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villa de luxe moderne avec piscine

villa de luxe moderne avec piscine
today we’re taking you on a whirlwind tourof singapore (新嚠坡). this sovereign city state, may not have a whole lot of land, butit sure packs a lot of punch! we had a full week in singapore (singapura), so we set outto explore its distinct neighbourhoods, cool off in its gardens, marvel at its innovativebuildings, and of course, eat in its hawker centres. this video will show you 25 thingsto do in singapore (新嚠坡), now let’s get started: let’s kick things off at the gardens bythe bay (taman di persisiran -滨海湾蚱园 - வளைகுà®ÿா தோà®ÿ்à®ÿம்),where nature and futuristic architecture collide. our first stop was the cloud forest, whichis meant to replicate the conditions of the
tropical highlands. alright guys so we bit the bullet and we paidto go to visit the garden's by the bay which is a little bit pricy but this is one of themain attractions here in singapore (新嚠坡). and actually the gardens by the bay are madeup by lots of different little components. so right now we're inside the cloud forest(云雾林). it looks amazing. i feel like i'm inside a jurassic park or some kind oflost world. it is so lush and colorful. so we're going to give you a tour. we have now entered the lost world on the7th floor and from here we're going to start working our way down. the temperature is actuallycooler here and it is meant to mimic the higher
altitude. and look at that view. you can seethe marina bay sands hotel. we are still in the cloud forest and nextup we're doing the treetop walk. we've come a long way down so feeling better. much betterand now we have some really cool views to enjoy. look at that. we were like up there. sam what do you think? you were walking upover there? up yonder. this is a lot better. a lot better.yeah. closer to the ground. yeah, closer to the ground not as scary from up here. from there we continued to the flower dome(蚱穹), which is the largest glass greenhouse in the world. here you can see a lot of flowersand plants from the mediterranean and semi-arid
regions. we're visiting the flower dome during theholiday season so it is super festive. they have snow globes and christmas trees and thosered christmas flowers whose name i can never remember. do you know the name sam? they're doing christmas even bigger than whatis done in canada. next, we made our way to what is the focalpoint at the gardens by the bay: the supertree grove. the super trees are vertical gardensthat range from 25-50 meters in height, and they come alive at night for the rhapsodygarden music and light show. it’s worth sticking around to catch the daily show at7:45 and 8:45 pm.
all those people over there are catching pokã©mon. also, no visit to singapore (சிங்கப்பூர்)would be complete without a glimpse of the marina bay sands. spending the night in thisluxury hotel (which somewhat resembles a spaceship) costs a pretty penny. but that didn’t stopus from enjoying it from the outside while fantasizing of the infinity pool on the rooftop. next up, we set out to visit singapore’svarious ethnic quarters: chinatown, arab street and little india. let’s begin in chinatown(牛车水 - kreta ayer - சைனா à®ÿவுன்). alright sammy boy. what is the plan for thisafternoon in singapore? well in singapore (新嚠坡) there is some really cool distinctneighborhoods. one of them being chinatown.
so we're just going to check it out and wanderaround. we first walked along pagoda street, whichis lined with colourful shophouses and bright paper lanterns. since we were visiting aroundlunch time, we stopped along what’s known as chinatown food street for some tasty eats.we also visited the chinatown heritage centre, which is a museum that takes you through thehumble homes of the area’s early residents. while we were in the neighbourhood, we madetime to visit the buddha tooth relic temple (新嚠坡佛牙寺龙卞院). this chinesebuddhist temple is said to house the left canine tooth of buddha, which was recoveredfrom his funeral pyre in kushinagar, india. we also visited the nearby sri mariamman temple(ஸ்ரீ மாரியம்மன்
கோவில்), which is singapore’soldest hindu temple. one of the neighbourhoods we most enjoyedwas the area along arab street (阿拉伯街) and the sultan mosque (ù…ø³ø¬ø¯ ø³ù„ø·ø§ù†).this is a very colourful neighbourhood with lots of street art, and you can also finda wide selection of restaurants including lebanese, turkish, and mediterranean. however,we were more interested in sweets that day. so sam is feeling a little bit tricked. hesays the weather man lied to him. what is going on? the weatherman did lie to me. theweather according to the weather from two to four pm it was supposed to be raining andnow it is almost six and it is still raining outside.
yeah, it is pouring rain so we're in the arabquarter. we're just off of arab street and baghdad street. yep. and we found a little cafe so we're just keepingdry. this is actually the first time i ever came to singapore i stayed in this area soi love this area. it is kind of like a nostalgic place for me. and i remember this cafe theydo really good teas, coffees. they have really scrumptious desserts. so you won't find mecoming to singapore very often to warm up but it is a little like damp. it is damp out.yeah. i won't say it is cold but it is a little damp so we're warming up with our tea andwe have some cake coming in just a few minutes. the cakes have arrived. the cakes are here.so we got two different brownies one with
chocolate, one with white chocolate and apparentlythese two are made with some kind of banana paste i think he was saying. yeah, these are more local ones. so but mei'm going for double chocolate here. hmmmm. it is warm. oh la lah. is that good? oh yeah. hahaha. we may not have come here had it not beenfor the rain so hurray for the rain. it is a nice little treat.
