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[set up intro videos] (keshe foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop) the keshe foundationis extending an invitation to medical doctors ofany practice and speciality, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop, this includes medical doctors,dentists, and veterinarians. scientists at the keshe foundation developed different typesof plasma therapies, and cures, that utilize advancednon-invasive plasma technology.

the weekly privatemedical teaching workshop educates doctors to theplasma science behind the therapies, along with the functionality and operationof revolutionary plasma medical devices. the goal of the private teachingsis to add plasma health knowledge to the profound knowledgeof medical doctors. the weekly class is broadcast liveover the internet through a secure private channel, every wednesday from 2 to 5 pmcentral european time (cet). presently the classis only offered in english,

however you are free to bringa translator to the class. if you can't participatein a live broadcast you can watch them laterat your convenience through a private internet portal. every patient's casethat is discussed in the workshop will be kept anonymous and private. this includes cataloguedfindings and data, gained from the analysisof the patient's health issues. any medical doctor in the worldwho wants to participate can do so,

by sending an email to : doctors@spaceshipinstitute.org in your email, please stateyour willingness to participate in the medical teaching workshop. if you're planning on bringinga translator to the workshop, please state this in your email as well. after we receive your email, we will contact you with the instructionson how to apply to the workshop. as a part of the application process,applicants who apply,

including any translatorsbrought into the workshop, will be required to sign the:keshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address: http://keshefoundation.org/worldpeacetreaty/worldpeacetreaty.pdf all applicants will be required toprovide proof of their education, and ability to practice medicine, and will also be required to passan extensive security background check, before they are granted accessto the teaching workshop. helpful plasma technology is here now.

the use of which is increasingexponentially on a day to day basis, on every continent. we encourage you to come and learnabout this revolutionary technology. apply today! [private weekly agriculture teaching] the keshe foundation is extendingan invitation to experienced farmers, agricultural specialists,and researchers, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly agriculture teaching workshops. if you fall into one of these categories,

and are interested in plasma technologyintegration into agriculture, you're invited to apply. scientists and agricultural practitionersof the keshe foundation, continually develop and applynew methods of food and fiber production, soil fertility management,plant and livestock health management, and increased farm productivity,using the most advanced plasma technology that is taught at the keshefoundation spaceship institute. in the teaching workshop, you'll leatrn the scienceof plasma technology

and it's applications inthe fields of agriculture, for enhanced andequitable global food production, while minimizing costsand external input. practicing farmers andkeshe foundation scientists will demonstrate their applicationof plasma technology in agriculture, and the ensuing resultsof such applications, thus deepening and enriching learning for all participants inthe private teachings. participants are encouragedto demonstrate

their farming practicesin the teaching workshop. the private teachings are broadcastin english live over the internet through a secure private channelevery wednesday at 10 am to 1 pm, cet. if necessary you may bring a translatorto the workshop. all applicants are requiredto provide proof of their educational and professional qualifications. must pass a security background check and are required to sign thekeshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address:

(http://keshefoundation.org/worldpeacetreaty/worldpeacetreaty.pdf) translators that attendmust also pass a security check and sign the world peace treaty. for details on how to jointhe private teachings in agriculture, send an email to: agriculture@kfssi.org stating that you wouldlike to participate. include in the email your educationaland agricultural experience, and reasons for your interestin plasma technology. applicants will be contactedwith further instructions

and details on the application process. the keshe foundationis proud to announce the 2nd universal counciland 2nd science conferences which will be held in romemarch 27th-31st, 2017. if you are interested in attendingboth or either conferences please go to:www.keshefoundation.org and click on new webshopat the top of the home page. you can attend the conferencesas an audience member or participate asa science conference presenter.

presenters will be allocated one hour to present products and innovationsin keshe plasma technology in any of the following categories: space technology, health, materials,energy, agriculture, transportation, the environment, gans and nanotechand any other area that applies. foundation distributors and manufacturerswill be attending the conference affording you the opportunityto build relationships to promote and market your products. the full package price for bothconferences is 1,650 euros per person

which includes:daily attendance to the conferences six-night stay in rome as well as breakfast, tea and lunchon the days of the event. accommodations for this packageis based on double occupancy. check-in on the 26th of march,check-out on the 1st of april. the full package price for two personsfor both conferences is 3,300 euros, which includes daily attendancefor two persons, six-night stay in rome as well as breakfast, tea and lunchon the days of the conferences. accommodations for this packageinclude a twin room with a king-size bed.

you can stay additional nightsif you wish at a cost of a 175 eurosper night, per person. a single ticket for those who wish to onlyattend the universal council conference which takes placeon the 27th and 28th is 750 euros, which includes the price of admissionplus two night stay in rome, in a two single-bed room, accommodations is basedon double occupancy. check-in on the 26th of march,check-out on the 29th. a two-person ticket

for those who wish to only attendthe universal council conference is 1,500 euros, which includes,the price of admission, plus two nights stay in rome ina hotel room with a king-size bed, check-in on the 26th of march.check-out on the 29th. a single ticket for those who wish to onlyattend the universal science conference which takes place on march 29th,through march 31st, is 1,150 euros, which includesthe price of admission, plus 4 night stay in rome,in a two single-bed room, accommodations is basedon double occupancy

check-in on the 28th march,check-out on the 1st of april. a two person ticket,for those who wish to only attend the universal science conferenceis 2,300 euros, which includes;the price of admission, plus four nights stay in rome,in a hotel room with a king-size bed, as well as breakfast,tea and lunch on the days of the event. accommodations are basedon double occupancy. check-in on the 28th of march,check-out on the 1st of april. if you would like to attend,

and prefer to make your ownarrangements for accommodations, the price of admission to eitherconference is 200 euros per day. we look forward to meeting you at the 2nduniversal science and council conferences in rome, march 27th,through 31st, 2017. [flint intro video] (rc) welcome everyone to the 162nd knowledge seekers workshopof the keshe foundation spaceship institute and once again we'll have mr kesheof the keshe foundation, here to speak to us about the latestdevelopments with the keshe foundation

and then he's got some news,i think from ghana, as well as... we'll have some....showings of different experiments, and things that people are doing tohave a better descriptionof the fields that ... that we're trying to measurewith this new technology. okay i think we're ready to move into the main part of the workshop here are you ready mr keshe? (mk) yes! good morning, good day to youas usual whenever and wherever you listen to these knowledge seekers program.

welcome back to 162 teachingand hopefully, we learn from each other,a little bit more and we add to the knowledgeof ours and the others, that in the futurewe can benefit by it. today's teaching as usual, we'll coverwe try to add little by little, into the space technology program and at the same time try to understandmore of what now is, what we call the 'catching up' and tryingto understand, more about the technology. part of the new understandingis what we have seen

and what it has been brought upby testing in different fields and in part of it, we start teachingadditional knowledge about deep space. as you have noticed, in the past few weeks,we have gone more away from from the teaching of thenano-materials and the other parts and more we're getinvolved in understanding of the physicalityof the man in deep space. as we've said beforefor us to be satisfied, to be able tolive in deep space we have to understandthe conditions we are entering.

what is the condition? here on earth, we areused to very limited changes, and the prameter of the changesare within what we have. just one second please! (background noise) so, what it means is that,we have come to understand, to work within slight temperature changes,slight pressure changes if the pressure and the temperature isslightly different that what we are used to we find out we cannot cope.

we go throughconversion of the energy, which our body is not accommodated for,is not planned for, it's not set out to do. it is important for us tobe able to do this, to understand it. here when for examplewe go from land into the water. we haven't adapted ourselvesafter millions of years, to reverse the processwhere we came back from. wwe came from the water but living on land,we lost the habit of using our systems which is still part of us, to be able to livewithin a liquid environment of the waters of the oceans.

the same is with us in space... just one second. [telephone ringing] [background noise] sorry about that, trying to silence everything,but you can't silence anything. so, what i'm saying is that we have not evenadapted into where we came from. to be reverse, to be able to live inthe oceans, to live in the water liquid. even now, wego into air with jetliners a slight it's a slide drop in hightgives us different pressures

different problemwith our emotion. sudden drop withour balance with our fear, and this is not whatwe're going to feel in the space. there'll be transitions but inthose transitions it'll be totally different than what we are used to here. the transitions are, in so manyways, non-tangible but felt internally because they will play withour field-strength of our emotion, or the field-strengthof our soul. with the field-strength that our physicalityhas to react or will change.

according to, small changesin the pressure, temperature have created different colors, races and heights,and features for the man on this planet now that we're going to deep space,is going to be a massive change, where, we have to learn how to cope,how to change, how to interact. with these new changes, with thesenew change of the environment. the change of environment is not anymoretemperature, is the field-strength. how do we react,how do we protect ourselves, to keep the integrity of the physicality,the emotion, and the soul together. here when we interferewith a working of the physicality,

the emotion and the souls,separates from the physicality we call it, 'the death'. how can we live in space,that we can keep the totality? but, according to thecondition of environment, we can adopt. here has taken thousands of years toadapt into color, into different color of hair into different color of eye,into different height, color of the skin. in the space we don't have thesemillions of years of evolution. the evolution comes within us within the strengthof the transformation

from the strength of the soul,to emotion, to physicality. this is the part of theteaching, of the man into space. how do we adapt? is there a common denominator,a feature that allows us, to live a life in deep spaceirrespective of the condition. or, do we become prisoners of our ownspaceship, in this space of the universe? we go out but,we cannot put a foot out. we go out, we cannot interactwith what we came to see. we've become, more or less,a fish in the fish tank of the spaceship.

or we have to learn that we'vebecome citizens of the universe being a citizen means understandinghow to adapt into the environment? how to interact? it's like we say we are,citizen of one planet. we go from china to europe, to africa,we still interact, we still breath the same air. but we have different features,is this possible in deep space? and how do we react to it? how do we change according tobe able to be part of universal community, but the same time to changeto fit the environment?

this time it's not a hat, a jacket,a t-shirt, or a bikini. according to where we are. this time it's the strength of the emotion,and the soul, which creates the barrier, and creates the boundaryof the physicality of the existence. this time we have to understand ourinner-strength in the soul level, that we can feature,according to the environment we arrive in. and at the same time be the chameleonsof the environment. we don't havemillions of years of evolving and becoming to see whatthe people in that area are.

that we can sit there tillwe evolve by looking at it, or trying to get into the environmentthat we can adapt. it has to be spontaneous,you travel speeds beyond the speed, imagination of the man,as we spoke before. it's not the rule of e=mc2 anymore,because this is irrelevant. we travel with the speeds of light,several times by the order of magnitude, hundreds of timesthe order of magnitude. how much ready are we? do we need to be educated?yes!

but how can we educate thosewho want to be the passengers of space? otherwise the space and the spaceshipbecome prisoner of man. we've seen it. we bring people from different countriesin another country, and after a whilethey want to go back, there is no lock and door,no keys nothing, they have the freedom of a country. but still they see the country as a prisonbecause it's not what they are used to. now imagine you send maninto deep space.

the freedom has to come from the balanceof the emotion and the soul of the man. then the man will find space,it's a oyster. we have to understand how to change. we have to understandhow to react to the change, according to ouremotion and the soul, that the physicalityfollows to accommodate how do we do this? how do we interact? how do we go into the barrier step,of reversal?

to understand that,in so many ways, our body the way it isthe way we are composed of, it's composed of theelements of the solar system with it's cells is composedof the elements of the universe. so, we have a common denominator,we have a point that we can refer back to that on it we can build the brick blocksof the soul of the man's strength that with it,manifest the physicality of the man. the talk and the teaching, is not aboutanymore, nano and ganses. it's about understanding the strengthof the emotion and the soul of the man,

that the man can becomethe passenger of space. otherwise, you will be trappedin the world of the earth, and it says, i'm the foreignerin my own country. we become foreigners in the spaceof the universe where we came from, because we don't understand,where, and how we fit into it. in the process of the change, in theprocess of the understanding, in the process of development ofthe soul and emotion, man will come to understand a key point,and that is, i have a common denominator,with the rest of the universe.

and that is the field-strengthof the spectrum of it, which hascreated me. can i change the strength? can i change thedimensions of the strength, that, i can exist inany dimension, in new world? at the moment, we travel from one countryto another, and we are totally lost. we do not knowhow to communicate. we don't havethe common language. why man has demoted himselfto the point of the sound,

where i can stand in front of youand feel your emotion that, what you want what your'e offering me,and what you want me to pay you for it and what you want from me totake, in what i've given. the more one you call,'western style', 'civilized' or what you call,'civilization of the man', across the world has taken place, we have lost the point of the trust,in ourselves. in our ability to trust the others, thatwith trusting we loose half of the energy, which has beencreated for us, to protect us.

we've done the same thingin our life on this planet. we'll do the samebeyond this planet. because, we have always been afraidof being demolished, being destroyed. being taken out,being killed. if the man realisesthat his life is eternal, he will realises that it's him,who decides in which dimension, to be physically manifestedthe way he want's. i said in many ofthe teaching in recent past, "it's a big surprise when you cometo africa, if you are not used to it."

in europe everything isscaled everything is weighed, in africa it doesn't exist, unlessyou are in a white man's shop. i give one dollar and i trust,that the other person give me equal to my one dollar,what i ask for. in one dollar in one shop might buysix eggs, and in another might buy five. but still it's the same egg,but nobody weighs it. in one shop they give you ten tomatoesfor one dollar, and in another one, six. it's me who, "i trust you.",there is no scale. in western worldwe measured it to the gram,

we are not giving one grammore than one kilo. it doesn't exist in africa. because the level of trusthas kept to the point, so half of the problemis not there to start with. this goes back to us,how we trust ourselves. how we trust the transition,from physicality to the emotion, and we trust that, in trusting inour emotion we can trust our soul, that it'll keep everything in integrityand in totally intact that we can existto confirm our existence.

