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construction maison contemporaine 77

construction maison contemporaine 77

- on this episode, we talkabout 71 years old, podcasts and what happens when you get sick. - [voiceover] gary vee! (cheers and applause) - [gary] you ask questionsand i answer them. (bright electronic music) this is the the #askgaryvee show. ♫ jab, jab ♫ jab right hook

♫ knowledge is power ♫ if you have the right hook ♫ - what's up everybody,this is gary vay-ner-chuk, and this is episode 74of the #askgaryvee show. had a great time in napavalley this weekend, big shout out to everybody there. really enjoyed that,really enjoyed the fact that staphon is behind the camera today, i don't wanna look at drock, that's good.

very excited about my video going, i don't wanna use the word viral, but we have a videogoing crazy on facebook, my monday video, which wealso put up on youtube. staphon, get it up here.(ding) no, i think drock might be editing this, i did see something going on. is drock editing? - [staphon] i'm gonna start it.

- a little double comboediting for episode 74! india! show india! i always like it when we show her. let's get into the show. - [voiceover] brendan asks, "gary, "what's your take on podcasting? "you're playing in thespace, but not all in. "not worth it yet?" - brendan, great question.

the only reason i'm not allin on the podcast right now is because i'm too busy, meaning, everybody has to kind ofdecide opportunity costs, and for me, i think i over-index on video. i perform better onvideo, i like video more, i like this whole thing. right, you weren'tready for that, staphon. that's what happens,i'm rookie-ing you up. so...

i'm half-pregnant becausei'm transcribing this show into audio form. big shout out to everybodywho's listening on the podcast 'cause i know a ton of youare on the way to work. i think podcasting is a huge phenomenon. obviously, the smartphonehas changed the dynamic. people can take it withthem when they're running and working out, people areclearly bluetoothing it up in their cars, public transportation.

podcasting has clearly explodedover the last 24 months. things like serial becamea national phenomenon. at a podcast form.it's fun for me to watch because podcasting wasreally big in '04 and '05. if you think about what evwilliams did, he did odeo in between blogger and twitter. that was podcasting. i'm all about podcastingin its traditional form as an audio vehicle.

to me, i think it's a huge play, i highly recommend alot of people doing it. let's not forget, a hellof a lot more people can do the audio versionversus the video version here. this takes, really, another, not another, a different dimension and skill set, one that i think i own,thus, i go this route and then use the audio tocreate two pieces of content, video and the audio form,

and by the way, the podcast listeners, please hit up twitter andgive me your feedback. i think i've been tryingvery hard, even the opening, like, instead of saying,"you're watching episode 74," i said, "this is epi--," like, i'm trying to make it alittle more native for both, so i'm trying the best ican to be podcast-oriented in the form of your question. it is a byproduct of it being video first.

if i had time to do two separate shows like so many people haveasked me to, i would. i don't see the roi return on just audio for what i'm doing for a living right now, and so that's this. that was, i would held up a pillow that says vaynermedia forall you podcast people. (mild laughter) let's go to the next question.

- hey, gary, spiker helms here. i was wondering, if you createda social media platform, what would be your key feature and why? can't wait to hear your response. see ya. - see ya! so, i've long had an idea, and i'm gonna share it with you guys, which is the notion of a social network

that looked like instagram, but more like path, like youcould put any piece of content, could be a picture, a video, audio file, more content-agnostic sonot just picture or video, but also the ability todo audio on top of that, but the whole website, the whole app, the whole social networkwas predicated on the notion that you can only speakonce a day in any 24 hours. so as soon as you putout a piece of content,

you would no longer be able to put out another piece of contentuntil 24 hours later, because my belief is that thesupply and demand of noise is the real issue with social networks. path went down how many people you follow. i think it's the amountof pieces of content. i still think it'sgonna be a big business, i still think that restrictionsis where the action is for the short term, andi would not be confused

if we all look back at this video, and talk about how ipredicted somebody going and executing this billion-dollar idea. i think the restriction ofone piece of content a day is where it's at, becauseit forces all of us as content providers, which all of us are, to put out the bestpiece of quality content 'cause it's that restriction, plus, there would be oomph behind it.