so we're visiting clarke quay (克拉码头- கிளார்க் கீ) right now and this is a very popular entertainment area.it is a little quiet during the day but we're going to come back at night for some wine.it is a great place for dining. you get nice river views. also you can start a river cruise. we didthat last time so we're not going to do it today but yeah it is pretty cool. the river boat tours depart from clarke quayand they take you past sights like the merlion, marina bay sands, the lotus-shaped artsciencemuseum and the esplanade. alright sammy boy. live from little india(小印度 - குà®ÿ்à®ÿி இந்தியா).
live from little india. and this is one ofthe neighborhoods that i recommend most visiting in all of singapore (சிங்கப்பூர்).especially at night it is so lively and so colorful. you just got to come here and soakit all up. we are now visiting a creature that is halfmermaid half lion. the question is it merlion or mer-lion? it’s a bit unusual for us to get this far into a video without mention of food, so let’stalk about breakfast in singapore (新嚠坡). so this morning we wanted to show you a littlebit of everything so we're being piggies we've ordered four different dishes. yep. the firstthree are already here. so first up we got
some that is called well i've heard it calledtwo ways. dosai masala or masala thosai. so it is kind of like a folded pancake withdifferent curries and gravies and then we also have our pratas. we got egg. no we gotcheese prata. yeah, cheese with egg and the other one is banana prata. so this is kind of like a folded pancake.um, and it also comes with a nice sauce and the third one. the third we're still workingon. what did we get? oh, we got murtabak. murtabak. yes. yeah, so that is a folded pancake stuffedwith mutton. you can get different meats but we chose mutton. and we've also ordered teaand coffee. sam couldn't make up his mind.
i know. so he's having both tea and coffee.i don't know if i want to have tea or coffee so i ended up getting two. okay sam, breakfast time. what are you startingout with? so i am starting out with actually this is the thing we've been ordering themost. it is the different kinds of prata they have served. basically it is a folded pancakeand it comes in all kinds of different fillings and flavors. yes. the one we ordered hereis cheese but you can also get banana which is the second one we have. and then we alsonoticed there is even like ones with ice cream. there is ones with mushrooms so it is likechocolate. chocolate. so you can just pick whatever you want andorder it. so i'm going to show you what the
cheese looks like in here. yeah. you can kindof see it. it is not really seeping out because it has been obviously cooked inside but youcan see that right here. so my first bite is obviously going to be with cheese. so i'vegot one from the middle with the cheese. i'm going to grab a little bit or curry whichis over on the side here. dunk that in there. take it for a swim. take it for a swim. wow. that curry is really potent today. let's break this off. this one is my personalfavorite. i like this one even more than the cheese.
you know what? i like the banana one whenthey combine it with chocolate syrup. of course you do. we've had it before at a few places.that is like having dessert for breakfast so. mmmm. that is good. it has like a natural sweetnessto it. the bananas are really ripe and mushy. that is really good. i think that is whatreally makes a good pancake. is it you've got to make sure the bananas are nice andripe and mushy. so for breakfast in singapore you basicallyhave your tea and your coffee. the tea is spelled 't e h' and the coffee is spelled'k o p i' teh and kopi. yeah.
so let's try the tea first. that is really quite good. i know it is sosweet. there is a lot of sugar added. there is a lot of milk added. and it sort of reminds me a little bit ofa masala chai i have to say. it is not quite it doesn't quite have the spices or flavorsof that but yeah it sort of reminds me of that. now on to the kopi (coffee). coffee. and again this one has a lot of sugar added.and milk added. so if you like your tea and coffee black um you're going to be in fora bit of a surprise here.
so we are currently visiting the botanic gardens(新嚠坡植物园 - taman botani singapura - சிங்கப்பூர் தாவரவியல்பூங்கா) here in singapore and it is still quite early in the morning. itis about nine so the sun isn't even all the way up yet but it is so hot. i don't know if you can tell but we've gota bit of a misty glow happening here. um but it is kind of nice being in the gardens becauseyou're just surrounded by a lot of lush vegetation. so it kind of brings the temperatures downa little bit. there is a nice little breeze and yeah it is pretty peaceful. so visiting the botanical gardens is freebut if you want to go in to the orchid gardens
you have to pay for that. we just got ourtickets it was five singapore dollars per person and we've only been here a few minutesbut i would say it is worth it. it is so colorful and really pretty. it is time for an update from sam who seemsto suffer the most in this heat. what are you experiencing right now? you're glowing! i've just probably lost half my body weightin sweat but i mean yeah it is funny coming from bangkok to singapore because we had relativelycool weather in bangkok but over here oh man i'm melting. it is hot and sticky. yeah, justgoing to take a little while to get used to this but. yeah. so we're hiding in the shade.we're admiring the orchids but in the shade.
so where are we today? so we're visiting thechinese and japanese gardens. yeah. out of all the things we've done in singapore sofar this is by far been the most peaceful and relaxing. and you know what? it was abit of a journey to get here. it took us almost an hour but it is so tranquil and peaceful.no one is around. it has been so worth it. it is a little ways from the city centre butif you take the green line you can get off at the chinese garden station and it is literallyright there. and it is just beautiful. also i should mention that it is a free attractionand for singapore (新嚠坡) that is great value i mean to have a free attraction. freeis great value. yes. some things are really expensive here so enjoy this one. this oneis free.
