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construction maison contemporaine 66

construction maison contemporaine 66

- on this episode, i tape the episode tape i record the episode getting off the plane from the super bowl. how do you think it went? (upbeat music) - you ask questions and i answer them. this is the #askgaryvee show. 'sup, everybody?this is gary vay-ner-chuk and you're watching episode number 66

of the #askgaryvee show. you might also be listening to it. i need to stop saying watching, i've been here for thelast couple episodes. as you could tell, i just got off a plane. my flight was cancelled yesterday from let's just tell the wholestory, the bottom line was i said i wasn't even goingto watch the super bowl. some of you know that my business partner

in vaynerrse my fund is steve ross, the ownerof the miami dolphins he invited me to the super bowl with him. you know, the owner'sparties all that stuff you know, i thought it would be good for me to start getting used to it. with what the future holds,and so i suckered myself made a humongous mistake, promised myself i would never watch thepatriots in a super bowl

in case they won. not only did that happen,but i ended up being there and then everybody knows since the whole worldwatched what unfolded. so, you know, staphon made,tried to make me feel a little bit better as ijust got here off the plane. that, you know, at least yougot, you know he was funny he was like, "at least yougot another prediction right." so, you know, i don't knowif you can do the recall

but you might as well do a little editing drock i know it's a little later. let's go to the moment where i say that i think that the patriots are gonna win. 27-12 patriots, this sunday,that is my firm prediction. i equally do not want that to happen but i did say on this show, i wanted them to stick it inmy face and hit rock bottom. it looks like they are trying to execute.

but they do cheat. yup, so rock bottom tastes delicious. it's what i've got right now. let's go on to the show. - [voiceover] david asks, "i'm at the point where i need to hire an office assistant. sales are great, but i don'tnecessarily have the capital to pull the trigger. any creative ideas on how to achieve this?"

- david, that is a greatquestion, and it's really fun to be in the presence of drock, one of the people whoi think payed forward and is going to feel the hugedividend on the way back. meaning, i know a lot ofreal hard-core watchers and listeners. i know that you drock firstat a video for me for free. was that clouds and dirt? that's epic, let's link that up.

and, you know, that led to a relationship which lead to a full time gig. and now, will be my heart and soul as long as he'll have me in my video's world, which, you know, super bowl videos of the jets winning. amazing, you never know drock. so, i think one of the things you can do is use your social capital

to put out there thatyou're looking for somebody and that this how you can compensate. obviously, money is the acceptedcompensation in our society but i gotta tell you, likei think that there's a day and age with the internetbeing a middle platform where other things can be used. and so, i don't know so, obviously you just felt anedit because drock screwed up kind of like pete carolat the one yard line

by not double checking the card. because i'm not double checking the card, or the card went weird on you. okay, well, you messed up.- [drock] (mumbling) - yeah.- right, let's get a drock messed up alert. i wanna make sure, iwanna double check this. just so you know, i do double check so i want to see if it's pretty,

but it better really over the top to rock the drock messed up alert it better be legit, 'cause it only happens once every 66 episodes. does anybody think it'sinteresting that it's episode 66 one more six, the devil, thepatriots won, belichick. and so, anyway, going backnot sure where it got cut off but just make sure you edit it weird drock everybody knows

that there was a mistake on your end. i think that there's a lot of ways to be able to barter out that service. i would literally put on craig's list and on your social media, and e-mail blast and take your ten closestfriends and have them blast and say look, i'm looking for this, this is what i can offer. maybe that's minimum wage,

plus i'll give you all myservices free for a year or there's a million ways to hack. i think that we in our modernsociety across the globe outside a very rural part pockets in parts of the world that you know, i'm not educated enough to know this. we are really in a flatout currency exchange game and i'm a big believerthat over the next 50 years because the internet shrinks the middle

but there will be anopportunity as a matter of fact i'm gonna make anotherprediction, staphon, that there will be a majorplatform in the next 15 years that is a major top 50 start-up that is infrastructure for us to trade. like, straight up likeebay, craig's list, mobile you know centric where it's just like, you know i have this coat laying around and someone's like, "cool,i'll mow your lawn."

like just, there is somuch inefficiency and stuff and services provided i think you should go thatroute maybe make a video maybe take the momentum of this answer go really do something the other thing is toreally pound the streets meaning just like know,no rock unturned right, just ask a lot of people there is a lot of people out there

and i think in oursociety not paying in cash feels taking advantage i think i've consistentlybeen on the offense in nuances of like border exchange i just think there's alot that can be done maybe maybe you have a collectionof rare baseball cards that somebody wants. or, you know you've 14pairs of awesome nikes maybe you could've six.