but do we need to confirm our existence,in the level of the physicality of the earth? or, are we confirming our existencethrough the existence of our soul? which understands thelanguage of the universe. and we have never wanted to understand it,and to use it, and to obey the rules of it. how many of you have hada dream about your mother? your brother, your uncleor somebody you knew? how many of you have had a dreamin interaction with their soul? and you did not need to seethe physicality in your eyes in your dream, that it manifest itselfas is the mother, the brother or a friend.

then, man has to understand the next step,that in his soul level, in the strength which it operates, man is already in communicationwith universal community. has been, and has been from the beginningof the time, of the creation of the man. it's us who has put that barrier thatwe do not give the physicality that then, we canconfirm it's existence. so, now for us it's to go back intostrength of our soul the way our soul sees the soul ofthe mother, who died thirty-forty years ago, or the grandfather,of so many hundreds of years ago.

and, we believe because we havechanged the knowledge into the vision, that the vision confirm the existence, that we confirm,this is the mother who speaks. now that the problem for the man is tounderstand how busy his soul has been in interaction with theother souls in the universe and the way they'vebeen communicating. but has been blinded to the man. because the physicality of the man,cannot understand the emotion of the essence of the creationof the soul and it's operation.

to you these thingssound very strange, but it’s the reality which the manhas confined himself to the physicality of his body andit's atmospheric condition. then, when we openedinto the dimension of understanding of the operation of our soul, would we start translating theemotion of the passengers of the universe, and then, can we give them shape, to confirm this is from this planet, or this is from this part of the universeand strange enough,

when we start understanding thestrength of our emotion, the gate of the communicationthrough the universal community to the soul of the man will open up. this is the stages we have to gothrough, but there is a key point. it’s the creation of the environmentof the plasmatic condition that the survival of the manin his total of physicality exists. and this transition point will come when the doorsof the spaceship are shut. then, man throughthe process of the conversion,

in total new dimensionsof the interaction of the fields will understandthe level of the new life. at this moment of time,when we go to space, we condition ourselves on thephysical condition with pressure. in the new spaceship which is gettingdeveloped and is already developed, and used by some nations, the passengers of the craftin being in the new condition. or the environment which is thebalance with the rest of the universe shall see their own soul,the operation of their own soul,

the communication in how to jointhe universal community. this is the messagewhich is on the table. how far man is prepared to go to becomepart of another society which he's already part ofbut he's not aware of. we go from village to the city,and from the city, we are still partof the same nation. but…. very different in environmentbetween the village,

and the centreof the modern cities. when a man comes from rural areas, and hewalks into the middle of the times square and he sees everything elsein the midst of moscow, or in beijing, it’s a different world. the head is upand the mouth open. baffled by the new, what he was part of,but he didn't know exists. man’s mouth in the spacewill be so wide that he’ll never shut, because he’ll be baffledby what he’s been part of but he didn't know,as part of one universal community.

how do we understand this? how do we develop this? how do we handle this? and how do we come not to be afraid ofwhat is to be, and what is to come? in the teachings of past few weeks,we are making the ground ready, very, very slowly. i remember when2, 3 years ago we went from the gas-reactorsto the gans-reactors, there was a mayhemacross the keshe foundation.

“he’s been teaching the gas,now, he’s changed to another now what are we going to do with this”.and it was a mayhem, it took time for people to change.it took a lot of people to change from the gases now to understandthe work of the gans, and the work ofthe fields of the gans. some people are still stuck,because they invested a lot of time and effortinto the gas-reactors, "now, we are goingto smaller gans-reactors." if that was a shock to you,this is gonna be a bigger shock.

some of you still work in the gas,because you’re safe, you feel good. and some of youmoved to the gans, but still have some apprehentionabout the whole thing. now we move to the interactionof the fields of the gans, which has no dimension,which is the soul of the man. the transition would uprootall our school of thoughts, which we have been accepting,and had been, more or less, inbred . we shall not see color. so, i cannot call you black.i cannot call you white.

you shall not be chinese,and you shall not be korean or african. we shall see each other’s soul and the beauty of it by the strengthof the emission of what it’s giving and not what it’s taking because the giving is so muchthat what it takes is so minute, it’s what i don’t needat least we serve each other. the color of soul is the transparencyof the fields of the emotion of the man. this is the biggest and hardest part for many of you who want tomove into the spaceship program.

it’s not aspacesuit anymore. it's not aweightlessness anymore. it's not trainingto become passenger of space. it’s training to become part of the space. knowing, that in totality,the integrity of me shall stay, till the point when i seemy soul the energy which it holds can become part of anotherto give it life to exist longer, or become part of anotherthat it can serve more. the fear of the manto hold onto his physicality

is 99% of thecause of his demise. trust in feeling of the emotion. trust in understandingthe strength of the soul, that become non-physical is the key. i have to teachnano-material, i have to teachhow to make a coil. i have to teach how to make these ballsthat they can create the fields. because you've neverbeen taught in thousands of years. and this is the path

to universal unification of the manwith the universe and the souls, which are constructed out of theenvironment of this planet. the preparationof the man to go into space without the shackle of the physicality,will be a very harsh one. not many will cross the line, becausethe fear of trusting their own soul is much harder than trustingtheir physicality of this planet, as it can finish with an accidentand the earthquake, or whatever else would leavethe destiny of the physicality, separation from the soulin the hand of the events

than us being in charge of itthat the events become irrelevant, at least on this planet. the understandingof the emotion of the man would lead to thephysical manifestation of his presence. so, let’s go back into the emotionand find out how at least we can use our emotionto change our physicality. can we do that? or do we need to tuneor fine-tune slightly the fields which are coming from the soul.

i... let's say by buffering it,that at the level of the emotion, we have the tangibility of the existence,and then we can interact. that we do not need the,what we call, the 'fragile' physical world ofexistence of the body of the man. how much can we teach,is not a problem. how much the man allowshimself to accept the new, according tothe level of his own intelligence, and according tothe level of his own understanding, of the truth aboutthe world of creation.

i always say, man accepts this technologyaccording to his intelligence to where he is comfortable with for me to show what you want to seeis a flick of a finger, but then i'll become a magican. putting a stick on the ground,or opening a river, or creating some sort of manifestationthat you know more, does not work anymore we have to guide the soul of the man that the man in totality he findthe path into universal community. not a tribe, that then webecome the abusers of the others

because the have been presentor the magic has been used by them, to open the sea for them to bethe causes of more abuse in the future. the teaching as you understand, andyou've seen since past couple of months, is more for the manto move to trust his own soul. that, there shall be no temples for the mananywhere in the universe, to become the pitfall and thecause of division of man, with the restof universal community. as i say, "there are no churches, no templesand no mosques in the universe. because,when you understand the truth,

the soul of the man,become the church of the man." then, what is to be believedto be the correct conduct, becomes part of the structure of thephysicality at the point of manifestation. how do we do this?how do we understand our own soul? how do we get in touch with our emotion?how do we start communicating? that we understand that we can confirmat least by a tool that we feel the responseof our emotion. this is the key,the man is too physical. so he has to see something thatconfirms what he's doing is what is there,

and he hasno trust in himself. and then we come across prove it to me,show it to me because, it's not that you are wrong, it'si'm stupid i can't understand. if you say it works that way,show it to me because i don't trust you. it means i'm to stupid to followto understand what's up to do it myself so i meager youthat it doesn't show my stupidity. this time it's you who haveto have trust in yourself that you are not stupid to confirm to your own soul,and this is the big question. it's you who has to find a warm homeinto the life of your own emotion,

and through it to understanding it's strengthto find a worm hole and a passage. in so many small way into your soul,then you can open the motorways of it. it takes time, it comes out oftotal believe in one's emotion. total believe in what you do, is correct.total believe in what you do, is set to be for the bettermentof the others, and not you. this is the key. not going out and giving physicallythat you can buy a key to the path to the next world.but understanding how through the strength of your emotionyou can open the key to your soul.

you can find the access to your soul.you can find a way to bring the fields in the level ofthe strength of the soul, the emotion and physicality, more or lessto a point that by changing one slightly the other onechanges. this is the key. this is the hidden key inthe whole structure of the existence man. if the change istoo much on the soul side, the physicalityneeds to change a lot and you cannot changethe liver and put it on the head and put yourkidneys on your toes.

but you can adjust it that everythingshrinks to the point that it can work, it can deliver it can manifest itself butthe emotion can accept physicalities exist and the soul can accept the changesboth in environment the emotion and it's own existence of thephysicality at the point of manifestation. so, one of the first steps is understandhow does my emotion, how does the environment i live in, how does the accommodated conditionhas changed me? and use that path to find a wayto your emotion. there is a big problem,for people of africa.

but it's a bigger problemfor the ones outside africa. but in a way they have the wayto understand the change. because they had to change,to go from the darker skin, to lighter skin. to change their features and the hairand whatever to fit into the environment of wherethey have accepted. africans have been here a long timeand they had nothing to change it's still the same,so they have a bigger problem, but they have advantagethat they understand the work of the emotion and the soul in a different way,slightly more mature, than the rest.

so, those who live in the scandinaviaor in north america or in china, have seen the path of the change throughtheir dna and rna, to change themto fit into the environment. so you have already been througha transition. and that transition has given youspecific features and emotion. why all the chinese have thisbehaviour? why do all the arabs behave this way? why do the spanish behave this way? you've been not only through theevolution of the physicality,

man has been throughthe evolution of the emotion too. but henever understood. when you go throughthe evolution of the physicality, it comes from theessence of the emotion. emotion feelspain this place is too cold. "i don't want to be here it's painful.i want not to feel the pain so much, i want to fit in,i change the color of my physicality you have become lighter in the skini can withstand more cold." you haven't become white skinbecause of the environment in one go,

you gone become white because the emotionfeed of the cold over centuries has created a conditionthat it's transferred the physicality for notto feel the pain of the cold. now we understand,the evolution of the man by darwin, does not come out ofhis condition of environment, it comes mainly out ofthe condition of it's emotion in respectto it's environment. we have many blacks,nearly three, four hundred years as slaves across canada, america,europe and everywhere else.

have any of them changed to white? because, the accomodation of livingthe harshness of the environment where they live, has not accommodatedthe changes which was needed. would the black africans who went and took,or were taken as a slave to america, in centuries to comethey change to white. yes they will. in time they will. because the emotion, unlessthey find comfort in their emotion, they stay black. they don'tneed to go through the transition.

but those who wentthrough the transition, what darwin callsevolution of the physicality had in the essence the emotion behind it,otherwise physicality would not change. now, you see is the storyof all of you have been nano makers especially chinese, becausethey cook in a hot boiling wok. and, all of you have been creatingnano material and gans. because, when you cook you put a salt in itand the water, and you eat it. now you understand, we all have donethe transition without knowing, that the emotion is the founderand the changer of our physicality.

now, we all have to become,to understand this cross point. darwinism explains everythingin the physicality because the man accepted,can, has seen it and not known. but now we understandif the emotion was fixed the physicality would nothave changed. it's the emotion which changes to be different, to be more attractedto get attention which becomes part ofour physical structure of interaction of the fieldsof our brain,

which interacts with our emotion. and then, if you understand thisyou have to go a step further. if i receive so much energy at the level that, then i can use part of itas emotion, to change the physicality. now, how can i get to the energywhich sends and receives to become emotionwhich is the energy of the soul? then you find a pathto the soul of the man. it's no good building a car if you don't understand howto build the road and how to drive.

it's no good havingthe physicality of the man not knowing theroad to it's existence, is the path throughthe emotion and the soul. then, when you understand this through the emotion you can changethe physicality so rapidly, that you becomethe chameleon of the universe. we've been there but we never understand. we never understand!

we never wanted to understand, that the change in physicalityof the colour, the race, the eye, the colour ofthe hair, the language, all has come,and being, and shall be, through the confirmationand the changes through the soul which handled throughthe emotion. go back to the very beginning teachings. in all the teachings in medical,i always explain the existence of the man, not only by the physicality by,by the emotion.

always, in all the health teachingsthe first 30, 40 teachings i always referred to the emotionand the physicality, the bloodcarrying the emotion. so, you have the key,you've been shown how, for years. but you did not understand. it's the blood which feels the cold, thatit gives the information to neural system, that it needs to change, otherwise,frosts and it causes infection. that, the neural system through the emotionand confirmation of the change in physicality to the emotion,in giving the message to the soul,

"if you want to be in this planetthe condition it is, i need something new,different energy." which comes fromthe soul to the emotion. which, the emotion transfers to,what you call, 'the evolution of the physicality'. now, you understand the total,what you call, 'the evolution of the man'. not the physical part,which is darwin's. i have opened the keyin past 10 minutes, 20 minutes, that it opens the keyto man's life in space.

and i hope,and i wish and i pray, that the manwill see the path. this is the path to space. this is the reality of understandingthat the change and evolution in physicality of the man, in essence istriggered by understanding of the emotion. and, by understanding that it's triggeredby the soul of the man, where itself is in interaction, withthe soul of the planet in the universe and accordingly,it changes the emotion, to dimension of physicality,so man become in-dimensional.

you don't exist inone dimension but you exist in the total existenceof the one dimension. the totality, in respect to each other'sunderstanding of the strength, of the work, of the position,which is the soul of the earth. and, the position,in respect tothe soul of physicality of the universe. then, you understand how rapidly youwill change, according to the environment. this is the masterbehind the creation of life not only on this planetbut across the universe. this is the keyto be able to communicate

and live amongst the others,while they are living amongst us. our soul is in contactand communication with them but in physicality, we are behindthe wail of our own ignorance. because we would liketo be in the world of physicality. now that we've becomepassengers of the universe we have to accept the totality,all three dimensions of it. because without that one,the other cannot exist. without the principal transitionwhich is the emotion, and the physicality whichis matter-state of

manifestation at the point,shall not exist. if you look at it the, in essence,a vapour is still the water. but, according to it's environment,shows itself in that way. so, does it mean even a drop of waterhas more sense of it's evolution than the man itself ,that it calls it's cells, is evolution? so do we needto build the spaceships to trust that we keep our soulsin matter of physicality? or, can we gostep further to understand thatone can use his own soul

to travel depthsof the universe without the tangibilityof the spaceship? as i said, in many teachingsin the recent past, "we don't teach therace of the man anymore, we teach acrossthe universe as my voice is my souland it's heard across." for those who are inthe next stage of the development, of the crossing to another dimensionof the travels in depth that's with in depth of the spaceof the universe.

