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scp-001 "the broken god" object class: maksur "twistedgears-kaktus proposal" by order of the overseer council. the following file describes a maksur-classentity. this information is protected by level 5 classification. dissemination of maksur class informationis strictly forbidden, and poses an imminent threat to the scp foundation and its interests. individuals accessing this file must providelevel 5 security credentials, and be innoculated against against az109 memetic hazards. failure to do so will result in immediate"carrier omega" memetic termination upon accessing

this file. life signs detected. memetic inoculation ascertained. welcome, overseer. item #: scp-001 object class: maksur special containment procedures: informationon the relevancy of scp-001 to the related anomalous objects are to be omitted from therespective objects' documentation. while connections with the church of the brokengod can remain available, the origins of the

items are to be omitted or obfuscated. the inactive component of scp-001 is to remainin its current location, and any shipping or diving is forbidden in that area. civilian discovery of scp-001 is to be suppressed,and amnestics are to be utilized in order to maintain classification. persons affiliated with the church of thebroken god who make active attempts to seek out the inactive component of scp-001 areto be taken into foundation custody and questioned. information pertaining to scp-001, whetherphysical or digital, is to be confiscated and contained.

the inactive component of scp-001 is expectedto remain inanimate; however, should scp-001 experience spontaneous reanimation, all activemobile task force units at nearby site-27, site-44, site-90, and site-101 are to be assignedto active countermeasures. should this event (currently designated an001-apotheosis event) occur in the modern world, it is believed that current means ofinformation suppression would be insufficient. it is likely that an 001-apotheosis eventwould result in a sk-class "broken masquerade" scenario, and likely following that, an xk-class"end-of-the-world" scenario. extant active components of scp-001 are notto come within 20km of the inactive component of scp-001 under any circumstances.

description: scp-001 is a collection of anomalousitems, formerly a single, massive mechanical entity assembled by members of the churchof the broken god in late 1942 near la paz, mexico. items include scp-217, scp-1139, scp-882,and several internal components of scp-629. a full list is available here. members of the church combined the variousanomalous objects in an effort to restore their deity. upon activation, scp-001 reportedly beganto integrate metallic objects into itself while actively seeking other anomalous objects.

scp-001, and the resulting "001-apotheosis"event that took place as a result of its assembly, was the cause of significant environmentalchanges in western mexico, and required one of the most widespread use of amnestics todate. post-event, the active components of scp-001were taken to foundation sites for containment, while the inactive component of scp-001 remainedon the bottom of the gulf of california, at approximately 23.807269, -108.418369. addendum 001.01: collected information describingscp-001 transcription of statement by father jorgecastillo, august 1945 fernand was the first…

i think, the first who contacted me afterthey had found the heart. the way they described it, the fervor thatwas in their eyes, it captivated me and i knew then. i knew that they had done it. i went to meet with anthony and salvador theweekend after my sister's confirmation… when they showed it to me i was taken aback. it was little more than a pile of gears, pistons,ticking pieces of clockwork and lubricated metal parts, all dutifully churning alongwithout a power source. within it i saw the heart, just as they described.

it spoke to me. not like you and i would speak to each other,but… with images, and feelings. and pain. it was in so much pain. like the spark that had given it life hadmade it realize what it was, or what it wasn't, and it desired only to be whole again. desire is a strong word, perhaps. not desire, more than it was impulse. something within the creature drove it forwardtowards some unthinking, unfaltering end.

the creature they presented to me was notlike the other artifacts i had found and blessed. this one was different, there was somethingwrong with it, and i did not know until later what they had done… i begged salvador to take it back to thatbeach and undo it, that it was not right, but they would hear nothing of it. it started moving before i left, shaking enoughfrom side to side that it could achieve locomotion. it hobbled over a wrench, and the wrench becamepart of its body. they said to me, "our god is unbroken!" i never saw them again.

excerpt from an interview with francis bollingerin 1946 it didn't use words, or any kind of language. it would make metallic sounds but at the sametime… images and concepts would come to mind whenwe were around it. have you ever felt, when you have a thoughtor idea— and it's all there, born whole in your mind— you still had to think thewords for it, despite knowing the sentiment before you finish the sentence? it was like that, but from an alien mind. truly the words of the divine.

