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construction maison moderne rhone alpes

construction maison moderne rhone alpes

at ten kilometres from the capital of the dukes of savoy, chambã©ry, frisomat met architects patriarche & co, founded 50 years ago. we are in le bourget du lac, at the gateway to the alps. patriarche & co is an architecture and engineering firm. it isimportant to make that clear, since that's relatively unusual. the firm has about 130 staff members,50% architects, 50% engineers. the firm has three offices, with the mainone here in bourget du lac, savoy. there are two other offices, one in paris and one in lyon. why are you taking part in this call for ideas? here at patriarche, we are very much in the habitof developing concepts with industries.

it's part of our culture, our distinctive featureof being architects and engineers, to work with people who will teach us todevelop specific construction systems. where is your project located? the place we chose is in the outlying suburbsof chambã©ry. it's the old rn6 road, on which a commercial area has been developed that goes fromthe centre of chambã©ry to the challes-les-eaux town centre. the specific site lies at the intersection of two roads. it has the disadvantages we have already mentioned. but it also has an advantage, which is that in the background it links up with an area that still serves as a green lung, the cluse de chambã©ry, an area that is still rural. so here we are in the north of the site.

this view gives us a clear idea of the linearity of the site and the advantage of planning all the constructions on a north-south axis, consisting of the belledonne chain on the oneside and the revard chain on the other. and so our micro-village is related to the surrounding environment. how will your project be integrated into this environment whileresponding to the question of the approach to towns and cities? our project needs a strong architectural image in relation to themain road axis. but it will be developed a bit like an oasis. it will be highly interesting for visitors, passers-by,who will be able to go along an internal street. and the idea is not only to create a major point on the urban axis, but also to bring the general landscape into the project, by including plants between all the buildings.

so as ultimately to create something where the landscapewill stand in relation to the architecture. in terms of the programme, the idea could be to haveeverything that relates to services or is linked to paramedical and medical activities on the upper floors. and on the ground floor, around a central area, allthe shops, restaurants, ... could be housed. how will frisomat products help you to implement your project? in our general architectural approach, our house style, we develop an architecture that is relatively linked to construction systems. here this is clearly the case, the frisomat construction system had a great influence on the way we composed this architecture. frisomat gives us a stage and an opportunity to increase awareness among the general public, or elected representatives, or investors,

of the issue of the approaches to towns and cities, and their quality. and so the architects at patriarche & co have shown that frisomat products can be directed away from their primary function. while respecting the environment, herethey are used to create new centres and promote social exchanges in new approaches to towns and cities. frisomat, daringly simple

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