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construire maison moderne sims 2

construire maison moderne sims 2

hey there and welcome to my channel, thank you very much for checking out this video it is my first one ever so i really hope you can bear with me if this voice over is incredibly awkward mind you this is about the tenth time that i am recording this. one, because i am incredibly awkward, and two because someone started blasting off fireworks for a good forty-five minutes and i had to take a break anyways! what i decided to do today was a speed build, as you can probably tell i'm really familiar with sims so i thought i would do something that would be slightly difficult to fail miserably at but you can be the judge of that i suppose! so what i am doing now is just placing the walls down, choosing a foundation, adding some porches, yada yada yada! i'm sure you can see for yourself but why don't i talk through it... and bore you all.. (laugh)

anyways, right now i am making a little sort of garden plot kind of thing here to accent the front of the house i am going to do one on the side too to just keep everything unified and for this house i wanted to do something pretty modern and sleek, making it very square with rough edges rather than with peaked roofing and stuff like that so i do a little bit of experimentation with the roofing later on, as you will see. it takes a really long time! here i'm just adding another garden plot to the side there i'm going to add some grass and some plants into it later it doesn't look this silly so right now i'm making the back porch i'm going to add a pool momentarily and it's supposed to be kind of like a "faux infinity pool" kind of idea but i put a fence around it because suburbs!

this cool slit thing that i've seen done before i think that looks really nice and adds a nice modern yet interesting touch to the house i'm also going to add that to the side on top of the garden plot, on the right side of the house i'm just testing out different lengths there to see if something "geometric" would look kind of cool but i wasn't the biggest fan so i moved on and i'm just adding a fence around here i wasn't able to add a gate here i am just adding the windows. i would have preferred to have had black windows but i was having a hard time finding any i'm assuming there aren't any because i looked for quite a long time except for the ones from spa day but they had like a black frosted glass and i wasn't too fond of it doing the wallpaper, or sorry, the siding as it were

i went with black and grey so that it would look kind of concrete and industrial and still modern on the side there i was trying to do a different foundation from the overall foundation of the house i find that pretty silly that we can't do like a wallpaper selection tool on the foundation we can only have one foundation colour for the entire thing whereas in the sims 3 you could choose specific colours for specific parts i preferred that, but, win some, lose some, i guess! so the wallpaper took me an obscure amount of time but i digress i'm just adding the flooring now trying to add a little pattern which i end up changing later because i realized the door is not centered with the staircase and it really, really bothers me when that happens so the roof, i cut out most of this because it took a really long time

didn't like how that looked so i ended up trying to create like a little, like with the pedestals i created a flat roof it's going to change again because i wanted it to align with the edge of the house once i add a border around it, but again, i'll skip that because that took me for-ages! there you go, that's what it turned out like! i'm pretty fond of that. i think it looks pretty interesting, i've never seen that done before so i like to try new things, i mean it's pretty flat for a roof, it's pretty unexciting but, hey! so here i'm just adding some plants in the spots there, they kind of morph through the wall a little bit which is a little annoying but i thought they looked better than the giant bushes that didn't really give off the same vibe i was hoping to achieve with the house which is that clean-cut, kind of... look again here with the terrain painting, i couldn't get the edge sharp enough so i end up putting concrete here instead

but you can see me failing miserably at trying to make it look good just doing some more terrain painting, adding some dirt and stuff, trying to make things look realistic cause i really like when things do look realistic and here i am fixing the door that was really bothering me oh, saving! for some reason whenever i used to play sims 3 it would crash all of the time like every forty-five minutes or so the game would just have some sort of malfunction it took me ages to figure out how to fix that but regardless, i ended up getting into the habit of saving my game every twenty-five minutes or so, and that just kind of stuck it's a little inconvenient for filming purposes, however, i don't usually lose data which is a bonus! so i just finished up the terrain painting in the backyard so i'm going to move onto the landscaping

adding some trees! i probably would have went for a different, more, like, palm tree kind of tree, but i thought these ones looked good considering it's in newcrest and those are the types of trees that were in the area so i opted for those instead i love those little pot-lights, or these little flat-lights, i'm not sure what they're called but i like that you can hide them underneath things and have that glow shining up where's the source!? where is this light coming from?! who knows! oh, here i am trying to add that *gate it just would not work! i don't know why they don't have a single single * gate like that double one there, that lines up (height-wise) so here now i'm just starting to furnish the backyard i put that little bird bath cause i think it's adorable i overuse the heck out of that thing

put some little pots so that you can plant some stuff in the backyard there, couldn't decide on a bench so i was going through all of them but obviously the one i chose first of course, usually works out that way so the furniture back here isn't too-too modern but i wanted it to be modern but also look still outdoors-y and also i always find it incredibly troubling to fill up space in a backyard, so this, this really helps i was going to put a hot-tub but i wasn't exactly sure where it could fit so i decided not to also what is that fire extinguisher thing that i was putting up there? i ended up taking it away because it looked horrible but i was really curious about the use of it so, if you have any idea how that works in this game, please let me know! there, it's gone now! (laugh)

so i ended up adding in a little bar out here too, well, not a bar.. but.. a little seating space eatin' their hawt dawgs, or your, haaaaambargers doing some more landscaping near the fence here, cause i thought it looked a little open and empty and i'm not one for empty so i added some more of those wall-merging plants that look fantaaaastic! and i also put a little yoga mat out there because if i had this backyard, and if i did yoga, i would probably want to be doing it here onto the inside! i was having trouble finding a modern door that was just a white colour so i ended up going with these cream ones, i think i change them to red and then back to cream again by the end but... rest assured, they are that cream colour. cream? they're more of like a wood, whatever, you get what i mean! (laugh)