excerpt from an interview in 2007 with trixiesilva, agent of the unusual incidents unit there were a few wolves — wait, you knowwhat those are, right? they're like… like hunters, they work forthe horizon initiative. they confronted us near a church in santamargarita, wanted us to turn in the stuff that we had collected for the church of thebroken god, like the abrahamic stuff we handed over. we deliberated on whether we should give itto them — our stance with the hi has been a bit shaky, moreso in recent memory. while we have been on good terms with thelocal broken churchgoers, the wolves were

more… well, are more aggressive. we looked over what we had, and while we did,this woman walked up. i don't know where she came from. she dressed like a hippie; thin, iron chainsfor hair, but she seemed distant the whole time. the look in her eyes, her abnormal smile,like she was hardly there. she looked at what we had and said she onlywanted this, uh. i don't actually know what it was. a metal box, it whirred and clicked, and putout this little beam of light on one end when

i picked it up. felt lighter than i would have thought. i asked why that was important to her, andshe said that it'd be easier to show me than tell. she closed her eyes and bowed her head. she didn't move or speak after that, so iclosed my eyes as well. she brought her forehead to mine, but kindof offset. we stood like that for a second, foi muitoestranho, before she suddenly moved her chin down, made me jerk down slightly.

the world dropped beneath me and i fell. something clicked in my mind, an image oftwo gears, formerly meshed together, now broken away. i felt the teeth of my spine arch out as ibent over, one step and i clicked along on the multidimensional cog that was the planet. it spun around the furnace of the sun, tetheredto it by the chain that was gravity, and we hurtled together through an oily cosmos withall the power of an infinitely unwinding spring… …s-sorry. it was an experience.

no, it was not a religious experience, but…yeah. she told me to pick the box back up and itfelt a lot heavier than before. i couldn't tell if it actually had more weight,or if it felt more… significant. i gave it to her and wouldn't hear anythingotherwise from the wolves or my teammates or my superior. addendum 001.02: interview with excommunicatedchurch of the broken god priest father dolorous randall, june 1945 [extraneous dialogue removed] williams: alright.

you mentioned the heart earlier. were you there when they found it? randall: no, not at all. i was out of the country at the time, workingwith a new mission in panama. i only heard about ezekiel after the fact. williams: who was ezekiel? randall: one of bumaro's agents. before he was made leader of the church, robertwould keep a number of them around, these individuals who were in tune with god andcould feel its presence, speak to it.

ezekiel had discovered an artifact of somevalue, and bumaro took him on afterwards. these agents were the first to experimentwith the augmentations, as well. as you can imagine, many of them died. williams: but not ezekiel? randall: no. he was very close to bumaro, and i don't knowif he would have risked ezekiel's well-being. it doesn't matter, ezekiel didn't need augmentationsto speak to the god. he was just… capable. williams: so what does ezekiel have to dowith the heart?

randall: you heard avery tell you that theyhad a stockpile of artifacts, right? anything that one of these agents touched,if they felt something they would have it shipped to la paz with the rest of it. most of it was worthless, but every now andthen they would find something legitimate. the purifier, the one— whatever you callit, one of the agents discovered that near nepal. they had tendons and ligaments and everythingelse, but they were all just parts. they would move on their own, but they didn'tdo anything together. williams: how do you mean?

randall: the texts refer to the god reassemblingitself once the pieces are brought before its heart. all you need do is to feed the heart a limb,and the god will have a limb. but they couldn't find a heart. there were (pauses) a couple of agents whohad claimed to have found one, but they were all the same useless piece of machinery asthe rest. williams: where does ezekiel figure into this? randall: ezekiel was the one who told bumarothat, if they could not find a heart, maybe they could build one of their own.

this, at the time, flew directly in the faceof the church doctrine. the leadership, if they had known, would haveexcommunicated him. but it was quickly becoming clear that theproject couldn't last through to the summer. i was sent in with my mission to resupplythem after ezekiel had left, and their supplies were nearly exhausted. williams: our records indicate that the heartwas something they discovered. is that not true? randall: of course it isn't true. you can't preach to a congregation about godgiving parts of himself to you and then turn

around and tell them that the most essentialpart is something you conjured up out of nothing. worse than nothing, though. the details of what they did to create thatheart and make it live were never revealed to me, but you can draw conclusions from evidence. there was a drought that year, and the poliocrisis hit an all time high. thousands died, all of natural causes. a freak event, never accurately recorded becauseof the attention on the war. dios mio, but who can say. williams: you think the two are related?