the chinese garden (裕卞园) is modelledafter the northern chinese imperial style, and it comes complete with a series of stonebridges, pagodas and a tea house. you can climb the 7-storey pagoda for views of thelake, but it was a little too hot and humid for that. right next to it, you have the japanesegarden (æ˜ÿ咜园), which is built in the style of the japanese medieval period. thetwo gardens are collectively known as the jurong gardens. while in singapore (singapura), we also visitedfort canning park (bukit larangan). if you’re a history buff, you may be interested in touringthe battle box, which was a former wwii british underground command centre. it was insidethe battlebox that the british decided to
surrender singapore to the invading japanese. now, we didn’t do this ourselves, but anotherpopular activity is riding the singapore flyer (新嚠坡摩天观景轮 - pelayang singapura- சிங்கப்பூர் ஃப்ளையர்), which is a giant ferris wheel that offersunobstructed views of the city. another thing we knew we had to make timefor while in singapore, is eating at a hawker centre (小贩中心 - ç†ÿé£ÿ中心), whichis kind of like a food court that serves up quality yet affordable meals. we visited theold airport food centre since it was close to our hotel. okay, so our first dish is here at the table.and we are having bee hoon goreng (mie goreng)
and it looks a little bit different from whatis on the picture but i think that is because they have plain noodles on the menu and theasked us if we wanted it spicy. we said yes. and now it is orange. yep. that is a lot of spice i would imagine. healso asked us if we wanted an egg and we said oh yeah. yeah, there was only a fifty centsupplement so. there you go. so if you look a little closer at the plateit is like a vermicelli noodle. and this one looks like it is has been broken into smalllittle pieces. we also have beansprouts, we've got an egg. almost like an egg omelet. likea scrambled egg that has been mixed in. uh, what else?
it is a pretty generous portion too i haveto say. yeah, it is pretty big. it is pretty big. some onions, cabbage and then it comes withsome cucumbers. yep. so again spoon and fork that is how you eathere. that is how you do it in singapore. that is how you do it at a hawker centre. and let's see. so this looks like a stir fried noodle dish. oh wow. spicy? that is spicy. they asked us if they wanted it spicy andwe said oh yeah. he asked medium spice or
like a lot of spice. that is the question. okay, time for the next dish and this oneis kway teow goreng. yeah. and the shop we went to is basically a noodle specialist.so he only does stir-fry noodles. right. so we're getting the second one of the mostpopular dishes that he sells. yeah, how this differs is that you've got thick rice noodleshere. yeah, they're flat noodles. yeah, they're flat noodles. the ingredientsare a little bit different. i'm noticing more peppers and tomatoes. i'm noticing what appearsto be peas and of course there is beansprouts again. and egg. and once again we asked for it to be superspicy and we asked for the supplement of an
egg. so alright. let's take a bite. in he goes. yeah? i took a big bite so i'm chewing that. take your time. i have to say i prefer this one to the firstone. yeah? i really like these rice noodles. they are just so tasty and flavorful and they'rejust really chewy in your mouth and i just really like the texture inside. yeah. it is so tasty. and this one again is veryspicy. yeah, and they were actually both rice
noodles. it is just this one is vermicelliso they are super fine. that is right. so i like the thicker cut. i do like the thickercut. and i like the juiciness of the peppers and tomatoes too. alright. that is reallygood stuff. now let’s move on to shopping. if you’rein need of a little retail therapy and you’re not afraid to brave the crowds, there’sorchard road (乜蚂路 - jalan kebun (jalan orkid) - ஓர்ச்சர்à®ÿ் சாலை),which is a 2.2 km boulevard lined with malls, shops, and boutiques. we skipped the shoppingand went to the movies instead! what did you get yourself? i got the red.you got the white. yeah. oh this is so nice. it was a hot hot humid day today. and it isjust so nice to be relaxing. it has cooled
down quite a bit along the singapore river.this is just so refreshing. cheers to that. salut. and for one final thing to do in singapore,why not explore the city at night once the temperature drops, the lights come on, andthe city puts on a dazzling light show. alright sam, tell us all about transportationhere in singapore. so probably your best bet to get around singapore is by the mrt. yep.they have a very extensive system. it basically takes you anywhere you want to go and whilewe were at the airport we landed and picked up this ez-link card. yeah, and it is basicallyjust allows us to load up some money and hop on and off from station to station. yeah,just tap in tap out. tap in tap out and when
you get low on credit you can just load itup at any station basically. any other transport tips for us? there isa number of rules that you have to follow including not bringing drink or food on boardand don't you dare bring your durians either. durian. oh my. and that is a wrap for our visit to singapore.we hope that you enjoyed this video and that it gave you a few ideas of things to see,do, and eat on your trip. as always, if you have any other suggestions of things to doin singapore, feel free to share those with fellow travellers in the comments below. wishingyou happy travels and until next time!

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