in time, man will understandthe message, as he matures. it's very interestingwhen you sit across and you listen to that in this timeand age of teaching of the man we have put the man at the ageof nursery of his understanding, with the one's who are in the 6th classand the one's who are diplomaed and the one's who are in university. all, in the same class of the university of the understandingof the knowledge of the universe. and, what is not understoodby the kindergartens,

children playing inthe front row, means a lot. but, those who aremasters and philosophers, and phd's and professors,in the back row. and the man is at the stage of infancy,playing in the front row. as my beloved brother used to say,"it just goes over my head. because, then i have to understand it,and then i have to make changes. and then i have to understandwhat changes will come to what." you have to startunderstanding the path between the emotion,the physicality and the soul.

and then you understand in whatstrength of the soul you need to have the perfect combinationof the feelings that leaves you with manifestationof the physicality at any point of the referenceacross the universe. the soul of the manis the creator of the man. but, the only problem we have,is we called it a man. because the soul of the creator is manifested in physicalityof the created. so, is the soul of the manthe god of the man?

and, has man been in delusionof finding the creator, where the creator sits within the man,through the creation of his own existence, according to accumulation andthe strength of the soul of the man. "i made man in the image of myself. i am the soul. and through the soul, i create theemotion which in transformation of my energy of me,gives the physicality of me." is there a need for a church? is there a need for prophets?which the man has clung to, so fast.

not to be able to gothrough the transition to understand the work of himselfand his soul. we don't teach anymore.we inspire the soul of the man, to evolve, to be educated by themselves. the schools and the churches and themosques, to abuse the soul of the man, are shut from now on. it's the man who hasto find a path to his soul, to educate himself, according to thepoint of the universe where he arrives, because not many otherswill arrive in that point,

and there is no book of reference. you cannot go back to earth, "i go to the libraryfind out what it says about here.", because you are there and then,and you have to understand, it's the strength of your soul whichdictates your manifestation in physicality in that environment. it's you, through the strengthof your emotion, have to be a negotiator, betweenthe physicality and the soul. but there is one point.

the soul shines all the time,at the same strength. it's the emotion which is the filter tothe dimension of the physicality. if you understood that, you understandthat all the souls are equal, in the eye of the creation of the soul. it's man who needs to understand,through his emotion, how and where to position which filter, that it givesthe manifestation of the body of the man at a point of the manifestation,where you want to manifest, or can you manifestin different dimensions across. this is what this the stars do.

a star radiates it's field and,according to the strength of the field, in different positions of the...it's shell of it's plasma, you have jupiter and you have venus. so, the energy of the strength of the staritself, has not changed. but, according to thestrength and the position, it manifests itself, indifferent features and structures. so, can we through our emotion,be visible and tangible, in different strength of dimension? the answer is yes.

so do stars. so does the essence of the central pointof the universe at that... as it feels, travels outwardsat different strengths, positions leads to creation of billions of galaxiesand stars, planets, moons and dusts. but, in essence theyall came from the center. so, can a man to understand itself,through the strength of his soul, create, and be able to livein different condition within itself? and, the answer is yes. man will learn this very soon, onceyou become the passengers of the space.

this is the breakthrough. this is what wehave been trying to teach but we had toplay a step-by-step. what nano-material? what gans?how you make the gans? but, the end product, we alwaysfocused on the energy on the fields and now you understand,those fields is the soul of the man. today, we have writtenthe science of the man, which has beenaccepted for centuries darwin.

what we call,the 'evolution'. now, we add tothat knowledge, and for man, even to accept, in pasthalf an hour teaching will take years, because he accepted something,now he adds. to add to it,that the cause is different. so, i have re-writtenthe history of man. you got to understand,touch yourself, touch your fingers. understand, why the nail is there and what the emotion has seento put a nail in there.

and, try to understandthe strength of the emotion, which gives the nail,which gives the skin, which gives the finger,which gives the arm and everything else. or, understand the entiretyof the total, your emotion. and then understandthe totality of the emotion all these tears, happiness,joy, fear, movement all comes with different filters from thesource, which is the soul at the man. the mistake has been, as we said, "man only uses 5% of the brain.the other 95 %, or 90 % i'll never use."

because, that waseasy to fool everyone. but now we know, everysingle cell of the brain of the man, works to 24 hours a day without stop,from the time of inception, to change of physicality,to another dimension. because, how do you know, which cellit's time to change? which cell of the heart? which piece ofthe cell of the bone? how long is there?

where has been,had an accident? now the energy's not there, it's got tobe repaired, itself in two years time. today, you cut yourself the skin wasnot due to be changed in another 20 days, but now there is emergency,has to be changed, because otherwise,the... bleeds or new skin comes. prioritizing the emotion of the pain,to change of the physicality at the cut. find this, the path to understandinghow you can interact with your emotion that through it, you canunderstand the work of your soul. become the cut in the lifeof the physicality of yourself,

that with it, you understand the cut,and the path of the emotion. and through it, to understand the filterswhich you have created, that with it, you interactwith it's environment and the other end of the filter, what isreceived from the soul of the man. then, you become passengersof the space. you walk out of the spaceshipthere is no land there is nothing towalk on, as you are used to but you see it,a thriving community. you become part of it.

you don't have the fear of falling through,as you have already fallen through, into the passage of the environmentof the level of the strength of them. if i leave you in the middle of the air,you hang, and you try to survive,before you hit the ground. what happens if i leave youin the depths of the space in community which hasno tangible planet for you to walk on? but, they have their life! they have their existence,and you want to be part of it? it's so beautiful!

you've never seen water falling out of nomountain, but it is just showers through. and it's not water, its the mirage ofthe manifestation of the fields crossing and it gives you to your imagination,and it's strength to understanding, flow ofthe water as you seen on earth. that's the onlyway you can confirm it. in the depths of universe, the flow of the fields willbecome the rivers of life, not the waters. this is what man has to understand. this is what i said,

"we have to educate the man, that the manin the new dimensions of the space understands and sees the totality then ask yourself;why do i have a shorter finger? why do i have a long nail? what does my short finger confirms,in respect to my emotion? why was i born to be in this shapeand such a structure of the fingersand toes and the eyes? what am i taking from the environmentto confirm my existence? and, what am i giving throughthe emotion of my own existence?

and if you understand that,you can interact with your own emotion and through it, through the soul, that if there is a needto extend your finger, you can do so, because, in the environmentof that point you need to. and i've said that many times, i've seen this happening,in one lifespan of a young girl, but man has the potential to changethis speed, according to what it need. man does not needthe spacesuit to go into space. but, we had to go throughthat process of learning to trust,

that we can exist in the spaceof the gases of our part. how muchdo we trust our own emotion? will give us, how much we can exist,in what depth of the universe. what we make filter of,will become our manifestation of. souls, without the filters of the emotion,becomes the passengers of the unicos. and, not many have managed that,because of the fear, of not understanding the totalityof the strength of the soul itself many, many souls in theuniverse have tried to cross but the fear of demise,have come to become their demise.

trust in the existence,is the key to existence, and trust in the existence is, "i do not take, and i do not takewhat is not to be taken, that is given to me for me to exist." now make tools to showthe strength of your emotion. now make tools to measure it,because you are a human. you still live in the northernpart of this planet, and not in africa,that there is no scale. find the scale of the emotion withinthe strength of the soul of the man,

and not by equipments,because they fail in every point. trust in the soul and believe in the existenceof the operation of it, through the physicalityof the manifestation of it, which is the physicality of the man,a tree, a plant or whatever you like. now, make thetools to measure! because you are used to measure,otherwise you don't even believe yourself, that you can transform and transcend,and to elevate your own soul. the trust of the man,has been taken from the man. partially by environmental conditions,initially when the man start moving,

and then, by those who saw the weaknessand fear of the man of environment. they became the bigger menace tothe life of humanity, in the name of the priests, god knows whatfrom the old time to the present time. it's man who haveto understand the totality, to release himselffrom the shackles of the fear put into man,by those who want to control the man. i am free, i am freein all dimensions of the universe, because i have no attachment. i wonder how manyof you can say that?

many times i've said,"i'm ashamed to be in the body of the man, because the body of the man accepted,has accepted the demise of his self and subordinance of his self, where the man has not realized,how much knowledge he carries himself." why, to become subordinate? it's us, which allows our physicalityto be dimensionized, by those who want to abuse it. and it's us that, has to raise, to thelevel of understanding of our own soul, that we do not need to be part of it.

now, i wonder how many toolsof measurement you need to make? or, you have found the measureof your own emotion and your soul? blessed who,those who understand it! remember two points; you pray, the only bank which youare saving that energy from the pray is your own soul. remember,that one point. if you are in your space,you speak about, "i have to go to church, to mosque,to synagogue or temple"

then they see, "there is a guy there who hasn'tunderstood, the 'village man' is here." try to find a path,in any shape or form, between your soul, your emotionand your physicality. and, in finding that path,you mature to exist across the universe. because, then you know,what you need from the source to show itself in physicality,at the point of the need. so, you become the chameleons,of your own physicality in the dimension,strength of the soul.

this is the key! you are a car,driving down the road. you switch it, you becomea racing car with a higher speed, and there is no differencein the work of the man. you have to know which switch,when, and what is the reason,and the essence of the change? any questions? (rc) thank you mr keshe ... jos garno asks," could mr keshe tell us more about;

what is the advantage to getout of time of the physical universe?" ... "when one..."(mk) is what? can you repeat? "missed to type,keshe tell us more about; "what is the advantage to get out of time,of the physical universe, when one 'exteriorise'out of it, by oneself or through the tools ofreactors and star-formation etcetera?" i think he's saying that ... he feelshe get's out of time, get's beyond time or time becomes irrelevant?(mk) what is the advantage of it? (rc) right!

(mk) the advantage, it comes in;what gives you the pleasure, of existence? in what dimension? in the universal communityand the operation of the universe. there is no master's to satisfy andno exams to pass to get to another course. the change of time and the positionin this respect, to what you wouldlike to have at that point. i've explained this in the past years,very clearly, and i explain this again. as we enter in the new dimensions ofthe transformation of the man,

to open the passagesof the universal community, and in-depth oftraveling into the universe. man will come to understandsomething very strange. some of what you call 'stars',they are in a way stars. they are existing entities, but in fact if you translate itto the word of the man, they're a spaceship. but you say, "they've been there, from thetime man looked into the sky."

million years inspace is no time! when i park to watch the view, i park to you its a million years,the one in saturn is twenty years, whatever.. or a hundred years and toanother one its one second. to me i'm a viewer,i'm a passenger, i parked a car and i watch. in time, man willcome to understand. that some of what you call stars, they are the spaceships ofthe man and of the universe.

they are carrying passengersand they stay there, to you has beenthere since time of, whatever. to that, it's a secondjust standing there, because time does not exist in theuniverse the way man has measured it. because, in the dimensionof the soul, there is no time. in the dimensionof physicality you have time, because you haveto transfer the energies, which comes from the soul, to another,in respect to the environment. if you understand, why do youchange your skin every 28 days?

have you stood still? why? why don't we change our skinevery thousand years? because, the transformationof the energy in and out is so much, that it take so much energy from it that it cannot exist inthat level more than that. man never understood this. you go to the shower andwash the old skin off. but, why every 28 days? the energy transfer,what you call, 'aura', you see,

is continuous field transfer,that there cannot be more than 20 days, 28 days because the cell releasesall its energy and whatever its received. now, change the cell to change everythousand years, on the skin of the man. then you find out still it's 28 days onthe planetary term, he want to call it. time is irrelevant. time does not exist. because, it's the emotion andthe field-strength which changes, according to what it needs,what is available. so, when we go to spacewe stop to see a new car

"have you seen this new car?it's got two wheels, and now it's got the yellow color,and two exhausts. now in the space, haveyou seen this spaceship? we thoughtit was star up to now. but now, we have the same knowledge, thesame understanding, the same technology of understanding the reality. you see herethere is not many stars in the horizon of the eye of the man,there are many ships. (jc) mr keshe?

(mk) yes? (jc) this is jason,i asked a question about... (mk) from where?where are you from? (jc) i am from quebec,quebec city. my background is, i've studied...it's the first time i'm a panelist so... i just learned how to ...do you hear me? ... (mk) yes (rc) yes, i promoted himas panelist mr keshe. he's the one who askedthe question originally, and he says,

"i can tell you one goodadvantage, if mr keshe wants?" so i thought he might ...have an idea there ... lets play with that.(mk) okay, no problem. let's listen. (jc) okay... i have been studyingspirituality at a very high level. i won't say which ... so called religion,program i have been ... of but what i have(mk) you're breaking up! your breaking up, i don't understandwhat you are trying to say (jc) ok (mk) can you start, just...calm down, and try to explain.

(jc) okay! is the flow okay right now? (mk) yes! just ... keep your voice low,that we don't over, go we get chopped. (jc) okay, i just keep closerfrom my micro. right? (jc) i was studying that,i have been studying spirituality for a long, long time.30 years ago. in a religion, of whichi have explored. right? you have talk, about this religion,that they were abusers i think you have been the person whodescribe...exactly...this religion. and at this centre all of, all the otherreligion there all abusers. right?

...now, what i have learned in thisreligion, that we can get out of our body. it means getting out ofthe physical universe and you...this week i studied alecture, a workshop from you. right! where you was telling, aboutthe same thing that i have studied. when you get out of time,through your portals ...i mean through...some may get outof time just through the famous pain relief,pain pen. right! or those would need the reactorwhich ... i'm trying to build so far i have not succeeded yet.why? i have no time.

some could, like i think, succeedthrough the star-formation and so forth. i don't know how relates,succeed out of their body. getting out of the body means,getting out of time. right? and, you explain...(mk) no. you don't needto get out of your body. you exist within new parametersand dimensions. which you call your new body,or new dimension, you have created. you cannot get out of your body, because your body ispart of your emotion and your soul.