randall: i think the timing is too coincidental. and knowing what i know about what that thingbecame, i think the answer is clear. that was not the heart of god, agent. that was something altogether different. addendum 001.03: recovered video transcript,november 1942 video recovered from local documentary filmcrew. shot begins on a destroyed home, the wreckagecentered around the garage. metal fragments and strips of rubber traildown the driveway and onto the asphalt, and go down the street.

pieces of various automobiles are strewn acrossthe street and sidewalk. the trail leads to scp-001, which is integratinga truck into its chassis. scp-001 continues to the nearest house, whereit begins consuming the gutters. residents of the area flee the scene, severalinjured by discarded shards of glass and twisted metal discharged by scp-001. lights produced from various parts of scp-001'sbody focus on the various prone figures. a section along the undercarriage of scp-001alters and drops away from the main body, which continues down the street in searchof more sources of material. the ejected subsection continues alterations,forming a vertical pod somewhat resembling

a human spine and rib cage. pod collapses in various areas, the rib-likeprotrusions extending outward as the rest of the pod changes into a humanoid form roughlythree meters tall. light is produced from the head, which isfocused on a nearby civilian. the metal humanoid picks up the civilian,who appears to be dead, and places it into a small chamber between the humanoid's ribs. the ribs vibrate as the humanoid approachesa second civilian, who is attempting to crawl she attempts to struggle as the humanoid liftsher and places her inside its chest cavity. the humanoid turns away from the camera toapproach a third civilian, and what appears

to be the woman's dismembered hand falls tothe floor. a growth on the humanoid's back slowly expandsas it continues to gather bodies, the body of the humanoid decreasing in size as it doesso. by the sixth consumed body the growth is largerthan the humanoid, and it is unable to continue bipedal movement. the limbs recede into the body and the ribsextend to allow it to scuttle onto the roof of a nearby house. it remains in place for twenty minutes. the bulbous exterior cracks and is torn awayfrom within, revealing three humanoids.

they each appear to be symptomatic of scp-217,and exhibit physical characteristics of the six captured civilians. one, a female with chains extending from itsscalp, shakes another, which appears to be dead. the third, a male with clockwork limbs, examinesitself before jumping from the roof, landing on its stomach. it does not appear to be damaged by this,which seems to cause it distress. it then pursues scp-001, which is consuminganother vehicle farther down the street. the female humanoid notices the camera crew.

it begins to wave, but quickly stops. it looks toward scp-001 before jumping intothe backyard, and out of the camera's view. addendum 001.04: taped phone conversationwith robert bumaro note: the following is audio from a tapedphone conversation between an agent of the church of the broken god (name unknown) androbert bumaro. the call was recorded in december of 1942,and was collected by foundation personnel during a raid on a church stronghold in 1966. [call begins] bumaro: hello?

agent: bless you father. bumaro: dmitri? agent: no. bumaro: ah, of course. bless you, child. how is the little lord? agent: stronger every day. we had to move him from the back of our officeinto a warehouse nearby. bumaro: he's being fed?

agent: as you required. bumaro: good. when will you be moving to peã±asco? agent: within the week. we are only waiting for the next train. bumaro: it may need to be sooner. there was a raid in la paz two weeks ago. three of our men have not been accounted for. there is growing foundation activity nearby—(cuts out momentarily)

agent: father? bumaro: (to someone in the background) tomorrow,tomorrow. bumaro: yes. we had expected them to head north, but they'vecome west instead. a minor setback. agent: what about the safehouse? there are nearly a hundred other artifactsthere, and— bumaro: (cuts off) a minor setback. they don't know where it is, and even if theydid, that isn't their priority right now.

their eyes, and the eyes of the rest of theworld, are on europe. as their gaze settles there, they will notrealize our accomplishment until they are powerless to stop him. agent: that was, uh, something else i neededto ask you, father. bumaro: yes? agent: our god, uh… is ravenous. we cannot seem to satiate him, the supplieswe were given are not— bumaro: (cuts off again) what is the issue? agent: father, our… the lord is eating itsown housing.

we cannot convince him to stop, he cannotbe reasoned with, it— bumaro: nonsense. the heart of the devout may speak directlyto our god. can you not hear his words when he reachesout to you? do you not feel the machine moving insideof you? or do you need more proof other than the living,breathing god before your own eyes? agent: no! father, it is not that, it is— bumaro: i will hear nothing of it.