also, sorry the windows kind of merge up into the ceiling a bit, i wanted them to leave room for the counters so they kinda look a little wonky, but, looks better when you're actually playing the game so no worries i opted for a dark-wood floor all over, and a concrete in the kitchen cause i thought it looked pretty sleek and i wanted to go for an industrial/modern kind of vibe in the kitchen and it is my favourite room in the house, i really hope you guys like it because it... i'm a big fan, i'm a big fan so i ended up doing something with shelving next to the stove, i didn't play-test this so i'm not entirely certain if it is essentially just kindling for a great big stove fire, however, it looks pretty good so, if it does cause a fire, my condolences, i hope none of your sims perish in that fire, but, the shelf looked gorgeous in the beginning, so, maybe it was worth it

so these chairs i believe are from the cool kitchen stuff pack, i like the bright colours so i incorporated a lot of that throughout the house the kitchen is a more yellow-kind of theme, whereas the living room is blue i used these mirrors as like a "faux" back-splash kinda thingy i'm not sure how much i love it but, looks kind of funky (laugh) also i am obsessed with that mirror there, i'm not sure why but that placement just gets my heart racing! how sad does that make me? i don't care, that mirror.. i love it so i added some cook books, some spices, some spoons and some spatulas i love those little box things, i don't know what their purpose is but they look good i also added some more shelving here because i didn't think that the cupboards would look great considering the space is kind of tight

it's also nice to have a lot of shelving, because if your sims collect things throughout the game, then you can have a place to put'em! i'm not sure how i feel about this white tile but it was the most sleek thing i could find, and also, did you just see that stupid yellow piece of wallpaper outside? i am not sure if that is still there or not but if it is, i am so sorry i'll fix that! (laugh) for some reason every time i build something i always have the lone piece of wallpaper that shouldn't be in a place that it is i hope i'm not the only one oh here i'm just adding some patio furniture to the front porch, because i completely forgot that the front porch was enornous! thought i'd fill up some space with a matching furniture to the backyard furniture oh here you can see me struggling to find a rug! i've done this about sixteen times

and i'm also testing out these little rock things that came with get together, i'd never seen before but, man.. rugs in this game! why on earth is it so hard to find a nice one? i don't know if it's just me but the struggle is so real with rugs! there's either not enough pattern on these rugs, or far too much pattern on these rugs. i can't win oh and i forgot that these closets came, i was going to make like a fake looking closet with some hanging clothes and stuff, but i forgot that get together actually came with sliding door closets! how foolish of me so i don't have movie hangout stuff, but if i did i would have used those amazing curtains that came with it i am not too keen on any of the curtains from the base game or, any of the expansion or stuff packs, if they came with curtains.. i am not entirely certain

so i am not in love with this living room, but i, for the most part, am pretty terrible at making living rooms unless they're like.. "victorian-esque" kind of looking living rooms, but the couch selection in this game is pretty limited so.. bear with me please! and i am also in love with these books, for some reason i put them everywhere, i just assume that since i have books everywhere that books will be everywhere, so.. i like when sims houses have a lot of little knick-knacks laying around cause i think it looks a little more lived-in and realistic and i am in love with that lamp i use that so much, same with those little ottomans too, the square ones when they first introduced a similar style in the sims 3 i lost my nuggets, and the nuggets are still gone here you can see me having a hard time figuring out what to do with the wall space in this living room (laugh)

i was trying to do a gallery wall kind of thing but it was not really working out alright so onto the bathroom, i'm actually quite fond of this bathroom even though the windows are kinda giant and i would not typically put giant windows in a bathroom, i thought they looked too good on the outside of the house to remove, so i made this sort of like blockade with the bathtub so that maybe they wouldn't see you using usin' the doo-doo if you know what i mean. so i kind of hid the toilet behind a wall there, even though sims wouldn't care if you were peepin' on their poopers, am i right? you know what i'm sayin'... anyway.. i also added some double sinks in here cause i kind of imagined two sims living here, sharing the master bedroom, maybe, growing into a two bedroom, where the office will later be, into a nursery or something there's plenty of room to grow in this house

i sound like a real estate agent now i'm just working on the bedroom. bed selection, like usual, very, very difficult! i normally just repeat the same bedrooms over and over again, but i tried to do something a little different here also added a little pile of dirty clothes just as an ode to me again with the rugs... i think most of my time spent in this game is just trying to pick a rug oops it skipped a little bit there but here i am adding these dividing wall kind of things, you could obviously get rid of these if you're not too fond of it breaking up the open concept, but i was trying to break up the space a little bit cause i was going to, or, i'm going to add an office here.. this could easily be used as a bedroom as well

i just wanted to have the big windows that show the pool open to the living room and the office, which is going to be in that space also those stupid shelves, i end up deleting them. i thought it would make a cool dividing kind of thing but they ended up just being in the ceiling, so... i digress also forgot columns existed so i was just going on a column rampage placing them every single place and adding some more stools there even though they wouldn't be functional ugh, shelves. that took me way too long all just to be deleted, ah... typical so here i am adding the office furniture, this is about the last thing in this build, i do love this office though it faces out, well, the computer the computer faces out so that you can look at the pool when you're typin' away, or

making a speed build! wink wink... i just had finger guns up too you just can't see me i love these weird little chairs, i never used them before but they are fantastic so here are the screenshots! that was the outside, here's another angle of the outside, the front there's the right side of the house here's the backyard nice little shot of the pool there outdoor kitchen i love the pool if you can't tell so here's the inside, right when you come in

my favourite part of the house, the kitchen. i love this kitchen and there is the office so if you like this video please, please don't hesitate to thumbs up and subscribe, i'll hopefully be posting a lot more soon!

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