imagine i would say,"happy birthday, alex," and that was the only thingi could say that day, wow! in a world where there'sso many other things i want to put out, so my social network would be predicated on one piece ofcontent per person a day. - [voiceover] phone4lifeasks, "gary, i'm 71 years old. "how can i filter yearsof exciting adventures "and experiences into value

"that someone wouldactually be interested in?" - carolyn, first of all,that is my favorite picture that has been put up on instagram so far. it's a phenomenal picture. thank you so much, thanks forlistening, watching this show. by the way, this is agood time to just say get your questions onthe show using instagram, look at that execution as inspiration. look, i don't know.

are your 71 years ofexperience interesting? does anybody give a crap? i mean, you know, i just went from such a lovely place to such a negative place. throwing curve balls outthere like we do on mondays. monday show.(ding) monday video. that's two times you gottaput it in there, staphon,

if you're doing the editing. i don't know which one's your half and which one's the other half. so, carolyn, really whatit comes down to is value. it's all value exchange. i very much value somebodywho's lived 71 years long for life advice just on living! right? but what also matters is howyou're gonna communicate it

and in what form areyou gonna monetize it? do you wanna put out a showwhere you answer questions, or put out content, or tell stories, but then how are you gonna monetize it? advertising? i mean, there's just somany open-ended questions that need to be asked of you based on your question, buthere's what i would say. there's a lot of ways to make money.

you could have subscription,you can have coaching, you can sell content,you can sell advertising, you can build up equityby putting out content and putting on a conference. there's a ton of ways. i really do think i'm oneof the golden examples of how to make moneywithout directly selling it. meaning, again, there's alot of my contemporaries who sell ebooks, or white papers,

or access to their vip place. i do none such things. i put out the content atscale, hence, this show, but then it builds brandleverage that allows me to charge a lot of money to public speak, or when my book comes out, it allows me to have a bigfan base to get a leverage of a big upfront, where idon't even need all the books to sell, though i wannafulfill that contract.

it gave me the leverage tostart a social media agency with my brand equity thatthen i operated around. you've got to decide how. if that's even your goal,i'm making the assumption 'cause this is a business-oriented show, but it's all about content, baby. it's all about content,and what you're putting out matters in two forms. one, is it valuable to an audience?

value's subjective, but two,how do you want to communicate? is it video form? is it audio form? is it through amazingly cuteand amazing instagram photos? like what is it that you do? there's that moments in newyork, or what's that guy, people of new york? - [voiceover] humans of new york. - humans of new york!

that was just pictures on instagram that led to a big book deal, like, how do you communicate,do people like that, and then how do you decideto make money on it? that's really the game. - [voiceover] robb asks, "gary, "what is the facebookequivalent of riding hashtag?" - robb with two bs, first of all, india? india,

is it true that robb with two bs pisses you off that there's two bs? - i just want to know why there's two bs. - now, that's how his parents named him. i mean, this is a toughplace for you to go as a girl named india. - it's true, it's true. - all right, so, just wanted to establish that.- [india] i just want to know

- [india] about two bs. - i mean, you're not karen. sorry, karens. robb with bs, it soundslike this is a little bit of a black hat, or at least gray hat, facebook hack, growth-hacking move, which, listen, i believe inbeing smart and effective. that seems to be... it's an interesting tactic,but you've nailed it,

and you edited your ownpost, so you nailed it. you realized that cool, ok, so there's some tool that's telling you this video of a kid fallingin the snow is going viral, why don't you just take it andpost it, which will then work because humans react to the same things, which will then boostyour edge rank, right, which allows other contentthat is around fitness to be seen by more people, sothat would be the value of it,

but you're right, if you're putting out, if you're a fitness play, like look, if i, in gary vaynerchuk'sfan page, start putting out, like, penguins falling off trees and giraffes eating sour patch kids, ice skaters falling into thewater but then getting saved, or the mentos and pepsi thing, yeah, i mean, that would bringmaybe some general awareness, but it would also dilute

why people signed in for my channel. if spike tv now startedplaying soap operas, maybe they'd do ok, or a reality, this one's the reality tv thing that a lot of people struggled with, like, what do people watch it for? i think media's becoming agnostic, so i think everybody canplay in a lot of genres, so i think the risk is actually better

than it was three or four years ago, but i do think that youcan dilute your brand and then get away from it, andif you're a fitness channel, i mean, look, let's take a step back. what are you trying to accomplish? we're all happy here, andy just texted me, i think we're gonna get a millionorganic views on the video and i'm like, "cool!" but is that accomplishing what i want?

