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constructeur maison moderne franche comté

sofiastudio for feature films kaloyan script dako dakovskianton donchev, dimitar mantov directed byyuriy arnaudov original music bynayden gerov starringkaloyan - vasil stoychev milat - bogomil simeonovboril - spas dzhonev manastar - andrey mihaylovchichek - magdalena mircheva ad 1197. ten years after the rebellionof the bulgarian bolyars asen and petar

against byzantine yoke. by usingthe enmity between bulgaria and byzantium, the hordes of the â²v crusadeinvade the balkan peninsula. the fate of the balkan people depends on theirmutual understanding. they're coming, milord! milord! wild geese, milord! they're flying away, winterhas came early beyond the danube. they're flying low. should welie in wait for them at the ridge?

belgun! stop! there could be romanscouts behind the rocks! down there is zagore! how much longer will we stopour horses amidst bulgarian land? it would've been easy,milord, if we were birds! they'll land at the swampsnear adrianople for the night. who'll race me? i give you, bolyar,100 paces headstart! a hundred!

kaloyan! they killed tsar petar! my brother!him as well! i'll kill them all!all of them! praise be to tsar kaloyan! death to the conspirators! lord, forgive your servant,the sinful mateitsa! give us the kingslayer alive!- shut up, you oafs! what tsars were his brothers?!they were bolyars, like us!

what tsar is he,if he hides like a mouse?! silence, murderer!- wait! here i am! what are you looking at? you'llstand here soon as well! who will recognizeyour crown?! only those bootlickersover there! push him, ugay!kill him! three great bolyars rose theirhand against the tsar's power! mateitsa told uswhat they wanted!

to sell us to the romans! to our enemies, who still holdhalf of the bulgarian land under yoke! but mistaken are those who thinkit won't be ours once again! and three places around the tableof the bolyar's council are now empty! i decided they should be taken by... dragota of cherven. strezimir of vratitsa. the roman cavalry has invadedhundred hills! it's besieging ovech! a campaign against us?- let's raise the alarm!

i'll find out about it!- mihail, umen, izmerin! come on! go on, you old...- valkan of ovech! for your health,great bolyars! is it a campaign, milat?- the romans know that fishes arecaught in turbid waters! shall i gather the army?- no! what if that'sexactly what they want?! to get us scared!

so the turmoil would grow! we'll have the bolyarsgather their forces! all right! but what if they alsogo against me?! no! no. don't tell anyoneuntil we find out more! let the tumult subside!let the people be calm! what if they're headingtowards tarnov?!

we'll be on our guard! but we need patience! to find outwhat's going on, who's trustworthy! let's go to the dining roomand drink with the bolyars! to have a laugh, as ifthere are no problems! bring me the bolyar of ovech! the tsar is calling for you! five hundred! doesn't valkan want too much? i'm making him a great bolyar,i'll give him help when he needs it!

it's too much!- it's easy for the courtier! the tsar's table is near him!"come on, i'm ready to gather them!" you go yourself, then we'll see howmany peasants you'll gather to work! after the revolt everyone thinks that...- all right! may it be as you wish! but i want a strong fortress! as if you're building itfor yourself! find knyaz boril, to giveyou 500 gold coins! the way you're building, the romanswill catch you defenseless!

what can i finish it with?i have no money left! how much have you spent so far?- everything i received. here! god is my witness!- you're lying! i don't need to accountanything to you! the tsar still has200 gold coins to give me. it's your people from zlokuchaneto blame if something happens! they all ran away!- ran away? to work your fields! you want a fortress, but giveneither money, nor people!

the tsar's warband stays here.and you'll continue building! the tsar gives youa month's time! valkan has stopped building.he wants 200 more gold coins. i'll go to him.- if you fall for it... force him!you made him a great bolyar! for the romans even1000 gold coins are nothing. valkan will sell himselfto them, if i press him. your brother petar used to say:"if samuil had hard pressed his bolyars, bulgaria wouldn't have died."