for years, we have prayed and asked for ourgod to be unbroken before us. and now, he has presented himself. we know that the divine will speak to theheart of the devout. if you are telling me that there are noneamong you who are devout enough to commune with our lord, tell me now so you can be replaced. agent: our faith is strong, father. please, forgive my insolence. i am only misguided. bumaro: see to yourself, then.

i worry for your faith. have one of your brothers, one who is strongerthan you, have him speak to the lord and tell him of the necessity for secrecy. our lord will understand, no doubt. the unbroken god is a reasonable god. agent: yes, bless you father. bumaro: bless you, child. [call ends] addendum 001.05: escalation report, december1943

the following is an interview conducted withfoundation commander mark peterson of site-74. the director, who prior to the 001-apotheosisevent was stationed in mexico city, was on-site with foundation personnel in la paz duringthe event. director cornwell: start again from the top,we're recording now. commander peterson: alright. the first reports we got about church activityin mexico were in '41, but it was all pretty minor at the time. we had just finished field operations nearthe border up north and were preparing to move our assets to atlanta for deploymentto france.

we had just gotten our orders to retrievea series of sensitive objects that they didn't want to get into the hands of the krauts,and they were going to move our entire division to get it done. leadership wasn't sure that roosevelt wouldmake the call to move in enough time for us to blend in with the americans, so we weregoing to have to go in separately. the whole thing was a mess. director cornwell: what kept you in la paz? commander peterson: i was there on accident. one of our trains had taken the overland routeto la paz, probably to pick up some of the

armaments we had there. turns out that train was supposed to headnorth. so all of a sudden most of the leadershipsouth of the rio grande is in la paz, which in retrospect probably did us a lot of goodas far as the overall effort is concerned. director cornwell: when did you first hearabout the 001-apotheosis entity? commander peterson: (laughs) jesus. is that what they're calling it now? the machine, i guess, we first heard throughthe grape vine of increased activity in the area in…

i guess it would've been a little over a yearago. we ended up in la paz in october of '42, so…yeah, that sounds right. the first concrete evidence we got that somethingwas wrong was when a train of… refugees? seems kind of silly to call them that, buti guess that's accurate. they showed up in la paz near the end of october,talking about how their entire town had been mulched. they didn't really elaborate much, just keptsaying "la mã¡quina, la mã¡quina," you know, "the machine". that's why we were calling it that, by theway.

we had no idea what it was supposed to be. director cornwell: what about your first interactionwith the entity? commander peterson: well, the rail stoppedrunning, if that's what you mean. we got word from the local authorities thatthere had been an accident up north, and that the trains weren't heading to the border anymore. it wasn't a huge issue for us, since we could'vetaken a couple of vehicles and headed east until we hit one of those little towns atthe foot of the mountains. most of them were hooked up to a separaterail line entirely, and we could've gotten out that way.

but the big stuff, the stuff that the trainhad been sent to la paz for, couldn't just be moved. so we were going to wait it out. then demarco had the bright idea to send aparty up the rail-line to see where the hold up was, and see what we could do to clearit. he led the expedition himself. director cornwell: what happened to agentdemarco? commander peterson: you know damn well whathappened to him, bill. director cornwell: for the record.

commander peterson: fine. we didn't hear back from them after threedays, and were going to send the rest of the leadership east anyway so they didn't haveto wait, but then after five days one of demarco's guys showed up at our camp. he was delirious, talking about the "worldeater", and how the rest of the guys had gotten and they had, hadn't they? i know it wasn't as big then as it ended up,but it wasn't something to fuck around with. demarco… director cornwell: are you alright?

commander peterson: yeah. he tried to kill it. he probably knew then what we wouldn't findout until later; that we couldn't contain this thing. there wasn't a hole in the world big enoughto put it in, or a box that it wouldn't eat its way out of. but it didn't matter for him, or anyone hewent with. the machine didn't care. director cornwell: when did you first seeit?

commander peterson: december. once we'd hunkered in, i was part of an expeditionaryteam that flew up there to get a good look at it. it was already… i mean, you saw what it did to that side ofthe country. i've never seen anything that big that couldmove. it was like a mountain of moving parts, blackeningthe sky as it burned through whatever it was shoveling into its chest. and it was small then!

