architecture,proportions, linking, production, this is the work involved in architecture. you just need a few architects who think properly, who take your products in hand and work with them, make the most of them. there is a future. thank you for your presentation. i thought the responses were quite different.so they were interesting, complementary. i thought they made use of frisomat products in an interestingand promising way, that was forward looking. from the point of view of town planning, these questionsare so important, so political, so economic

that we can't come up with all the answers today. some of the avenues that have been opened uphere are indeed relevant and interesting. the issue is to think about solutions that will make it possible to go beyond what has flourished for the past 30 or 40 years, to restructure,to put back together, to redefine the typology, add density where there's not enough,add architecture where often it is missing. i think that today was very positive because these three firmsof architects, with their widely differing projects, have validated the fact that frisomat's construction system -which is accustomed to the industrial sector - can respond to diverse and varied architectural issues. and above all, it enables architects to remain creative on a subject as difficult as that of the approaches to towns and cities.

so what conclusions can you draw from this great adventure? this is a long-term task. it is, i think, a task for the future. and i think it's a task - if we claim to be innovators in metalconstructions - that has to be proved every day. and this call for ideas is an outstanding example of this approach. and so, by organising this call for ideas, frisomatsucceeded in changing ideas on "living together". how can towns and cities regain their capacity to create variety? this will be the issue facing the responses put forward by the architects. frisomat, daringly simple. we are delighted to present you this trophy,on behalf of the company frisomat. i'm sure, and i hope, that you will find room for it in your offices,

and that you will explain the story behind it to your colleagues. many thanks to the office patriarche, the office toa, and the firm cardã¨te & huet, from the toulouse area. congratulations, and thank you for your enthusiasm.

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