then make them gather an armyand we'll strike at varna, while the romans think we're weak!- varna is a strong fortress. i saw it while i was being takento constantinople as a hostage. its walls are higher than ours. we need a trained army for them. we need time! we need to train at least onebulgarian for every third roman! do you understand? we just need to beone to three,

and then "onwards to varna", belgun! i'll get him his 200 gold coins.i can't do anything else now. i'm buying him like a mercenary!as if he's not a bulgarian! but what could i do withoutpeace with the bolyars? my tsar! you know, my father and brothers, with half the people of zlokuchane, diedfighting the romans and conspirators. make their village free! so with one hand i'm giving him powerand with the other i'm taking his lands!

i can't!- what do they want? a handful of land! they've workedhard for it their whole life. give it to them! as if you're giving it to me! let them get rid of the wolf! but they should help withthe construction work! we should all prepare! all of us! only a hundred, milord!knyaz boril gave them!

give it to him!- this is left from your brothers. even 100 gold coins aretoo much for valkan! send it! take it! dobrilo, you're sleeping, huh?sleeping? hold this! you should've been bornas a stable boy, huh, belgun? we'll ride tomorrow! is your soul yearningfor it, too?

wake me up when it burns out! i have work to do! hit the shield thrice, and then go prepare belgun! the bolyar! who was it?- mladen! a boy of ours, from zlokuchene!- come on, continue carrying! where to, milord?- to the steep rocks! it's been foggy for three days now!you can't see a thing!

and, you know, the romansdestroyed the old road! come on, swiftly!- we're a tsar's village now, milord! milord, some cumans have arrived! khan manastar himselfis leading them! what is it? what's happened? the magyars defeated me!i'm coming to ask for help! come!- wait! there's my sister, chichek!- give her a room in the palace!

you've been a loyal allyof my brothers! but i can't give you help now! everything's messed up hereafter the revolt! hold them off for another month,until i gather an army! i can't decide by myself! a thousandof our horsemen have died! the magyars are strong! i'll want peace from them! let them stop as faras they've advanced! i need my forces against the romans!

they don't acknowledge your crown! they'll say, as they did to your brothers,that the bulgarians have no tsardom! i'll ally myself with the germans!- catholics! they're quarreling with the magyars now,but if pope innocent lifts his finger, they'll go against you,together with them! before they reach the danube,the magyars will set tarnov on fire! they're strong! hold them off for one more month,then i'll give you anything you want! you can see,winter is coming!

i have a week's time! if i don'treturn with help in 7 days, my people will lookfor new lands! what?! you want to breakour alliance?! if the gods decide so! can i sleep?i'm tired! go! good night! has the protostrator milatpassed by? i haven't seen him, milord!

pretend i'm inside! valkan has ran awaywith the gold! they've violated your decree! now the romans will laugh!"look how rich the bulgarian tsar is, giving away his candlesticks!" we're cowards! we should fight totake varna, not build fortresses! what about the magyars?the cumans are fleeing. manastar has came for help.- what? so the wolf has found out,that's why he's running!

let them run! may our land becleansed of cowards! they don't believe in our people'sstrength! they think i'm weak! they think our country's dying. not only the candlesticks,but i'll give even my horse! i myself will burn outlike a candle! but our land willlast forever! when has he fled?- the other night! i'll catch him! his scraggy horsewon't pass easily through the passes!

milord, they've stoppedin the steep rocks vale! you've forgotten it inmy room last night! it's good he hasn'tforgotten his head as well! and you, princess, did you askyour brother about following us? who's this?- the protostrator milat! my trusted aide and friend! then know this, protostrator, the cumanprincesses are equal to the princes! 20 000 cuman swordsfollow her and her brother! this ring canbind them tightly!

surround the valeand wait for me! wait! they'll come outby themselves! set it on fire! mercy, milord!- you're in a hurry, are you?! you dog! go! go down to zagore! it's all inside, milord! go to ovech, prepare the fortress,and soldiers for varna! i'm making you a great bolyaron the place of valkan!

thank you for the honour, milord! but be careful not to followhis path as well! milord!- go, go! before i was a tsar, i thought weonly need to go down and reach zagore! but only people like valkancan go down such a road! we'll take another one! and you must go first! to rome! the cumanswon't hold out for long. and the pope stands behind the magyars.they'll keep quiet if he agrees with us!