it was… i don't know. we all had xk-event preparation training,but this went above and beyond anything we had trained for. it was inevitability. we knew that we were going to die, and thisthing was going to kill us. it was just a matter of when. addendum 001.06: collected foundation correspondences note: the following are excerpts from writtencorrespondences by foundation personnel stationed

at la paz, recovered from the temporary sitein the wake of the 001-apotheosis event. names have been omitted. dear ███████, i don't even know if this will get to you. none of the trains are running, but our commandersays that we can still get letters out. i hope it does, i'd like you to read it. the skies down here have been dark for weeks. smoke from up north every day, makes it hardto breathe. they still don't have indoor plumbing here,and nobody but the other guys in our company

speak english. we still don't know what we're down here todo, either. i keep hearing we're here to fix the rails,but why aren't we going north? aren't the breaks in the rails up north? a man came into town today with damn nearhalf of his face cooked off. he was like a dead-man, didn't respond toanybody. he got towards the middle of town and collapsed. when he finally woke up in the infirmary later,he was delirious. telling a story about a machine the size ofa mountain that spoke to you.

said there were people jumping out of theirhomes and running, just to throw themselves in it. said they were shredded, like jumping undera lawn-mower. then he died, and nobody knows why. the mountains crumbled before our own eyes. we saw a figure rising through the smoke,slow and lumbering but with terrifying momentum. it didn't crawl like a beast or walk likea man, but was propelled forwards by the turning of a million cogs, like an iron centipede. its body extended upwards, into the smoke,higher than we could make out.

within its chest we saw fire, like the furnacesof hell. it came to the mountains north of us and didnot stop, or go around, but went through, and devoured them. it reached out with a long, pulsing arm, andpulled an entire village into its maw. i saw men leaping to their death as theirhomes were swept away, into the same inferno as the rest. and it howled, not just through the grindingof the gears and the churning of the machine, but in our minds. i could hear it in my heart.

it was screaming. directive: central command, site-001 courtesy of: █████████████ temp site lost. la paz in ruins. mechanical entity contained. massive geological alterations. xk avoided. requesting amnestic support.

addendum 001.07: interview with goc lieutenant"revenant" note: the following is an excerpt of a post-eventinterview conducted with a goc lieutenant, codenamed "revenant". the recording of the interview, and all transcriptsthereof, were collected by foundation agents during a negotiated information exchange in1992. to date, the identity of "revenant" is unknown. there's this story that gets told among foundationagents, something that the grizzled veterans will tell the greenhorns during the long nightsof guard duty on some cell block or another. i don't know who started it, but i know theystill tell it.

it's been a half-century, and they still getit right. you can give them that much credit. they say, "don't you know? the goc killed god." but the greenhorns will say, "no, that's nottrue. god is in a cell at site-whatever. the goc didn't kill god." and they're talking about that type greenthey've got locked up somewhere, the one who thinks he's the christian god.

then the vets will smile and shake their heads,and won't say anything. because they all know. they know that in 1943, in the midst of theapocalypse, the foundation could do nothing but watch the end while the allied occultinitiative, a poorly funded, undermanned, inadequate predecessor to the coalition, savedthe world. the metaphorical gun was found on an islandoff the coast of greece. i can't even remember what it looked like,all i get is that sort of fuzzy recollection the amnestics leave you with. but i distinctly recall it wasn't as heavyas you'd think.

why the amnestics? i was with the detachment deployed to thearea, and apparently one of the pieces had some mind altering effect to it. i have a vague sense of feeling somethingwrong, so i'll take their word for it. i don't remember what it looked like, i can'trecall how it destroyed that much land. hell, i barely remember when it happened andthe only reason i know where is all the before and after maps. but i can still feel it, in my gut, that thatwasn't how things were meant to be. we stood before what looked to be an angryand vengeful god, and all it did was beg us

to kill it. we were all too happy to oblige. addendum 001.08: recovered video transcript note: the following is a transcript of recoveredvideo footage, roughly thirty seconds in duration. the transcript of the clip was authored shortlyafter its recovery, though the video has since degraded and is no longer legible. the footage's audio is in acceptable condition,and is available for access below. recovered audio: warning: the following audiosnippet is at a high volume. addendum 001.09: neutralization of scp-001

on july 17th, 1943, agents from the alliedoccult initiative contacted foundation directors stationed at la paz, mexico, and requestedassistance with transportation towards the site of the 001-apotheosis entity. foundation operatives moved quickly to dispatcha plane to retrieve the aoi members. after arriving, the agents described a uniqueanomalous artifact they had in their custody, and how it might be used to slow the advanceof the 001-apotheosis entity. three days after arriving at la paz, on july24th, 1943, the allied occult initiative dispatched a single agent to the site of the 001-apotheosisentity, with the anomalous artifact on their person.