(jc) yes! but, have you already had thisexperience, to getting out of your body? (mk) i never get out of my body i never getout of my body, everything is within me i don't need to get out.to get to what? (jc) okay! i understand, yeahbut... (laughs) (rc) it gets into sortof a tricky argument is, who are we talking about? is it the body,that's trying to get out of the body? (jc) i means... you can be at the same time,in the body and out of the body. (rick) what is your body? if your body is the entire universe then,your never outside of your body, are you?

(jc) he says i... (mk) let me, i repeat again.i repeat again, "i am what i am." (jc) yes! you are quite a great man,i can tell you, but, have you ever heard the...the proposition that is spirit... do we agree that spirit,or are we just the body? (mk) what do you call the spirit? (jc) the spirit is... (mk) i call it the soul!

(jc) soul? (mk) i call it, 'the essence of thecreation', what you come from. (jc) yeah! is it what you call the'principle matter' in your book? (mk) in a way, yes. (jc) what is the difference,between the magrav field-forces, and the principle matter then? (mk) the priciple is the essence. magnetic gravitational fields,is what the essence radiates out, and what they receivesfrom it's environment.

one is the totality and one isthe line of the communication. magrav, magnetic gravitational is the line of communication in respect tototality, in respect to it's environment. one is the tool and oneis the essence of the existence. (jc) you means these are the tools,the magrav's are the tools? (mk) ...the magnetic...yes, they are channels where you receive,and what you give. (jc) yeah but they are the channelsbetween what and what? (mk) it depends whereyou want to extend it?

as i've said,"you have the sun, the sun is the soul" (jc) yeah? (mk) the fields which radiates outwardfrom the sun leads to creation of different entitiesin the shell of the sun. and then, some of the fields,return back to itself, because of the pull of itself,the gravitation of itself. so, one is magnetical,what it gives out, and one is gravitational,what it takes in, what's not used. (jc) is the sun a plasmaor a matter?

(mk) it's a plasma.(jc) okay! (mk) the manifestationof the sun, any sun, is at a point when it's strength, changesto the matter-state of its strength, what we call the 'surface' of it. (jc) the surface of it?(mk) abides in the plasma (jc) i.. didn't get the last word... sorry. (mk) when the sun radiates out,within its gravitational-magnetic field, (jc) yes? (mk) at the point of the strength of itsmatter-state at a higher level,

we see the surface of the sun. (jc) the service?(mk) of the sun. or the manifestation of thephysical existence of it. and then,what we see as a shell, is the manifestation of the existencein respect to the... it's environment. this is what we callthe 'solar system'. the shell of it. so, in reality in... if you look,i've explained this in the book no 4, i hope one day i will publish this.

the manifestation of the light on thesurface of the sun, is the interaction of what has been reduced fromthe plasma to the matter, that in, the interaction ofthese matter-strength with the full strength of the plasma-fieldof the centre, creates the interaction, of what we call'the light of the sun.' if the strength of higher order to thematter-state conversion is not done on the surface,they'll be no dimension. the light of the sun, the surface, will goto the boundary of its own plasma shell what we call, the 'solar system'

at the point of the interaction ofthe field-strength, of a given strength, in respect to the centre, is where, the what we call 'matter-state'at that strength, is manifested. you call it the surface of the sun. and once that is created,then, it interacts with what is created fromthe higher strength fields, internally. and, that interactioncreates the vision of the light, what we see on the surface,and we call it the sun. this is why we see sun flares.

scientifically, asa plasma physicist, it's very... it's ridiculousin what is explained up to now. but, in the spreading of the fields, isvery much like, as i've said many times, "the interaction of the fields ofthe plasma of the sun, with the plasma of the earth, leads tocreation of the light for the earth on the interaction of the phase balance,between the four field forces. and, what earth gravitational-magneticfield, pulls to itself creates the'light of the day', we call it, on the facing side of the sun.

but, the same light crossesacross the solar system, does not come interaction with anything,we don't see the light. so, the same principle appliesto the surface of the sun. it's the interaction of the matter-state atthat strength, with the field-strength of the gravitational-magnetic field ofthe centre, which is a higher order, instead of interfacing at the surfaceof the, what you call, 'upper atmosphere' of the earth,now this interaction is closer to the higher strength, so creates higherlights, deeper, stronger lights that we can see it radiating acrossthe plasma of its own shell,

which we call the solar system. (jc) okay!(mk) and, at the same time, as its weaker on the boundary,but stronger in respect to the environment of the galaxy,these fields are reflected back. because, they cannot get to, they are notstrong enough to go through, they get pulled back, by the gravitational field-forcesof the sun itself, so it feeds itself. but, at the sametime, some of these fields, feeds into the strength of thegalaxy. but at the same time, some of the rays ofthe galaxy penetrate the shell of the sun,

and they enter, and they become partof the field-forces of the sun. so, what comes back, we call'gravitational fields', what goes out, we call'magnetical', but the sun itself, is the essence,is the source if you look at it,the sun is the soul. the time of the transition, from thesurface of the sun, to the environment, wherever it comes to touchthe surface of the earth, or the upper atmosphere of the earth,is the emotion. which gives, it'll be warmer, if it'sfurther out, or weaker, it'll be colder.

and then, when it interacts withthis part, what we call earth, we get the residue... it creates themanifestation of physicality of existence of an entity,we call the earth. so, sun itself dictateshow it's manifested, in different dimensions,according to it's strength. that shall be the understanding ofthe man in respect to his own soul. there is no difference acrossthe knowledge of the universe. [background noise] (jc) yes ...(mk) ... who doesn't understand it (jc) ... is this?(mk) ...and different scenes.

we haven't seen the sun creatinga church for himself to pray to. (jc) yes, i have to study thisvery deeply. i do not understand quite deeplyall this, but i will listen back ... your... what you said and i will comeback to you with this. but, what i have learned in my,so called religion, right [chuckles]. is that everyone is godin his own universe. right? (mk) yes(jc) are you there? (mk) yes. i understand! (jc) and, there ismany universes.

there is the physical universes,the planet, our body, suns, stars so far, and there is our own universe which is not of auradesire, what you design. what you want, your own postulatefor life so far, what you dream. this is your own universe. and there is another universewhich is the physical universe, where you interact with others...with others with... the vegetables, with the animals and soforth, with other humans, beings. right? this is many universe...

(mk) yeah! but the thing is...let me, let me tell you something (jc) yes.(mk) as it has caused a lot of problems for religious people with me. if the light of the sun changes, according to it's environmentand what it comes to be, how come only man is the only animalon this planet which goes to church? (jc) ah this is an aberration [chuckles](mk) yes... (jc) i agree with you(mk) so, how we haven't seen any cows going to a mosque,to a church, or to a temple?

(jc) that's crazy, that's crazy that is...(mk) so we have created that out of our own feebleness,(jc) exactly. i agree 100% with you. yeah!(mk) in not understanding. so... i don't know which churchyou are going to but maybe you have to find a new church.(jc) i don't dare to say it, for they could ... ah ... you have already invited themand you have them, they are abusers. yeah, i tell you, okay.i have been ... in scientology.

the most, nowthey are the most abusers. (mk) the thing is, put it this way.... you've been to scientology. i live in accraat the moment, in africa. (jc) oh yes! (mk) with.. yeah!with... when we drive across the city,we have a very good laugh, because there is, a church after church,there is a church of jesus, there is a home of jesus, and there areso many churches and we always say, "we're gonna opena church of gans"

(jc) (chuckles) good... great!(mk) because religions havebecome a way to abuse man (jc) huh? (mk) yeah, so it dependshow many churches now that because now they've learned... it's very .... you got to understand the history of the christianitythe way it's gone. the catholicism got divided into whatwe call the 'protestants' or the ... 'henry viii's division'of the religions.

(jc) yes!(mk) but africans have taken it a step further if he could separate andmake his own church, and he does that now every man in africa makeshis own church and you should see it. the most beautiful, hugest buildingsare churches, and they pay no taxes they loan money at 40% and, they don't pay any taxesto the government. (mk) yes, now it's a very good businessto be in church business

and they're all churches ...they don't call them mosque the mosque don't have thisthere is... everything goes to the mosque. but i'll show you video,i can take you a video, from the office to home,we must see, i don't know, maybe, a coupleof hundred of them. everybody has a church here. so the christ's name,in the name of the church, has found many dimensionsto milk the man. so it's the weakness of the manwhich allows this abuse.

it's very, very interesting. 5 or 6 of them wear their robeand the clothes of the priest, and, now they have many,many ways. it's the most profitable business to bein at the moment, calling yourself a church. and the ... this is a lot ofit going on, across africa. because african's have becomewise to it. if henry viii could do it... nowthey don't need to pay no nothing to church of england, theydon't need to send any money to vatican.

(jc) could i say something about the... ron hubbard said, ron hubbard isthe founder of scientology, right? he said that africa wouldsave the world, exactly what is happening now according to... he said how ... about theafricans which are more spiritual and more cå“ur and they open your,it comes to you. right! so this is what is happening. (mk) we will see. maybe... but the thing is theafricans have 2 churches.

one is the church of christ and then they have the old voodoochurches, too the old religion it has a ... also they pray on sunday to the churchand they go home they have their statues they pray toand the rest of it (jc) okay could i tell you... (mk) let me ... let me explain to yousomething very interesting. you go back and look at thedeparture of the last president of gambia

a couple of ...last month when he had to... he lost the elections,and he had to go. he still goes to the churchhe still goes to the mosque or whatever, and then in part of the treasureshe could take out of the country with him is all the statues ofthe whatever he believes in and he believes more in those thanthe church he goes to ... and he had to leave some of them behindbecause there were so many of them. they have masks and one is toone path of belief and what they think they need to do.they call it... we call it voodoo

whatever they call it,they use it. so you have to find out man,even in the name of the church, has got many clothes. (jc) many what? (mk) many clothes, many fears. (jc) oh yes! mr keshe, i want to discussmany things with you i don't want to spread myself outyou know when one way i have two important thingsto tell you. one, you describe yourselfwhen you ...

and i nearly finished to studyall your ksw. right! knowledge seekers workshop but those ... with theabout health i have not done those but allthe other ones i'm nearly finished. what you said is about the same thatwhat i learned in scientology from l ron hubbard. and ... ron hubbard said,in a very secret issue, that he will come back as not this time, a religious leaderbut a political leader,

...political leader and... when you said that you wererecognized by the extraterrestrials as somehow, if i do not mistake myself,the leaders of earth, i thought to myself, "oh, ron hubbard is back" [chuckles] yeah. i don't know, if you know,that his spirit can split in two yeah? are you aware of this? (mk) we are listening,it depends on the point of view. (jc) right

(mk) always a maleand female if you call it but in a wayit's the essence of the existence. i was talking to armen this morningsome work we were doing and i explained to himyou make your reactor if you do not have another onethat it can give to and take. you cannot showits existence of its field. it's very much when you holdthe magnet in your hand. you do not know it's a magnet till you bring somethingwhich can interact with,

that it can confirmit's existence. so, is existenceof the creator. (j) it's difficult to understand...i will listen ... (mk) is very simple. very simple,it's very simple to comprehend. we have a soul and we have a soulwhich we share our soul with that it can elevate the soul. we call it male and female. we need a partner,in respect of sexuality, to be able to manifestor confirm our own existence.

(j) yeah, but this is the physicalpart of man (mk) this is ... (j) i'm talkingabout ... the spiritual part of man (mk) ... let me explain there is no way we can confirmthe existence of the creator, unless it can interact with somethingto confirm its existence. even though it can be out of itself. we cannot confirmthe existence of the sun, if we don't have another dimensionof strength to confirm it or by creation of its ownstrength in reduction by

existence of moon, the sun,the earth and the rest of it. (j) this is wonderful what was said that. ah oh here. that's greatthat's very, very, great saying. now ......i am so happy to talk to you i don't know what i should... i have a friend of mineyou know what he confide to me ... months ...a few months ago. he told that his sikh, sheikh,in his country has been... has realized that he'sa reincarnation of muhammad.

... muhammad, right? you know muhammad?the founder of islam. (mk) yes. (j) i think he could help youpromoting keshe foundation through all the musulmans today. if you want i could (mk) the point (j) i could introduce him to you and he is ready to introduce youto his sikh... sheikh, in his country.