are the right million people gonna see my monday morning motivation video? link.(ding) three, hat trick. yes, but what am i trying to achieve in trying to findlike-minded business, hustle, growing your base and beappreciative, gratitude people, i'm trying to grow more of my audience. you may get a million views

on that penguin jumping off a tree, but did they stay for your fitness? if they don't, then youreally accomplished nothing. - hey gary, i'm sick today, and i was just curiousif you ever get sick. maybe you really are bionic man. if you do get sick,how do you handle that? how do you hustle when you're sick? really sick.

- ryan, first of all,hope you feel better. i mean you look like shit in that video. first of all, big shoutout to lizzie vaynerchuk because in the last 11 yearsthat i've been married, i have not been sick. i think that has a lot to do with the fact that lizzie tries toget me to wash my hands and the fact that i don'thave a weird draft coming in like i had in my old apartment,

which i think caught me a couple times. i mean... you're talking to a oldschool eastern european kid who actually thinks thatgetting sick and being sick is actually psychology. i think the brain isthe most powerful tool. like, i know the answerto this is not true, but i do feel like... i'd be lying if i didn'tthink there's some way

that i'm stopping myselffrom getting sick. in the same way that i usedto be able to get myself sick to get out of school,and i don't mean like, "oh, my tummy hurts." i mean, in this weird, yeah, i'm going somewhere. i've never said this out loud. this is actually evenscary to say out loud. i'm so convinced that thebrain is this powerful,

i used to be able to create a temperature, and i know that every logicalperson, including myself, i literally just said, "bullshit," but i saw it. i mean, and sure, sometimes,i put it up to the lamp and that's how i did it, butthere was a couple of times where i would just psych my... even right now, i just started doing it, and my stomach turned a little bit.

i'm not kidding! guys, the brain is a sick thing, so i guess the answer tothe final question is, you don't hustle when you get sick. in the same way you don'thustle when you get sleep. we've got that quote cardthat did really well, right? that quote where i'm like,"it's not what you do, "it's not how many hours you're awake, "it's what you do within them."

i'm thrilled to get sixor seven hours of sleep. i love when people thinki'm a three or four guy. i'll take eight every night, because in those other 16, i will dominate your face. i love people who sleepfour hours, but chill, and chilling is just notdoing something important for 40 minutes or having aconversation on the trading floor for 30 minutes about the big game

or what the fuck happenedin the oscars last night? who gives a shit? execute, and so, but wait, who did this shit for me, i'mpurely focused on my thing. some people like 30 minutesof talking about the oscars 'cause it breaks up their day. that's their rest. you do you, but let me say this. when you're sick or whenyou're sleeping, rest.

your body's telling you something, and so, like weirdly, maybe i was sickonce in the last 11 years, i was pumped. let me just say thatagain 'cause i don't know if everybody understood that. i weirdly wish i wassick one day this year. i would really enjoy the time off. i'd enjoy relaxing, and the kids come. misha comes home at three, it'd be fun!

it'd be fun, but there's something subconsciously that's really trying tonot allow me to do that. in a world where i takea hundred-plus flights, where that place is like, i don't know... remember how a couple episodes, i said that the 20- to30-year old gary vee is soft compared to me? that guy did get sick.

now i don't, and i do think it has a lotto do with my focus on it, so i do think you canout-hustle your sickness to some degree, butwhen you succumb to it, because at some level, we all do, i think you need tojust relax and enjoy it. great. question of the day. a couple things.

actually, you know what,i'm going back a little bit. one thing i'm not getting outof the questions of the day, which i ask once every 20 or 30, is i need a critique of the show. we had casey the other day as a guest. it's been a little bit sporadic because i've been traveling a lot. why don't we do an episode74, state of the union, of where the show is at?

how you feeling, what wouldyou like to see from me, and i'd also like a little banter. you could talk about being sick, you could talk aboutthe oscars last night, and you could talk aboutmy monday motivation video. that's what's acceptable in the comments. you keep asking questions, i'll keep answering them. oh crap, wait, subscribe!

(makes shooting sounds) i need subscriptions because i can't push this many right hooksin social, so subscribe!

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