on the morning of july 25th, 1943, as the001-apotheosis entity approached the shore of the pacific ocean another massive, mechanicalconstruct appeared overhead. the origin of this entity is currently unknown. records of the event following the appearanceof scp-2399 are incomplete and likely inaccurate. the result of this engagement was the annihilationof scp-001. scp-2399 disappeared and was later discoveredin low-jupiter orbit in a state of disrepair, though the reason for this is currently unknown. the remaining inactive component of scp-001,a massive, unassembled group of machine parts, remains at the bottom of the gulf of california.

upon removing scp-882 from the inactive superstructure,the remainder collapsed and became wholly inert. following the 001-apotheosis event, a massiveamnesticization of individuals in and around the area now known as baja california tookplace. these efforts were aided by the quantity ofthick, black smoke that accompanied scp-001, and current historical records describe theevent as a forest fire. significant effort was made to adjust mapsof the area, as well as relocate displaced civilians. because of the need for a widespread amnesticregimen, several experimental neurotransformers

were used, and because of their poorly understoodside effects, it is estimated that no fewer than two million people across the world diedin the decade following the 001-apotheosis event. addendum 001.10: collected allied occult initiativedocumentation note: the following document was given tofoundation personnel by poi-004d/001 (see addendum 001.12). it is currently unknown how the document cameinto poi-004d/001's possession. attn: general darius artifact collection report

authored: lieutenant van peltc.o: colonel baghram report length: 57 pgs summary of report: on december 30th, 1942,a rogue humanoid entity, anomalous in nature, was sighted by a patrol near a small islandoff the coast of greece. this entity, who claimed no name and did notcommunicate readily in the english tongue, was carrying a small, cubic artifact no largerthan a baseball. the entity appeared to be feminine and hada number of steel chains extending from its scalp. entity was originally willing to give up possessionof artifact (classified ar-213), but become

hostile shortly thereafter and began speaking. entity made threats on the lives of the squad,and subdued two officers before being incapacitated by sergeant dixon. entity made reference to the west of the mexicancountry, demanding to be freed so that the artifact could be taken there. further research has uncovered increased scpfoundation activity in that area, as well as some minor geological disturbances. on the orders of colonel baghram, 2nd platoonwas ordered to ship to the site of the disturbances with the entity (classified en-340) in tow.

after boarding the ship bound for america,en-340 became passive, albeit obviously uncomfortable and disturbed. recommending further psychological evaluationof en-340 upon return prior to termination. once analysis of ar-213 is completed, artifactwill be shipped to zurich for incineration. report is attached for your consideration lt. r. van pelt2nd platoon allied occult initiative peacekeepers addendum 001.11: agent ruberson's statement,january 1944 .note: agent aaron ruberson was on-site during

the collection of scp-001 artifacts. as the most senior member of foundation staffassigned to the collection effort, he was required to submit a post-event statement. this report was filed at site-17, until itwas added to the other classified material related to scp-001. it is unknown whether any other individualshad knowledge of this report, or if any copies were made. the following is an excerpt from that statement. we took what we could from the shores first.

little things, gears and pulleys and pistons,things like that. a lot of it was garbage, but they were stilltwitching, spinning, turning. they still had life in them. the small stuff sort of died off after a couplehours, but i heard that the bigger pieces were still churning weeks later. like cutting the head off a chicken. the important parts, the ones we knew wereactual church artifacts, we managed to bag and get moved to the train in la paz for transport. i counted, christ, maybe a hundred?

individual anomalous artifacts. some of the boys at the train station jokedthat they'd have to build a whole new site just to keep it all. we kept casualties low, fortunately. mostly guys just being dumb around machinery,acting like it still couldn't take their arms off. rodriguez got his hand crunched, and we hadto help move him to the local clinic. i think we only had one death the entire time. one of the locals we hired to help dive downinto the bay and get straps around the heart

so we could pull it up. i didn't see it, but i heard about it. said they found him with his head smashedbetween two moving pieces. said it looked like he'd shoved it in therehimself. but i don't know, i didn't see it. i did see the tags, though. you know, when a place manufactures something,and in order to identify where the part came from, they'll get a big piece of metal withtheir name on it and stick it on the side of the part?