(mk) no problem that he contact usit's welcome us. let me explain (j) thank you so much (mk) you're welcome (j) this guy he is saint, a real saint he is so good and i have tried tointroduce him to you in writing to italy at the kf ssi...i always felt ...

so tonight it's amazingthat i just, first could talk to you and then at ... should i write to rick?rick crammond? (mk) no problem.(j) to introduce him to you or what do you want me to do? (mk) get in touch with rick and theyare the channels of the communication we always talk to everyone. (j) great! (mk) realize you got to realizesomething which is to understood about the islamic world very clearlyabout keshe foundation.

the beginning of the work ofthe keshe foundation when we developed and we spreadthe knowledge across middle east. it was understood thatit'll bring changes which will interact or willcome across the path of certain path ofbeliefs in islamic world. (jc) certain part of what? (mk) the belief, there are certain path. if you are not brought up in middle east,it's very hard to understand. in, and in thatcomposition of understanding,

it will change a lot of thing in respecthow they've been abusing the man. ... originally, maybe he's still alistener, or couple of them are listeners. originally we were asked and we wereapproached when we started the kfssi, that they wanted to send students withthe first team which armen was part of, people from jeddah university. and to send these guys fromjeddah university to kfssi, the world...,or what do you call it, the university heads andto do with the government, had to speak to me tounderstand what this will do

or will it affect by extend ofthe knowledge, the islamic world. that these,will bring the changes. one of the questions which,in the conversation we had with these knowledgeable professorsfrom jeddah university, the panel whohad to make a decision. if these two guyscan join the kf in desenzano, i had to explain to them, that the belief in mohammadhas to be in the heart of the man. and not on the mat,and the position of mecca.

this was very harshfor them to understand. and we start seeing a lot ofopposition from that point, from the islamic world in respectto the keshe foundation. and, it was very simple,i said, i explained to them many times, "when you go into space,the earth rotates. you are traveling indifferent dimension and strength. how you gonna pray to meccaunless the mecca is in your heart?" and this was too hardfor them to understand. taking that physicality away from it,was not something they could relate to.

i had the same problemwhen i was in iran. the problem is veryheavy for islamic world. in christianity you believe in the cross,does not matter where they put the churchin what direction. in islam, the thought is fixed,they have a compass, that, wherever you goit shows mecca. now you show me a three dimensionalspherical compass, which anywhere in the universecan point to mecca. the other point whichi raised to them.

is what happens whencomes the termination of this planet, with the muslimsin the space? now we lost, which dust of the meccawe gonna accept to be the center of the... pray? man has to carry the beliefin correctness of the conduct in the heart, inthe soul of the man. which he sees it,physicality as his soul. and, his physicality as his heart,and it's his brain and this is the biggest problem, whichkeshe foundation has with islamic world.

i had the same problem withayatolla khomeini in tehran. i had the same problem with the office ofahmadinejad in tehran. they don't call me atheist,but they say, "he puts a point that we can...we don't have an answer for now. we don't knowhow to answer it." we go to space,but how we gonna pray? we go to space now,and we stay in a space lab. the earth is rotating,at one and a half hours. you are supposed to pray 17 times inone revolution of the earth,

now you prayfor one and a half hours, how many timesyou bend and get up and pray? because the evolutionis to you, it's there, it's one, everyone and a half hours. the problem is the manto be strong enough to carry the conduct. correct conduct in his soul,not in his physicality, irrespective the position,wherever you are. this is the problem.it's not that the islami... we had the same problemin dubai last year.

the islamic worldis a different mentality, the jewish world is worse,in respect to keshe foundation. because, it destroysthe basis of the haetism. it destroys the basis to existwhen you are equal and brothers. then, they have nowhere to make money. then they have nowhere to influence. why did the prime minister of israela year ago, through his national security. head of hissecurity comes back to us, he says, "we negotiate with anybody but mehran inrespect to peace between iran and israel."

because, then they can't sell gunsthey can't create mayhem. peace does not pay, the way they want to pay. that's why we get people likethe guy in ?zolt? coming to assasinate. a jew in the clothe of the marrying...a christian priest to carry assasin... in what name,in who's name? they've goneto the depth of it. we've seen the same, they,the belief in depth is the cause of the, most of the problem,between the man and himself.

and rabbi's, imams, ayatollah's, pope,priests, whatever you want to call them, when they loose that listening to power,that the man listens to his soul than the word of the man which iscarries abuse in it, cannot be correct. this is the problem, when you speakyou can introduce us to sheiks in middle east, most of them know about keshe, some of them have usedthe technology for their own family. (jc) sorry mr keshe i was muted,i wanted to interrupt you. but...i'm sorry... (mk) no problem.

(jc) i was, i wanted to tell you that in alecture ... it's a workshop you did something so...(rc) jos, sorry i was trying to ... interrupt you there for a minute. that's why you were muted is, we sometimesdon't want mr keshe to be interrupted when he gets into ... you know,something he wants to discuss, like some...anyway, i think that's probably what happened there..(jc) so you, did muted me? (rc) it wasn't me,someone else but...

(mk) we have gods in the background theycan mute anybody, even me. (chuckles) (jc) why? (rc) and things happen accidentally as well,but anyway, go ahead. (jc) okay! i mean some... about the jewsyou said something, that ... quite amazing about the jews,in a workshop, a previous workshop. i remember you said thatthe jews they have the, they are the one who knows thetrue story about jesus christ right? and, you tell ... if i remember that,i know the jews story, from how... about jesus.he was not a good guy.

he was a verybad guy somehow. yeah? (mk) what did a lot of good. let's put it this way, (chuckles)a lot of good, but on the other hand there was otherincarnation and the work, worse. (jc) you know he was very choleric,you know... when he went tothe pole to wet the pharisian? ... hey wow! wars, that was very violent,very violent, yeah. he... but at the end of his life,he recant himself. is it the right word,to recant? ...

(mk) he never did,till the day he died. (jc) he converted himself,i don't know the word ... in... i'm french speaking ...people. right? if i say it in french, maybe somebodywill... could translate, ... the word is lucid... you see example,an man let him stop. maybe? ... he .... and then,he was enlightened. right? is it what you saidin the previous lecture? that he, at the end of his life,he came back to his sense somehow, he understood,and he was enlightened. yeah?

ron hubbard said that, ... "the christ had not livedat the time we said he lived." but the, what you call, the bible waswritten by a bunch of guys, who wanted to make a better of lifeto help others, and they have taken the life of a guy,a very bad guy, who has been crucified, who has been crucified about200 years or 100 years before, ... the so-called,'birth of christ'. yeah? and detach everything tomake it sense and so forth and it seems as this guywho lived as the christ,

they have taken the life,... to ... take an example of...who was christ. he was an a homotroy, right? christ was a homosexual, it seems? (mk) ...let me put it this way..(jc) when he died he realize all his sin, and he elevated himself so far...you know? it's a pity that i don't havethe words i want to say for a ... (mk) you see, let me... let me,i'm gonna stop you there, we got many other people inthe background, we got things to do.

when you come in respect to levelof understanding of number of, handful of people,we call, 'prophet', (jc) yes. (mk) we have to understandwhat benefits has brought to those who made himto be the prophet, afterwards. in what shape and form. (jc) yes! i like very muchwhen you say, "you are the light". you are over a prophet mr keshe! because you told that you havesomething more than these prophet.

this is the science aspect with... yourdiscoveries about the plasma. the field interaction with the matter which is now,it's very clear what you know. you have the principle matter,what they call the anti matter, the transitional matter, what you call,what they call the dark matter, and the matter what they callthe matter. so it's so clear with you. ... but ...(mk) the thing is we, as i've written before,

we're going to endthis conversation, now. and then we can always talkin the future. we... in the process of this cycle ofeducating man, we have brought the balance betweenthe science and the belief of the man in the soul of the man,to understand they are the same. as i've written before; "in this time, the prophets of the scienceand the soul of the man shall be the same." where before, when we had, what youcall, so-called prophet, the soul of the man,

they abused them, the way theywanted it, because it was hidden. where the prophets of the science,people like ... the well-known scientists they're still prophets but they didn'tcarry the pen of the soul of the man. to abuse it. so, in this cycle we teach both the path to the souland we teach the way this path works. you call one 'religion'and one 'science'. and this way, the way i teach,the path into the soul and the comparing it with the pathin the physicality of the star,

we bring the science and then what youcall religion, together as one. that man, there is no wayto be abused again, because this is the essence of theknowledge of the universe. that's why there are no temples inthe universe. there are no churches. (jc) you are the only one who did that. (mk) we are themessengers of the universe, and that's our job.(jc) yes, you bet. (mk) thank you very much. thank you indeed ...are there any other questions rick?

(rc) yes we had someonethat had a question earlier, marcin, had a question on theconnection with the soul, i believe marcin, do you want to go ahead withyour question there. i'll unmute you, there go ahead. (m) yes, thank you.good morning mr keshe. (mk) where are you from, please? (m) i am marcin. i'm from poland. and i got a question aboutthe connection to the soul. before i start, maybe i will explainsomething on the whiteboard, if i can?

... could you allow meto draw on something white? (mk) yes(m) okay this... (rc) yes. do you know how to start yourwhiteboard there on the screen share? (m) yeah.(rc) okay you should be able to now. (m) thank you. alright.so through our practices in banking, we find out thaton our skull, let's say, we have some points thatthey are activating themselves. for example in the forehead, in the backof the head, above the ears and in the other places.

but, we know that in the middleof the skull is the, our soul. and i was thinking about how to forcethe disconnection between those points, into the inside,the soul. because, i see this as our skull andour soul, just like a plasma ball. this electrical thing when you have, where you have,inert gas in the bulb and...high voltage generator in here. and it works exactly the same way. if you will put the finger in one spot

let's say, maybe i will change the colour, in here, the ray from the high voltagewill connect with this point. am i correct mr keshe? (mk) this is what we see in theplasma balls in school. hello? (m) yes, yes exactly, but is my point ofview, is correct? if i will do, let's say,a banking process, and ... one of these points will activate. in example, on the top of my head. can i try to force this point to goinside to my point, where the soul is?

is it... is it the..?(mk) yeah but everything ends up with your soul but depends what you wantto pick up in the passage. if you look at it, if you understandthe topology of the brain, let me get my pen,if i can get to it ... if you understand the topology of thebrain, where you put your finger here, in this section of it,it's your physical matter condition, in this section of it, it's youremotional-strength part of your brain. and what you have a centre,

is what you callthe 'soul of the man'. here. so if you put your finger here,you still cross the line. if you put your finger here,you still cross the line. but, is how you understand, if thiscrossing the line at this point, touches the emotion of fear or does it at thispoint touches the emotion of joy. then, can we do or can we reducethe level or the boundary of this, what we call, so called,emotion. here. to be mostof part of the brain.

that, the boundary of the physicality,in many ways, becomes very little and let's say,just becomes there. if man matches and be able to do this,then he can control, everything directly from the essence ofthe creation in the center, which is here. because, now you decide the filteringwhen the physicality is irrelevant. but, do you need to put one hand on oneside of the head and other and see, what the emotion comes? "if i feel good,i feel the strength in my fingers," and then, "this is where myemotional part, of joy is, in the brain."

(mz) to be honest i wasthinking about this, because... ... we know that our left and rightsides of our body is polarized, there's a potential differencein them. so, i we will put like,in example, left handto the forehead, and the right handto the back of our... of our head. we will establish some sort ofconnection between, those points, through the ...through the middle of our skull, am i correct ?(mk) yeah! let me...

let me explain to you somethingwhich's baffled the man. this is the mystery of ...and the ... separation between,the work of the soul and physicality in the physical life we have a proton,and we have a electron. where the bigger dictatesthe condition of the rotation, or dictates the position,of where the fields will go. the operation of the soul,is very much different. where the soul, the strongest, insitting in the front, in the middle,

and itself cover itselfby is own tangibility. with the electron and the protonyou have a point of reference, with the soul is thetotality of the plasma. both in this level of thesoul and then the emotion. so, the emotion is infact the electron of the... what you call the ...'principal' or the 'proton'. but, it covers it,in its totality, and this is the secret of the whole thing,in respect to existence of the man.

it's so compact with the matter,that the reduction is so strong, that ends up with the physicalityboundary, of physical brain of the man. and then, whereverthe emotion touches, in the irrelevance ofthey physicality, leads to the creation of thephysicality, the body of the man. it is in two half’s, it has tobe, otherwise it doesn't work, has to be a potential difference,otherwise there is no flow. yesterday, i was at one ofthe governmental offices, and one of the heads said,

" we have a small problem, can i ask thelady to come to ask you a question?" i said, "yes". she came and says,"my husband is very young, had a stroke, he is only 38,and i have the mri with me" , i have looked at the mri, i said, "i don't seeany brain damages." she said, "but he isparalyzed on the right side" i said, "madam this is the mri,there's so many pictures here, we don't see anydestruction, of any cells.

there's a sporadic spread of the fields,but we do not see destruction, in the way we seewith normal stroke. i said, "can you explain to me,how the physical, problem is?" she said, "he canclose his hand, but he cannot open. he can close his arm,but he cannot open. he can, bend his knee,but he can not open the leg." i said, "the life of the man isdivided in two ways, at different levels." one is a contraction, one is the,what you call 'retraction'. we call it, 'sodium, potassium junction',in contracting and opening.

i ask her one question,"have you got any blood tests?" she said: "yes". i said, "does he show elevationin potassium or sodium?" she said,"yeah, there was shortage of potassium and they've given him a lot injection.it's going one for months this." i said, "yes, but theyhaven't fixed, the depletion of the sodium, because it's locked the gate." the brain of the manworks the same. one carries

slightly different field-strength thanthe other, otherwise it does not exist. and through the emotion, orthrough the motion of the fields to one side to another, they get the transformation ofinformation through the soul of the man. that crossing through,it's got a point of reference, this crossing one half,to the other, if you look at it has the point of interaction, whichis the existence of the soul of the man. if you look at theshape of the brain.

if you look a theposition of the brain. if you go back to theteaching we done in the past, the shape of the brain,shows clearly. if you look at the side ofyour brain, which is like this. the part which is making it,missing as we taught before, which is this,to make a full plasma, has converted inthe physicality of the man. so, physicality of the man has closed,if you reduce it's strength back in, will add to strength of theemotions and the soul of the man.

then the soul hasa direct effect, on the manifestationof the physicality, and that's what we weretrying to teach today. then you don't need the spacesuit,then you do not need to become monkeys, god knows?like a fish, for 7 years in a tank,as they do in nasa, to change a screw. you become, the 'multi-tool' ofthe universe, according to where you are. you have to understand,how you can use your physicality,

to reach through youremotions to your soul? it's done! and this is what you need in thespace, otherwise you will suffer. man forever, will change one clothes toanother, one spacesuit to another, one thing to another, to survive onecondition of boiling and the other one, has to wear a... from the space,to wear a suit to go to deep see. but, if you understand whatwe are trying to teach. man, as it says, "wherever he rests his head,will be his home."