you have assets around you,your time, your services a crap load of stuff in your house trade that for what you need. or go with do your whengood enough of a name to make a promise that hey i can pay this but i promise you as soon as we get going i'm gonna make you the full time person i think the one thing that i promise you that you need to make sure you do.

is a lot of peoplepromise and don't deliver and i highly recommend youdon't make that promise unless you feel like you can deliver and the reason i make so many promises i always say to myself,even if i fail business wise i'll go to my own bankaccount and close the gap. if you're willing to go to that level and i don't know yourpersonal finances, but anyway, barter, barter, barter.

hey gary vaynerchuk this is colin aka dj veaux here and i've got one question for you what is your advice for musicians looking to establish themselves on instagram? i know you've talkedabout it on twitter before but i love hear your thoughtson this specific platform thanks, my man, keep up the great work. i like this young hustler,there's something about him. i've seen this video beforei've seen him interact a little bit

there's something about this kid. i'm just saying it now on the record so i can be writer withanother prediction, staphon 17 years from today this kid is gonna have some juice. you know, i don't knowup in the music world but like i just can feel it. anyway take that and run withit kid. it's good momentum. you know, i think it's15 second videos, right?

like you just did, i'mpumped that you made a video and the answer is predicatedon the communication format. i think for musicians toover index on instagram it's gonna have to be around the music i think the 15 second video format works i think using the right hash tags is the way to be discovered i think reaching out the other instagram influences in the space matters.

so, hitting people up finding, you know, a ton of instagram people are putting their e-mails in there. now a lot of those people are getting compensated financially and, you know, i've noidea of your finances, but i'm going to be prejudice or assume that on the youngerside it's not unlimited. but again, back to like this

maybe this is the theme of the show. there's probably a tonof instagram hoochies a muscle dudes, who'vehuge, huge followings. that you can hit up and say look, i'll make you 15 second theme song or something for your world if you can give a little love to me in return. if i were you and man, am i pissed that the internet wasn't around

when i was 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19. i mean it was around but, normal people not straight up nerds the internet itself, isbasically 20-years-old. and i know there is somenerd in the background like, "oh, actually 1959." i know (bleep) but i mean when normal people went on. i really, really think that i think that i would spentjust 17, 18 hours a day

hitting up people viae-mail on instagram accounts going to explore, finding some people that are popular hitting their accounts seeing that they haveover 100,000 followers and just pounding themwith e-mails saying hey i make music, i'll make some music for you i'm looking for exposure,but just we very up front don't try to trick themlike if we'll make a song and something interesting can happen.

how many beverages does a man need? - you asked me to get coffee. - oh okay, mike got me coffee too. double fisted, what? and so, you know that'sthe route i would go you need as much exposure as possible you're in an instagram communityget into the trenches. a lot of those people who look for money they won't say yes, but i'm telling you

you'll get four yes'sfor every 800 e-mails and for lot of people listening that's a lot of time for four yes's but, the truth is what'sthe alternative, losing? - [voiceover] jaime asks, "i have an instagram niche account is building followers pretty fast. what do you think aboutselling advertisement like a 15 second commercialto people wanting to reach my audience?"

- jaime, first of all i'm in lovewith your instagram account super pumped for it, you know super niche very crush it! like theculmination of that for me so, feels cool another prediction global production that i drilled. and so, oh, i'm just getting, this is the worst day. first of all, you've 585 followers, so won't gonna be able to get

as much money as youknow a walk in the park so, first i would focuson next six to 12 months. the answer's yes i do think once every sevenjab, jab, jab, right hook! you know once every seven instagram videos for you to make a commercial, is super appropriate will work and if you can make it moreof an entertainment commercial like you staring in it think1950's and '60s television

i know lot of you youngsters. but the original commercialsare very integrated even into the '70s. alpo i think it was,you know, the dog food was getting dogs to come on the set of the the today show and eat the food. you know, and so, you knowthat, that's been around forever and that's coming back, old is new like missy elliot you seeall the kids on social media

being like, "oh, katy perryput this missy elliot on. it's pretty intense to watch all this. kids need to get educated,these 13-year-olds i love though, i mean, ibelieve it they're winning they're right. so, just wanted everybody to know that. anyway, what's really interesting to me is that. what i would do for you, i'm gonna,