we saw plenty of those on other parts, thestuff that it had collected while it was eating its way to the sea. none of the church artifacts did, though. they all buzzed along like everything else,but they weren't marked. you could feel something when standing nextto them, like serenity. the whole project was like that, it felt calm. like relief. except for the heart. when we finally got it out of the bay, wehad to keep it on the shore for a day because

of the weather. some of the locals started to get itchy. said they were hearing voices, wouldn't gonear it. didn't matter how much money we offered them. had to wait to bring in more support fromthe base up north just to get it loaded on a ship. i… man, i don't know. i've seen all kinds of things, but my memeticresistance is pretty high. i had to pass a handful of tests just to getthis assignment, and everything was clean.

but i can't deny getting another kind of feelingaround the heart. i don't know if i'd say i was hearing voices,but… right, the tags. it was as we were leaving and loading it onthe ship that was going to take it north that i saw them for the first time. i didn't even think to say anything then,didn't even pass my mind until i started looking into some other files. then that ship crashed in the storm, and theylost the heart, and the whole time i kept thinking about those goddamn metal tags.

i realized it then, i think. that wasn't a church artifact, johnny. they said "property of the factory". addendum 001.12: interview with poi-004d/001 note: the following is an excerpt from aninterview in 2009 with poi-004d/001, who claims to be part of a previously unknown sect ofthe church of the broken god. contact was made with the cooperation of theunusual incidents unit, who had interacted with poi-004d/001 as detailed in addendum001.01. so, tell me what you think you know.

i see. interesting. well, you're not entirely wrong. and that's commendable, in this day and age. there are a few key details i feel you maybe overlooking, and you may be overvaluing information handed to you by a self-admittedamnesiac. let me set the record straight. the goc did not kill yahweh, as they may soproudly proclaim. and that was not the broken god they destroyed.

it was a piece of it, surely, but would youshow me a camshaft and call it a car? oh, so you have some parts together. an engine, perhaps. but not a car. god is much simpler than that. god is everything. from the biggest star to the smallest particle. each tiny parts, completely insignificanton their own. doing whatever it is they're meant to do.

meshing together, gnashing at each other. all a part of a cosmic machine. the machine aspect was, at some point, likelysimply a metaphor. an idea. but as i'm sure you know, ideas are powerful. they make things from nothing, or change thingsalready there. and with a small spark of the divine, a symbolbecomes real. have a planet with as much life as there ishere, you generate a lot of ideas. and you may ask me, "why is it called thebroken god?"

there are a few possible answers. something as simple as translation issues. reinterpretations made physical by the devout. is "broken" simply a poor translation of somemore nuanced word? was god a being that broke in the big bang? if so, why did it break? and what will happen if it's repaired? i can answer none of the questions save thelast, but you already know the answer. whatever god once was doesn't matter, ultimately.

what matters, to you, is that that it mustremain as it is. "broken." god knows that. the more powerful parts, the mechanical componentsthe more conventional sects may label as holy, they know they are not meant to be one solidthing. and even when forced together, a foreign forcedriving them, they know what they really are. bits of the monster will work to destroy itself,deploy smaller entities to do the job. the goc didn't kill it, they took the gunfrom its own hand and claimed credit when they pulled the trigger.

the problem is that humans are too small apart of god to remember. remember what it was like before. and so those like bumaro will invent new waysto push us toward a singularity. because that's what will happen. did you see the underside of the destroyer? it was damaged even before the encounter in'43. and if you looked very closely, you mighthave seen the scars were getting closer and closer to the power core. it even managed to damage whatever lets itslip between the layers of reality this time.

eventually the monster will win. it will destroy the destroyer, devour it,and with its power consume everything. and i mean everything. god will return to being one gestalt being,a singularity, and then break. only this time it may have some outside forcewithin it. the rust of the factory. the blood of a daevite king. the fifthists, wondertainment, some randomperson on the street with enough spark in them to be a reality bender.

they will have a hand in remaking the universe,and close the secondary loop of all this. no, that doesn't concern me. it's an eventuality, it's meant to happen. who's to say it hasn't already happened, andyour people were the winner? maybe humanity itself was the winner. but that doesn't mean i'd be against puttingit off, allowing the primary loop to continue. yes, it's possible. i know you couldn't damage the monster lasttime, and that the destroyer may not be able to repair itself by the time it is needed.

but who's to say you can't aid it? or mimic those who will seek to rebuild god,and acquire outside help? working together, nothing is impossible. apart, we are broken. but united, we are god.

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