(mz) thank you mr keshe, thatexplains a lot, thank you very much. (rc) okay! thank you mr keshe ...are you are ready for more questions ? (mk) yes, if you don'thave anything to show ? (rc) well, we have other thingsas we can show, as well as far ... (mk) let's take anotherquestion and the we'll.. (rc) okay. (mk) we have still time. (rc) here's a... a morepractical question perhaps? "is there any need,for european engineers in ghana?" ...

eckmar says,"i remember that mr keshe told us, he would like to givetrust back to ghana people. so, would no european engineershould be relocate to ghana for working for the keshe foundation?" (mk) we accept, anykind of support, ... what you call it, the architectsand the topology planning of the land, has more or less,is on it's way, this week. and ... what we have to do, we have been...the building we showed you as

the headquartersof the keshe foundation, now it's gonna be extensively used,till the building sites is finished. at the same time, we ...what we need to do is to educate the ghanaian public, thatwe do not become an island in the country. where we...we carry them with us. european, american, chinese all welcometo carry this teaching process. and with it we will carry the ghanaiansand the whole africa with us. one of the problems we hadand we see now in africa. is the lack of thedepth of the teachings,

that they cantake the next steps. yesterday, i was in the factory, and we have now appointed newmanagement team in the factory and ... strange enough, i was discussingit with armen this morning as part of the management teamof the keshe foundation. we have appointed a women,a very young girl, and two young girls that they head and the...what you call it, deputy head, of the keshe foundation ghana,as both scientists, both nuclear, master degreeeducated,

... from ghanaian universityand atomic center university. and... very simple things need to be taught,that changes the mind. and we are not looking for nationality,european, american or whatever, we are looking into educate the scientist,in the knowledge of the plasma. done on-site, done through teachings,we are trying to... with the new center to see if we can usethe high cable, what you call it, fiber cable which is within the university,within the building we have, to... to... for you lot does not matterin respect to the position on this planet, to start teaching vast numberof people in africa.

there, there is a need for it,you're welcome in to teach, you're welcome in to transferring knowledgethat the other scientist can learn from, but what we don't want to dois one of my... i've given that undertaking, to theghanaian officials and the government, is that we will not bring the positionthat they have to look, into the hand of the white men,to teach them how to survive, and how to develop the technology. but, on the other hand the shareof knowledge is needed, to educate. it'll take us, it's taken us... ten yearsto do in the west or in the rest of the world.

africa has been deprived of the internet,so they have not been educated, so in depth. unless some of those who have access,continuous access. so yes, we do need, we, we, we arecolor blind, race blind, but on the other hand,going on the track record of what man has done to himself, and its different colorsof his color of skin, there is not much trust left,in that it will be good. in one way or another, in so muchit's not the abuse by the one of the other. but, one accepting the other oneto be more superior,

which is, causes mostof the problem for me to be here. i understand, weneed huge amount of support. we need vast amount of support. we need to build the spaceship'sground, in next six months. i'm talking to governments. i'm talking tosome world governments, that they sponsorthe next development here in ghana. we don't see, we haven't seen any kindof massive donations from the public, because they are too busyin whatever they do.

we can support partially through thekeshe foundation factory, we do, and now the benefit from this,will benefit the whole of africa. we started a press campaignin next coming weeks, that we bring the... to play,the governments, and bringing play, ... the governments into play,means we need educated people. we need people who understandthe technology, that they can transfer to others here,and the rest of the world. this is our problem.i'm spending nearly twenty hours a day, trying to.. to make surethe mistakes of the past are not repeated.

that nobody is ahead of the other one,and nobody is... what you call it, subject of the other.and this will... this needs a lot ofunderstanding, by both sides. and you're quite welcome,you're quite welcome to teach. you're quite welcometo share knowledge with us, you... we need it, but what i'm trying to word,is what i've said, "that your knowledge is acceptedas a knowledge, and not superiority of the race." and this is my problem. i see this now living here,that we need to change

the course of mentalityof the man, on all sides, in respect of degrees and colors,in respect of the nationality. and is not easy.it's not a very easy job to do. you're quite welcome,we need a lot of support, we need huge amount of support. and as had been said, keshe foundationdoes everything on his own. but when is the beneficial, those who were around thekeshe foundation, pocketed themselves. be it education wise, being manufacturingwise, and everything else.

we give our blessing to them,because they have to mature. but yes we need...we need huge amount of it, especially, especially in thespace technology and reactor development, because nano and gans is easy to go,but the space development which is, where my heart and soul and my work lies,is the main part and unfortunately, i have not the guys who's more or lessat the same level with the armen. we spend all our time, more or less,trying to develop on the space side. and now we have another partwhich is john in arizona, we, we push this level very hardto go through,

but we don't see much development from therest of the keshe foundation supporters. and the developmentof new systems for measurements or new systems for understandingof transfer of the fields, like what we asked,these are the things we need. we need people who still are involved in makingof the reactors, and the space reactors. because, this is where we are going,this is the heart of the operation here. as i said, i'll transfer myresponsibilities of the keshe foundation, all out, and more or less, once we finish withthe ghana situation in the coming time,

all my...i go back into the lab. you will hardly hearfrom me, except thursdays. because, this iswhere i enjoy to be, and this is where i can teach,to add to the knowledge, the way we were doingin the desenzano, we're sharing in public. but now, it's in the hand of keshe foundationsupporters to start teaching in mass. go to the radio stations,go to the newspapers. don't look at the keshe foundation,what they are putting on the internet, but look at theknowledge we, which brings,

explain the knowledge to them, show themwhat it does, and let them be it. we... we see the first thing they do,now they go on the google ... and see bunch of rubbish, and then when they understand,they say this is irrelevant. whatever is on the internet is irrelevant,because what it does, we've seen that in the...in the press in ghana. mr. sylvester bombarded the governments,now he spends a long time in prison, they want him here,they going to issue arrest for him. because of allthe things they put on.

welcome, pleasecall more to destroy, we... thatnow the governments are standing for thecommunities and the people. the officials of thegovernment in south korea, will knock on his door very soon. we don't sit silent,but we act very straight. we don't do it in hiding. because, people like who stand around,we... everything is recorded. damaging people,through trying to be on the internet,

does not work anymore. you go to the peopleand say, "this is what it does, this is what it is,this is the water which works." we work very hard,but at the same time, we need to bring groupsof keshe foundation together. we need to bring masses of supporters,in the field of their specialty, to work together, to move out of kfssiteaching into the mass teaching in media. how to make gans,what does it do, how come you can take some many gramsof one water with nothing in it as

and so many gramsof the other water with nothing in it, and you can walk awaywith diabetic. people lose their lives,loose their arm and leg. keshe foundation is the only organizationwhich has the process, very simply, can walk you out of...within a few days out of diabetic, and they call it the criminal. those who stop us teaching, for peopleto save their lives are the criminals, which means they havepaymasters. we are watching a lot of things,we spend a lot of time with the officials,

and the othersaround the world map. because it has become clear one man,paid by his paymasters as a king, and one police officerwho can issue any documents, had become controller of destroyingthe most advanced knowledge for humanity. a crook, a pedophile.a man who's killed many scientists, now, the police around europe,are targeting on it. they realize what's happening. we don't play, you have togo about and teach, not just in africa. you're welcome to come to africa,we need you to come to africa,

but come with the hand to teach,that the humanity progresses. this is what we need. we need huge...go to press, go to newspapers, go to ministers, give them a water,we'll release, you will see. in the keshe foundationin ghana we got to the point that legislation has been bypassed by the officials themselvesand the government. because the huge number of peoplewith diabetic need it now and it works. it works within three to five dayspeople with insulin, don't touch insulinafter a week, two weeks.

pure water. it's your knowledge,it has to be shared and you don't need to go to kill animal to getthe guinea pig, whatever. it's just a pure water you have high blood pressure,within three to five days. we have people connectedto the government's which they had high blood pressureat 220, within 3-4 days drinking the combination of the waterswe developed they have come to 160, 140.

they see it, they are the oneswho sit with the government. this has to be out world presidents, world families of theworld leaders, they're all sick. it's you to decide not us you have to teachthere we have to changeour teaching process i see a big problemwith our teaching process we have becoming inward-looking,teaching each other, more and more.

we have to go back towhat we were doing a year ago before we saw theseterrorists on the internet. we publish the panama bank accountsof the guys who teach you. we publish the people whocame to us, in germany to learn how to make the battery, and now the battery,is getting produced in singapore. on the same namedaccount of the companies which are sitting in belgium. everything in the world,police is watching now.

they have opened their eyeshow one man, one pedophile, sits in belgiumand writes whatever he likes. and he writes,"i'm still free". soon, you'll join mr allan sterling. write as much as you like. but, these threats has brought usto become inwards, but we have to go outwards. go and teach.go into press, leave leaflets. this is you make it.we don't say,

'this is the process, you can produceto walk away with diabetic". this is the thing you tried.you walk away with high blood pressure. this is the process,you can walk away with typhoid. this is the wayyou walk away with malaria. i don't say, "follow this".these other people have done it. we have to go outwards.go mass teaching. some of peoplewho start doing the workshops they start makinga lot of money out of it. good luck to you.

if that's whyyou came to the foundation, but it allows peopleto understand more to, to be able to improve their lives,you quite welcome. mass teaching of the keshe foundationswho put workshop at the moment, is become money-makingfor those. how much we can charge,that we can have more? no problem! but, we have to go outwards, these people who are callingand threatening,

you've seen more peoplestart coming to teach now. because, we put those guys in austriaand the other place, just who are threatening,in their hand. they know where they sit,let them shout as much as they like. now police forces are watching them. now the work has started. but they wrote what they like. now we come, we delivered documentsto the forces, to legal entities, to see who these are:why do you have a panama account

and then you transfer a companywhich was nothing to australia and then from that australian companyyou open a company in singapore and whoever becomes the oppositionto keshe foundation you go to singapore to get money. you want us to erase the documents? we show you, one man who's killedand raped so many people, now has become the voice ofanother bunch of killers. we saw with allan sterling,he became 'free energy'. 'free energy' term was to bring usfree children, energy of the children.

who went to support it? the same man who writes againstus now, because he's one of them. birds with birds,foxes with foxes. go outwards,don't be afraid. these telephone calls,these threats. now they come to us. there is a warrant to be issued formister, what i call, 'south korean'. come to ghana, we want you,we'll have a present for you. you called many,it's all recorded.

come in mr sylvester. we talked withthe korean government. you will be knocked on the doorvery soon. your activities are well open recorded. the same sitting in holland. the same sitting in belgium. now we start talking. when we talked, allan sterling walkedinto a prison for life. because,we don't talk out of line.

writing shit is very easy, but when youdeliver documents to the tax office, that there are panama accounts with allthe criminals in this circuit that all have a panama accounts.we found all of it. and it goes back 20 years,not now, 30 years they've been defraudingbelgian government. everything at two-point and the twogigabytes of information, is in the hand of theworld police now. let them be free, "i'm still free"you'll be very free. what, who'sthe next target to kill?

those who sit and they thinkthey're hiding we are working, come to,come to africa. governments are waiting for you. we'll give you a very good hand,what you deserve, you will receive. don't be afraid to teach. don't go according to just becauseyou ... are, you can come to ghana. tune, go to the ghaniaian embassygo to the african embassies as we wantto change we don't want to come heremake facilities for us to teach.

we make facilitiesfor you to teach here, but there is a problem with the internet,there is a problem with the energy. african nation needs this technologymore than anybody else, because we havethought well in in europe. now it's time to teach the others,in south america we have the same problem in central asia,in india we need to teach. we got so concentrated,trying to develop one, we have overlooked the others. ... we have to teach.yes, we need you in ghana.

all of you, who knowthe space technology we have enough with gansesand everything else. we put new productsin the market here, but we need people, expertslike armen, like jon. like the others who went intothe gans and plasma technology, and you made the reactors. yes, we need you here,we need your knowledge here. we don't want to make a condition,that it becomes again, the mess of before. but my target isto teach africans at home

that they come back home,the way everybody goes. it's a very beautiful thing,by one of the world leaders. he says, "when the whites come to africa,they're called 'ex-pat'. when africans go to europethey're called 'terrorists'." why don't the africansbecome the ex-pats as well? this is the state of mind,we have created for ourselves, to abuse each other. and, this is whatwe're trying to stop. we need your knowledge, yes.

but, try to teach in yourenvironment, and go outwards. try to teach, very, very heavy,outside in your environment. go to your television station say,"this is what it is. this is what it does. by the way, please look at these,'facts about mt keshe'. there was...we put them out ourselves now. first, before they look,and say, "these other guys.look at the... another thing, another's said." "these are thebig supporters of pedophiles, these are the peoplewho are trafficking children."

they immediately...they'll shelve it... don't hide it, you're scaredof what they put. no!go and put it out! because, you know what it shows? it shows our strength! one man hasterrorized the whole humanity. one pedophile, one who'sraped his own children. allan sterling too, confessedto raping both of his children. and, we saw who's defending himand as started defending,

he think's he found the support. all the one's who seat around him.watch! they're all pedophiles, all rape their ownchildren, or hey are in that process. or, they havekilled somebody in that process. we havefull profile's on them. and, they have terrorized. one pedophile has terrorized thewhole world and keshe foundation. put it out and show them, "this is it, look on facebook, he sits nextto him and he's in prison for 25 years.

and, they are inchild trafficking and killing." so, the press, the government,they just say, "forget about it". what is the knowledge?let us know. what we are falling behind? mr sylvester has bombardedthe government's and everywhere. now, thereis a warrant for him. please come to... come to ghana,they are waiting for you. you spend the drinking time,but well done. we've gone to the korean governmentall the documents is in hand.

you'll get knock on the door. i don't know whatthey're gonna do with you. but what we know you're in the processof the same people as they killed me. they tried to kill me, now you'rein there killing other scientists. a jew claiming to be a christian, bearing the badge of knights of maltawho you stole money from, to kill more. don't be afraid, these peoplehave played all their cards. now go out and teach. they, anybody who cameto show anything, they called,

they threatened their children. we've seen it with alekz. we've seen it with the people insouth america and everywhere. now they know.they move, we watch. we are working with your ownprosecutors. let them write. please mr sylvester come to ghana,we are waiting for you, the prisons are ready for you,warrants are ready for you to arrive. please come and makeone more call, you'll be done.