i'm gonna drop, down flipit and reverse it on you and give you a different answer. you need to basicallygoogle volleyball blogs, volleyball media, volleyball news and you need to e-mail every single person on the first 80 pages of results and tell them what you are doing and seeing if you can getthem to give you exposure. you should absolutely be pounding

the volleyball community right now all 917 influencers thatmatter in volleyball need to know who you areand you need to be the one that e-mails then and says, "yo, what's up?" period. email everyvolleyball manufacturer and be like check out what i'm doing. guys, most of you were not taking it. you have to understand whati did with wine library tv i took it.

i e-mailed everybody, everybodythat was wine blog in 2006 and said "hey, i'm doing this." and i get that not everybody is as comfortable self-promoting. and i love when my friendsfrom europe are like, "oh, it's a very american thing." and a lot of people whowatching are introverted or don't have as much hustle. look, i'm a funny guy,i'm very competitive

i was in super crazy networking events. this weekend and like thecommissioner is there. and woody johnson and you know all these actors and actress and vip's and hall of famers andi'm not going up to them. because i'm so competitive and ego like i'm gonna make them come to me. but there's a part ofthat that's super wrong. there they are and then i took way

that i took that a wayfrom myself little bit. and i went and did 5 or 6 some of them. can't do it completely. but like, you know,taking those steps as well so like for all myextrovert, salesman stuff i've my own spiel that likeprevents me from taking it. but i'm telling you, behind keyboard, e-mailing, volleyballdaily.com and being like

"hey, it's me. i'm doing this thing, you should just check it out. i love to do something." be smart, position it properly not like, "hey, look, i'm doing thisinstagram thing about volleyball. you should write about it." no, that's right hook. jab! like, "hey, it's me, i'm doing this thing i love our community.

if there's anything i canever do for you let me know." jab. so, take it. oh, india got excited, she said cool. i wasn't done yet india. yeah. it was a good one, right? you want to write afull-fledged, hard core, we're gonna write a full hard core. next.

- [voiceover] austinasks, "what do you mean when you focus on top line revenue? is it because you caremore about staying relevant and having attentionbecause you can cash it on that for more sales?" - austin, no i talkabout top line revenues, the answer is no. that's not what i am looking to do. i'm looking to drive top line revenue.

i'm doing it in vaynermedia right now. i'm glad my financial people aren't here. 'cause they'd be like, "i'm notsure what you're up to, gary but it's super interesting." so, here's what i am up to cfo's. when you drive profit,if you bring in expenses like i have, when youhave more and more people. you may not make as much money right away because if you are making $12 million,

and it cost you $12 million to run your business,you make zero dollars. and if the year before it cost you, you know, did in 8 million in revenue, but it only cost you $5.3 million in expenses to drive it, you made $2.7 in profits. so, even though you are doinga lot more business this year you are not making as much money. but that's also humaninfrastructure and the learnings

and the people to be able to for you to do not 14, but 40 million next year, got it? simple as that nothing else. you just gotta make sure your expenses don't over go your sales because then you can't make payroll and you go out of business or you have bumps in theroad and things of that nature. and i as an entrepreneur have had

a substantially good career over 20 years of pushing the limit of howmuch i can take expenses and cash to be able to grow my business and that is something thati am always focused on. i think it's super important,i know how to do it and it's the reasonthat i know uniquely now have a second business under my belt where i have taken the business from three to over $50 million

in revenue within a 5 year window. that is unusual, that is not the norm, and it talks to having a stomach that wants to drive top line. so, that's not for everybody, and everybody has got to besafe and wants to make payroll. but a lot of you are notmoving your business faster because of lack ofoffense, lack of spending 18 hours a day e-mailing800 people on instagram

to know about your music stuff. you are lacking offense one-mailing every single person talking about volleyball inthe world on the internet and saying "hey here i am" and you are lacking by not investing, maybe you have the financesfor that office secretary, who then will allow youto be on the offense doing other things, instead ofdoing some damn paper work. boy, i tied that together like a champ. - hi gary! it's alesya from alesyabags,

and i have one important question for you, this year i've got a great bag coming out, way higher quality thananything that i've ever done, but, they're more expensive too, how do i work at thatto my current audience? that's a good question, you know the weird answeris maybe you shouldn't. if the price point ofyour new bag is 300 bucks and you've been selling 25 dollar bags,