international interpol arrest for you. please do and write more rubbishin the background. we found out who you are,we kicked you out because knights of malta told us who you are. that's why you were kicked out and youtook 30,000 from the keshe foundation with the false documentationof who you are. when you arrived you couldn't proveyour application form was all fraud. that's why you got kicked out. and then happened you came from dlto assassinate with a black man.

the black man walked into the teachingroom when you were sitting there and you have to picture it. now everything is clear withthe police in italy. we call you back. don't be afraid of these people.start teaching. its time to teach the man to be free. this technology is to free the man. >from disease, from energyand everything else. this is the key to the progress. we cannot stop.

but these hooligans of internethave played their game. you don't want to know the others,what we know they've done in china. at the moment,you will hear on the news. the same people who workedwith those people in antwerp. the process is toshare knowledge freely. the process is to understand freely howthe knowledge will change our lives. we are not hereto stop corporations, we are not hereto go against pharmaceuticals. we are actually telling pharmaceuticalscan you make these, that it makes it

easier for the others to use. now it's very easy, we can show.the scientists are showing here: within 5 days, you canreduce your diabetic, your insulin. within 5 days, you can reduceyour high blood pressure. by just the water inthe right combination. you show us anything inthe world which can do this! within 48 hours, we have changedwhat's been the curse of africa, typhoid. because we have them here. in europe you don't have it,

it's something,belonging to somewhere else. here, they walk to us,"i have this, can you help?" "yes, this is what it is,that is what you need". centuries we haven't had ananswer for these things. now there is an answer, few cents we're not talking about thousands ofdollars, 1 or 2 dollars saves a man's life. the technology is beautiful. what is bringing to humanity isbeyond imagination of the man except for one pedophile,who even tried to kill me.

i tell you something very strange,now let them write. they have released a picture of me,behind a computer, the day i was... the last pages of the book was done,the first book. the day the bastard had a stroke. i was given, there was,i was sick at that time and we thought i got sick in iranwhen i came, but i start getting sick whenhe started writing the book with me. when i arrived and he got, i got pickedup in france, i was given a poison, exactly the same process as johndid to me in the desenzano.

and then there, he took a picturewith his laptop because i don't had, i didn't have an apple at that time,that his "mission accomplished" for his bosses, that now you knowhe must have had a poison. he is going to die, because i wasforever in hospital trying to survive. but he was feeding me, as he waswriting, helping me, to do the pictures in the book, poisoning me.he ate the chalice of the poison himself, by mistake most probably,and he had a heart attack. and then he says"i had a heart attack" yes, you... god knows what,you've been poisoning me.

all the documents are in the hospital,we are not talking out of line. the same thing as john gave me a cupof soup to kill me, the same way as they gave a cup of soup to mr slootin holland to kill, that killed him. this time, the man who gave the poison,by mistake, drank his own poison, and that's why he had a brainhemorrhage, or it wasn't a brain hemorrhage,had a heart attack, that's what the poison does. when they give you arsenic withdonabella, it gives you a heart attack. and then he puts a picture in there,"i had a heart attack when i was".

you dumb guy, you ate your own poison,and you nearly killed yourself. that's why he wouldn't administerany poison to me because last time he killed himself. this is the way they work. we are watching everything now,everything is transparent. they intimidated us, that we came in.no more. we open the door to the government,we open the teachings. don't come toafrica to teach. teach in your own countries.go on the street and say,

"you got a diabetic, this is yours,is free, you make it. this is nano making,this is gans making, this combination of what you do.it cost you less than two dollars". you walk away.pharmaceuticals will fight man can do whateverhe likes in his house. the biggest problem, at the moment,for humanity is stroke, heart attack, mainly through high blood pressure,through diabetic amputation, and everything else. cost less than 5 dollars ,you can walk away with it.

and the documents are in thehand of the government. and now they try to destroy character,with whatever. those who rape their own daughters. how much we withstood from sterling? rick had a heart attack. vince didn't know what to dowith the attacks on the website. because when they are corneredthey write any shit to fork away and now it is, we see it. the man has gone and takena picture from a golf club

where he's buried the bodies of thechildren. now we know where the childrenare buried in belgium. because he's going to the sceneof his own crime and he's posted it because nobody knew except him. prosecutors in belgium are comingon your door 'sir'. your bank account in panama isin the hand of the tax office in belgium. your accounts it what they call it,max whatever and all the businessesyou've done hanky-panky. is all in the hand of the tax officesof belgium. all of your team.

not us anymore, we have delivered.you spoke, we delivered. over 20 companies,over 10 years hiding money and defraudingpeople and taking companies, and killing peopleand opening bank accounts. if you don't have any money, why doyou need a panama account mr dl? securities, please release hisbank accounts in panama on the facts about dirk and hisassociates who've murdered in holland. now you see whythey're jumping and shouting because they know,we know too much.

please release the companieswhich are 'sad fact' built. i have nothing, what i have is in public.we don't have nothing to hide. people in the security, can you pleaserelease the panama accounts of mr dl and send a copy to the tax officein belgium please. thank you very much. if you don't have stolen from,a man you killed, his money, you don't need a panama. how many of my listeners,my students, have panama accounts which is carries a lot of money?

and companies in luxembourg, all has been registered. you talked,we deliver documentation. you had a police force to goto prison to kill. now the prosecutorare opening the bloodline. the officer in belgiumsouth of, in west of belgium you're on hand of investigation by thepolice force of yourself internally 'sir', call him,call mr delannoy, he is under investigation for a lot now,murders, that now is opening up.

the government has setupprosecution against him, hidden. but we go public, because now he knows hehas to live with the fear of his own thing. call him please,from austria. the thing is they tried to intimidate us,to destroy us. now we deliver thatthey fear of your own life. how many companiesdo you want me to tell you? does, does it matter if you want to knowwhat the way they do, and how they are involved and whythey have a company in singapore with the same guy you transfer$1 account to australia.

governments has start askingfor the accounts which've been set up for defraud, and killand transfer money through. now, we talked. we have delivered. let us see how muchyou can deliver. please release his, what do you call it,his panama accounts. a man who claimsto be so straight. we showed he betrayed mr ...the belgium politician because he was exposing himas a pedophile, now you see a thief.

you're welcome. mr sylvester, please come to ghana.we are expecting you. you made a lot of calls,they want to see you. and please come with all the referencesyou have in your hand. because malt... knights of maltaare waiting for you too. we released. please releasethe letter of knights of malta. about mr sylvester was stealing as well.he's under dirk. then you see it, that the policein hungary is waiting for him for deceptionand theft.

they want to hand him over.they want him back there. security, can you pleaserelease both? the letter from the knights of malta,about mr sylvester, who he is. and the same from panama accountsand other accounts, i've missed it. perfect! dl thesame as allan sterling. and the pictureswhere the children are buried and he's gone and taken itafter a confession on the internet. now we know.we close the case very rapidly. and, if anybody tells you from now onthe guy says

"go on the facts about keshe foundationand look his panama accounts" and mr sylvester is wantedby the police in hungary, by staying 265. this is the emailfrom the head of knights of malta. which are responsiblefor security of many world leaders. now you understand! please, anytime,we release these to support you. we don't release you to tic tac. we took our time.

>from now onyou say you, "go public", anybody says,"oh by the way when you go on ... there is 'facts about keshe','victims of keshe'." but please see what,keshe foundation's reign, why they are made,all this false rubbish? because this is, at the panama account,this is what they wanted. they are a bunch of thieves, they areall working together and murderers. we release more documentsabout the murder of people in belgium. and at the moment police of hollandhas opened the case of mr sloot.

mr 'good guy' in belgium writing so fast,start running. everything ends up in belgium.and the african police is looking, how all the children are endingup in belgium, on your book. please come to ghana,you have a lot to answer. all of you, we opened,we support our supporters. you ran, fear whatever they write,we took our time. we took our time.8 months with allan sterling, we got him into prison, for lifefor raping his own daughters. the same as mr 'blonde blue eye'in antwerp.

born in kinshasa, brought up in kinshasa,enjoying the color of the skin to rape little girls of africa and bringthem back into africa to... into antwerp. you want us to release more,now we know the path. there is a lot of work is done,but we release it. now you understand. please release,all the bank accounts, hidden. and please,if you are belgian listener's, call your tax office say, "how this guy'sstolen so much from us?

if you don't have money,you don't need panama accounts. if you don't have money,you don't need luxemburg accounts. if you don't have money,you don't need banks in united states to hide money, in different names. please, use the 'facts about dirk',and release it to your police force to your tax office. we have alreadydelivered everything. why a man who has no money needsa panama account? how many of us has?

have you seen any beggarson the street, having a panama account? thieves do. and the people who murderand if you look at the time, of opening of this things is the time whenthe scientist major scientist have died. have been killed. and you find nowadays,they all go to singapore. anybody whose been in touch with dl,finds his way to singapore. sylvester was in february of this year,or last year. trying to entice other people,because he went for his pay day.

the same with the others, whowe kicked out of the keshe foundation. and the company wasshut yesterday, or this week. a lot is coming up. and the strange thing is,all are his team. everything you dot,starts with him in the middle, that's why he was writing,and shouting so much rubbish. because he knew we are at him. now we release it. i would like to know,out of millions of listener's

how many of youhave panama account? how many of you... do you need panama account,unless there is a lot to hide. panama, is where they hideall the money's stolen from deception, fraud,killing, stealing, and dl has one. security pleaserelease it on him. and the same you see theletter from knights of malta, we just deleted their private addresses,what they say in there, what is stolen. and, we have given allthe documents to the korean embassy.

soon they'llknock on your door 'sir'. because, there is morethan what you think. your'e connected to a lot of murdersand kidnapping. and it's all black and white,documents, we don't talk like you. calling andpressurizing the press, press got so fed up, thatthey came to us to release it. now they're asked to release,now we release. go on the dirk,'facts about dirk, and see panama. and if you are a belgian,and if you're correct people.

if you're a dutch, you are correct people,call your government's say, "how come?they will see. there is a line for fraud, deceptionof tax people in belgium, call them. "how come this guy's got these accountsand you do nothing about it? unless of course,he sit's with the king, isn't it?" "we kill together", he's published thepicture of where they say, there their "children are buried",in a golf club in knokke. he's been there, on the released picture. we've taken all the things,the police is on top of it.

why do you goand take pictures from where they say,"girls have been raped and murdered" ? he's released it,date of it is 2008. it's not new. and, two weeksbefore the girl's, have published how they'vebeen raped, and killed in that golf club. he went to the sceneof one he's done. now you want to know? please security,release the pictures of the golf club,

let him see, that's from he...with his signature, his name on it. on his web site.hidden web site. we talk but with evidence. we talk with evidenceand allan sterling walked. now wedelivered everything. panama accounts, everything else,pictures of the murder site, being involved inthe murder of people in prison. we have given the evidence there wereprocecutors across europe are running with this, how to get thisthing, out of control?

we need your knowledge but,i release this information today to show you you are free. tell them to go when anybody says, "yes, but have you seen this guy, what he is trying whathe's is trying to cover? and give the reports of thesterling allan too. these are working together.bunch of peodophiles. two daughters, they both rapedtheir own daughters. "cubicly happy."

they said we are talking rubbish about sterling, but when he got in we don't hear it because, he's in solitary.he's giving more and more info, and his information has end up with arrestof 4000 more pedophiles across the world. now imagine if they openthe computer of this guy. most probably half a million of them,and most of them are belgians. go on the 'facts about dirk',and call your tax office. why is he and how come the policeofficers of belgium works with him and they'rehiding everything for him? these are well organized criminals,and they thought they silent us but now,

we give you the tool,"yes, yes there is 'facts about keshe'." please give them,'victims of keshe', and everything and say"look who's written, this is it." the money has stopped the...they don't get anymore children, and then we give you a link. please go on,and read the british report. how all the children stolen from ghana,or kidnapped from ghana or whatever, end up in antwerp. i give you the link next week,the securities will release it.

and, end up with him all of it,british police is absolutely fed up with how many children are disappearingout of ghana into antwerp in the hand of these guy,and his team. and, they are picked up at airport,we found out the process. when we said about allen sterling,everybody said, "bla blah". we have found out how they are trafficking,they're taking children from orphanages. because in orphanages,they have no birth certificate. they use women as donkeys,at the airport the police officer, who is friend of him, and they work,they just separate the mother

who's a false motherand the child. the child goes for traffickingand sexual abuse. now you know! now, we let you know to know how theyoperate because, this is your strength. we release this now, that anywhere you go,you go to press says, "this is it, what we have,what we deliver. by the way, these are about this,and by the way, look at the facts,these are written, because these are,

the hands have beenexposed, and mr sterling is in prison. the press just ignores it. they just don'twant to know. "we want to knowwhat is coming in." this is our strength. you took a lot of batteringfrom these people. now be proud that you cansave humanity, and serve humanity. this is our strength,i stayed silenced. past two days, the press waspushing me to release this, because it hasto be correct.

the police in holland, the police inbelgium, the proscecuters in belgium who are investigating mr delannoye now,for murder of the children and trafficking at the train stations,are investigating him. even the prosecutor ofthe prosecutor is getting investigated, because he givesdocuments for him to do. please call delannoye,tell him, it's open. we are waiting for,the same. italian police is waiting for all of youbecause you carry the murder in italy, fabio, you murdered,you thought it was easy to do.

that was your biggest mistake. your history of the pastis opened up. why do you need a panama account,when you're a straight man? please, keshe foundation supporters infrance, in belgium and in holland, send these to the tax office of belgium. bombard them with, "we want to know, why this manhas so many fraudulent accounts?" i don't. we have one sits in holland. we have one now in every company whichwe run, as a director.