you just might not want tomarket to your current audiences, because they can't maybeafford to buy that bag. now maybe they can, like you know, i buy 20 dollars or 500dollars things in same category, so, you know that's not wholeh&m like you know, like the way fashion got sointeresting to me by the way, little fun fact but any way, i think that it is very important for you to understand,

much they give advisethe prior two questions, that you may have to go out,and find a new audience, and that's scary thatmight not be the, look i'm thinking right know as your watching, i'm curious how you're watching, leave in the comments, areyou watching like this? or on the laptop, or, really curious how you're consuming this. do it. but

the truth is you may have togo out and find a new audience and that's by putting yourself out there, and engaging with others. i think influences on instagramare massively important, so i think you can get away withgiving away some of these bags, to some of those influencers, and getting them on thecheap at my opinion. so i would definitelygo down the instagarm, influencer path.

i think if you give away 5 to 10 bags, to the peole that havelet's say $250,000 and more, who actually would take thebag and give that love, i think you have a shot ofbeing stunned by the roi, in todays world, so that'swhat i would go out and do, so the answer to your question is, how do you remarket them ormarket to them to go up, you let them know about it and, you know five to 15% ofthat audiences will grow up,

with you financially or aspirationally, but i think you haveto go out and find out, and find and hunt the 85%of the rest of the audience. just want to take a couple of minutes before i go in to the question of the day and give some love to thepeople that have consistently commenting on the show,which means a ton to me i thought it was an appropriate time, not asking for the lurkers to come out

though this would be a phenomenal episode to leave a comment in the questions or the comment sectionon the youtube, lurkers and the ones that arelistening on the podcast, so let's start with chad s really appreciate you, brother. you're consistent, you're driving it i'm seeing you, feeling you, thank you. roberto, i think you've beencompletely on your offense

not only, are you responding consistently to the question of the day but your engagement within the vayner community, your insanity of intensityis appreciated, and we have much love for you roberto. here at the #askgaryvee show. ruth, you've been with me longbefore the #askgaryvee show as somebody, you know its funny like a lot of people by the wayhave been telling me to change

my icon on twitter, and oneof the reasons i don't want to is 'cause ruth your hasbeen very consistent to its visual rightlike i know who is there i see you in all my streams. i really appriciate your commenting you have always been a lot of grace and class to the comment section much mucho love to you. thomas i love you holdingdown the youth culture

for the vaynernation doing a great a job, really tight and consistentwith your comments and, we really just appreciate you, man. i'm really look, i'mreally really flattered by the people are consistently commenting, i think it brings so much as a matter of fact side question day how many of you actuallyread the comments,

because you getting so much value there so, thomas you are a bigpart of that i appriciate it. victoria j, i don't even knowwhat it is really about you but, every time i seeyour comments i smile. seen them super consistently.i really appreciate it. you run the gambit of likejust off the cuff stuff and really hard-core answers, i appreciate that assomebody who loves the off the cuff stuff as well and so

i really, really, really appreciate you. all of you, all five ofyou, i really appreciate. there's many more, manyof you doc and chef, you've gotten your love as well but i am seriously interested. you know, honestly, andi did this with wine library tv and i don't want to bull (bleep) you i am a feedback animal. i'm a feedback animal.

that's just what it is, likewithout the comment section without the question,the instagram questions are not coming as fastas i'd like, so you know, let's link that up. without that, without the twitter hashtags it phases away from me, solike look if you're listening, if you're driving to work right now or working out listening to the podcast, or if you're watching which is very easy

'cause you are on your phone or your laptop or ipad right now, i need more commentsin the comment section. it's just simple as that. and the people that havebeen doing it for me, as a matter of fact that should be the statement for today all of you should go in and thank your favorite one of those five people

because it's those people that are, guys, i will quit this show,in your face in four seconds i'm plenty fuckin' busy. i will quit this show. you want me to do it, feed me. i need the fuel and that's the interaction that's the engagement. question of the day how do you consume this show?

this, like this like you know, tv, ott, like ipad? i need the answer, curious. you keep asking questions,i'll keep answering them. - [india] what do you mainly focus on top line revenue is it because you care more about staying relevant and having attention because you can cash in on that for more sales? oh, are you filming me?oh, great.

well, i would have been better prepared. - put that at the end, beepand it's not me this time.

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