i carry nothingin my personal name. i eat, i pay through the foundation. i collect a cent,it goes in the foundation. that's how it'll be, thefoundation belongs to you. it damaged us, we stand our own protectionby the request of the police. there is a man in prison in belgium. he should be a free man,because he didn't carry a murder. mr backmann is free. dl managed to kill, to get asuitcase which belonged to mr sloot.

because, the keyfor the decoding was in it, and a man is hangingaround the prisons, for nothing. he lost all his way, becausehe has the connection with mr delannoye, they could frame him up,the way they tried to frame us. now is open. everything ison the table 'mr smart guy'. show, go to the tax office and say,"i have"... by the way you don't need to go. they already have it,it's already been furbished. they are... the investigation a new,started 3 weeks, 4 weeks ago,

by the belgium federal policeand the tax office. and, he never declared any of them,so he can't say, "i'm innocent". a thief, a pedophile,child trafficker. now you know, whyhe was writing so much because he could see we areserving around everywhere. be very strong and when you go to thepolice, when you go to the press to show the duty officer,"by the way there is something, about mr kesheof the keshe foundation facts about, victimsand the rest, anybody writes,

they're all pedophile,'facts about the keshe' has there. fact about their car there too.why he's writing? because this is the evidence,we have solid. the problem is not the technology. the problem isthis technology is so lucrative, that anybody will kill for it. but now is so cheap, that nobodyneeds to kill, but they can save life. the reality sits with us. in fact, if you want to know,we have everything to be in

our possession to be delivered. we can deliver everything. the energy, the space,the agriculture. the reality of how the whole structure hasbeen used to save mankind. how we need to do things. how we need to understand, how it worksand be open about what we have. how we communicatethe knowledge across. across borders, across nations,across each other, that we develop the next race of human,to be independent,

to be trustworthy of himself,that he doesn't do a crime. that, it allows him to becomeclose to his own soul, that he can survivethe span of universe. this is our problem, this isour vision of changing mankind. and these people,have a lot of problem. these people have a lot of problembecause this way does not allow them. the police investigation in ghananow start looking how dl has been trafficking children outof orphanages. suddenly disappearing - 200 a year.

and they're all go,according to british reports, which we released,into antwerp. they are picked up at the airport. why should a child be trafficked,if the soul of the man was so high? we should be able to stand. there is a very, very interesting company,look at the matrix in the united states and see how itconnects with 'mr smart', with dl. company set up in united statesto defraud belgians. now they can't say

"this guy was a criminal, this guy wasa fraudster, this guy was a adjutant.", when we release his name. now, he doesn't publish much onhis website, on the 'facts about keshe', because it's in there,he is the head. we put the, what you call it,the 'head of the website'. the man he calls, "a fraud"he is the head of his website. now please walk into the tax office ofbelgium authorities and say, "my name is so and so and i've defraudedyou. how much do you want me to pay back?" but we don't know how much, because allthe people have diverted into singapore.

now, he's transferred aworthless company into australia, and the same mantransferred it to singapore. we have all of it. tax office have all of it,'mr smart alec'. but now we gonna release the name ofthe children you've killed - very soon too. then, there isnowhere for you to hide. the first two weeks,someone you raped, is your own two daughters.allan sterling did. be proud, you carry as knowledge seekers,at keshe foundation supporters,

the technology which can changethe humanity, after thousands of years. in the spirit, in soul, in food,in survival and everything else. not to be hiding and ducking,because of one man who has a paymaster, and a police officer who picks upchildren at the airport. please write to mr delannoyebecause he's under investigation by the proscecuters in belgiumand in the hbn community. write very fast, and give him arecording of this too, and tell him, "all the banks is gone with a fraudulentnet of a terrorist - all been recorded." the only path for themis to jump off the cliffs,

and even that did not save the,what you call it, one of the paymastersin england, some years back. be proud what you do,we had no problem, there was no allegationstill the biggest murderer on this planet, of children appeared,and the scientists. dl, now we release documents, nothingelse. we don't make accusations. we started to push to get more,they released more. what we wanted,they gave us indication, direction in theirprivate communication.

we used it with the securities now,we release it back to the police. very, very intersting . i tell you, we open a'facts about keshe foundation supporters'. you tell me how many of you havepanama accounts. phoenix accounts,luxembourg companies, unless you are... and, the beauty of it is that,everywhere he talks about, "he is greedy,he is only after money", bla bla "i'm not against the foundation,i'm against keshe" because it showsi'm only after the money,

because if i get keshe done,i get head of the keshe foundation, i can steal everything. that's all it is,none of you saw it. none of you saw it. and everywhere he speaksabout money, he's after the money. here i only have one account, i don't havepanama accounts, so, it shows the trendof the mind, of the thinking. he's written,"i've nothing about the foundation." because, now if i get rid of the keshe,now i become the head

i can steal the rest. panama account gets filled up againand other companies. now you understandwhy the accusation. man only talks the way he works. so mister dl you are on the 11th floor, the only way for youis the window to jump. you chose to kill children,you chose your own path. we don't. the knock on the dooris one way into prison, or as you said yourself one day,

"one day i might jumpout of the window." it's your own word, maybe you have toto choose it, because that is your way, the only way out of covering all themistakes you made, hurting humanity. i got sick when i start. arriving, i got picked upby him at paris airport, when i returned from iran. we thought that it was radiation. but now that we matched the documentsfrom the hospital in belgium and in italy, in past few weeks,we found the same pattern of poisoning.

and, he drank his own poisonand had a heart... the same way...the same way as i... sloot was killed, it was planned for me and then,they tried it again. he was chicken to come, hesent john to come and give me poison. and this time he drank his own poisonand heart attack. he didn't have no problemdrawing a few pictures. he's working 24 hours on the net, he's doesn't have a heart attackor brain hemorrhage. he ate his own poison.

the last cup which was supposedto kill me, he drank by mistake! i don't know what happened that day,god loved me. but he ended up with the attack. you can imagine with me,which, i was already in processof internal bleeding and everything else, liver cancer and everything. we thought was going on because ofradiation, but was because of his poison. i was perfect when i came from iran. he drank his own and then he took apicture for his bosses,

"i've got everything"and he published it. "i had a heart attackwhen i was doing". you stupid man,drank your own poison. brain hemorrhage, heart attackexactly like sloot, exactly like what they didto me and caroline. so, don't blame nobody. you becamethe victim of your own poison. and please, i hope you put all themonies in the bank account because your children will not see it, because it goes to the childrenyou killed from africa.

you have to understand,the white was brought to africa. and the hate of it, when he went backhe take revenge by raping and killing. he's brought up in khinshasa alberonese. he's transferred.if you look john poisoned us in italy. again, another white man,brought in africa, in khinshasa. friends from childhood."i can't do it, you go and do it for me". don't be afraid. we've given youthe tools, we release more about them that when you go to press,go out and teach, when you teach

the keshe foundation part that way,go on the facts about keshe, victims about the keshe, they didn'texist since one, we arrested one, the rest have started, and these areabout the guy who writes about the facts because the real facts are here, in black and whitefrom the bank accounts walk into the tax office and say whyyou have a panama accounts, and luxembourg accounts and companiesin different names around the world, to defraudyour own government. be proud.

you carry the most powerful technologyto change the course of humanity. and teach it.you don't need to come to africa teach it across the world. teach it that it changesthe course of humanity. teach it, that it exists. i want to tell you something veryinteresting, regarding mister sylvester. he claims to own a patent,which when he came to us, he said he's patent owneror whatever of the technology. we have found out thispatented technology

belongs to the japanese,it is stolen. it will be released.please release that too. the guy is habitual thief by nature. he came to kill to get paid. please return the 30,000 euroswhich you received by deception from the foundation... becauseyour application was false. anywhere in the world, nobody wouldhave given you a penny, we trusted you, we're dealing with a straight,we didn't know you're another assassin sent in by your paymaster.

all your communications,together in the background, release them on the internet. how sylvester and the 'lover boy'talk to each other. we are monitoring everything to protectkeshe foundation. now we release it. we've been asked torelease by the press. now we release. go and teach. teach heavily. teach outside.teach openly. take the technology whereit changes the humanity. i enjoy serving africa, because it istime to bring pride back to the continent.

it's our mission to have thefirst spaceship flight out of africa. to change and elevatethe station of this continent which has been so much abusedby the white man, like dl. they came, they brought upand then they raped their children. then they killed the children. and they go and take a picturewhere they raped the children in knokke. the father, the same as the son,so is the king. understand one thing, till we don't wash what we wash,we cannot go to the next step.

because, the burden of not us servinghumanity, will keep us back. we don't need conferences,we don't need to gather in places. we gather in knowledge andwe spread the knowledge. if you are a dutch man,call the police in utrecht and say, "we want the case of mr slootto be fully investigated". the telegraaf in holland has a fulldosier, of where the bank accounts are, and how they operated to kill a man,to benefit by decompression. these are all the benefits of us beingable to serve humanity through this one family.one family!

out of the pressure that dl and his teamhas put on them for 30 years, 20 years. i tell you how ruthless they are. they killed a man,they give him a poison. and then, the family being poor, because this was supposed to comefrom the knowledge of the man, they called the familybecause this briefcase which was carryingthe code of the decompression, which is now worth billions, now, as we all know what it is, and wesend documents on decompression,

this man found out this 20 years ago. they tell the poor family,the wife who's lost her husband, "if you bring the briefcase, we give you2.5 million guilders, for the briefcase, the rest is ours".the family being desperate, they delivered the briefcase to theoffice of the lawyer they tell them. the briefcase disappears and 19 yearslater the family has not been paid a cent. that briefcase appears 8 years later,in belgium. and they killed two people for it. again, fingerprint of dl on both of them.he's involved in both cases.

documents are there. this is how they work. read about the life of jan sloot,s l o o t. they gave him a poison exactly the waythey gave me poison. the poison killed sloot . the same doneby dl, but this time by mistake, somewhere in the cafe,he drank his own poison. and then he couldn't carry out.now he sends his, another ex-pat, kinshasa born, bred, mr johnto desenzano to give me again, a cup of soup,to poison.

the same pattern, the same people,the same name. we don't accuse, now there isenough evidence everywhere. and then you understandhow they operate. police of utrecht will followeverything you do. you have to request the body to beexhumed cause the family is doing. the ... the telegraaf has all the details.the prosecutor in belgium is regarding where the suitcase of backmannafter years, appeared, the case is known as backmann case,b a c k m a n n. they wanted to get the briefcase backbecause he had the code.

the self decoding, after 8 years,they still couldn't decode whatever they had, they stolefrom the beginning. they killed a woman and thendelannoye killed a man in a prison who was the witness,who organized it for them. his name is marco. brought the brother to insanity, losingyour brother in prison, out of nowhere. mr delannoye kills people.we know it, he came to our house. and, under a hat, if you are a goodpolice officer, you don't run and hide. he was running and carolinewith a camera behind him.

if you are a police officer,you stand "i'm the officer". this is how they work.this is how they kidnap children. put the facts out in public. the police of belgium has no credibilitywith delannoye part of it. as they're kidnapping child and killingothers and issuing false documents. and all done by the instruction of dl.now we know. he puts a picture i've got poisonedthe day, by himself, how could you know i was poisoned whenyou are in belgium, in italy and you know howi've been poisoned?

calling dr kostova that he's poisonedwith arsenic, because you poisoned the same,sloot the same, yourself by mistake. and now me. we have a lot of things,the police around europe is on the run, trying to gather as much as they are,and he writes "i'm still free". not long, please walk into the officeof the your own tax office, and say why you haveso many hidden accounts. i want to know much they allow youto stay alive. or be free. and then the other thingsyou've done.

keshe foundation standsfor it's own integrity. we are forced, we play the game,but at the same time we take our time. now we releasethe information. sorry about this but,we've all been through this, a lot of you stood a lot of rubbishwhich went on the internet and you told me,why you don't defend? we only defend when we are solid,when we have solid read information. we gathered, i thankthe security team in the background. i thank thosewho work day and night

relentlessly, tobring these things together. without youwould have been impossible. but we have to do it, nowplease when you go somewhere, write on top of it, please least how theydamaged the new techonlogy. facts about, write everything aboutme on it, i give you the right to do. and then write"please write the man who writes this". ... what do you call it?... the belgian politician who he destroyedsingle handedly to become part of it he says "he's a thiefbut i sit at next to him".

and then about his panama accounts,about the people he work with, and the death of fabio,and say, "please judge he's yours." but this isthe technology. bring it into public,it's your responsibilities, it's your obligation. we owe this to fabio. i put a lot of resources into this,a lot of time into this. because i made one promiseto the soul of fabio, in italy.i will catch his murderers.

i owe this to a woman,naomi. that this man in belgiumplanned the death of both of them. two albanian drivers, trapping themto get them, to get me to kill me. it wasn't one truck, two albanian truckstrapped fabio. now you know more, thatwe're gonna release more. this is in document of italian police.two driver albanians trapped deliberately. they knew he's on the same run from mewith the office at the same time. the informers told thembut somehow i passed, they did not recognize,one way or another, that i passed.

and they've trapped fabiothat i get out they shoot me while attending to help fabio.now we know the process. two albanian drivers,false documentation. we'll do the job, now we are out to do it,and we do it perfectly. we got sterling allen,in for 25 years and life, raping. the other guy who is went to hide,to help him the same. i wonder when he goes to prison how manynames of children in africa will come out? i'm gonna end this today, becauseit's not much to do much. thank you very much for today.but be proud in what you do.

teach openly, and put all everything aboutme which is wrong, about me written, on the top of your introduction and write"please write who writes" this is the guy. and they understand,and say, "now, this is the technology." thank you very much for today. (rc) okay! thank you mr keshe. and if anyone has left over questionsthey can keep them for next week, and we'llbring them up again. and that'll be the end of the162nd knowledge seekers workshop, for thursday,march 9th 2017.

and, as always thank you everybodyfor attending. and, we'll close the livestream now,and see you all next week. subtitles by the amara.org community

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