and then...to varna! as you wish - to take it by force! what will we give him? a handfulof gold coins and a candlestick! creed is more important for him!- to become catholics?! why should only the popetrade with faith? god help us! yes! that's him! father dominic, here's the letterto the magyar king! he'll relinquishkaloyan's lands!

from hungary you'll head for tarnov,as a legate of the holy pope! and the bulgarian messenger? protostrator milat will be released andsent with honours to varna by sea. once kaloyan sees his hands untied,he'll strike at the romans, to free his lands! there should be fights betweenthe danube and the aegean, once the warriors of the holy popeset off on a crusade! remember! the lands between the danubeand the aegean are like this door. they lead to countless treasuresand glory for the holy see.

two kingdoms guard that road -bulgarians and romans! if they unite, there will beno path for the crusading army! that's why there should never bea union between bulgarians and romans! for the lord's greater glory! tsar kaloyan gives youtime until sunset! give us the keysand you'll stay alive! come to the fortress and swear beforethe people of varna you say the truth! brothers! brothers!beat them up!

it fell!varna fell! varna is ours! who are you?- protostrator stavrakis! where's your gold?- away with my ships! go catch it, if you want! for a man like him - in the sand!with the others! barbarians! venetian?- no, bulgarian! envoy of the tsar to the pope! finally!

welcome! i'm the legate ofthe pope to the tsar! commander!- kaloyan! i took varna!i took it! wasn't i right, huh?- a hero! did you wear that in the fight?- a gift from the pope! well, tell me! you've grown old! what took you so long?

i was captured near venice. first theytortured me, then dressed me in gold! who?- the knights. knights?! what? hasn't his grace,the papal legate, told you? the pope has sent you one armourand a thousand to them! and more are coming.a new crusade is on the way. they'll passthrough constantinople. dominic hasn't said a word till nowthat a crusade is gathering! they're hiding!- let them hide!

it's to our advantage! when are they leaving? soon, it seems.- good! we'll also go, as they pass!we'll take zagore! gather the bolyar's council! praise be to them!- praise them! praise doesn't feed us, my tsar!many hungry mouths are waiting. how many?- half the people of zlokuchane. the romans are strong, milord!

what?!are you afraid?! we'll tear down even constantinople itself!- do you know how many castles are there? they'll put such crossesbefore each one! how many are you?- only we here are left! the council is gathered, milord!- take these things off! i'll ask for a peacewith the romans. what?! peace? thousands of warriors fell here!the romans are still strong!

and the knights might not go soon. theyprepared the third crusade for so long! what about zagore? now the romans will belike us before varna! between two fires! if they learnthe knights are going against them, they'll give us zagore withouta fight, to keep their back! isn't that so? what if the pope learns? listen,you shouldn't pull this devil's tail! there's no one to tell him,besides dominic! dobrilo! find knyaz boril! let himkeep the papal legate in his tent!

bury them out!all of them! what is the tsar doing? pope innocent has gatheredknights for a new crusade. they'll pass through constantinople. they offer me a union. if i agree,i'll easily crush your back. we'll hit you so hard, you'llscatter around like sea-gulls! i want peace with you! recognize my crownand give us zagore back! you were a hostagein constantinople, weren't you?

i was! for three years! then you haven't learnedanything from us, barbarian! go and tell what you heard!protostrator milat will accompany you! i'll wait for a month! and the campaign south?i've promised my men plunder! take the loot from here! you'll plunder bulgariansin the south, manastar! what about us?i gave food, horses! split it with manastar!

you see, we can't get onwith this one either! that's your own business!- it's the sin of people like ugay! you deserve it! when you were in the court,you also barked against the bolyars! but you see now howeasy it is to be one?! go now and defend the tsar again! what's your reward?a cracked skull! if the knights come,you'll be left without it! how is dominic?- in bed, tenth day already. here, read!- from the romans?

no! milat hasn't returned yet! read! read, read! see if i've made itofficial enough! it's not "pious",but "holy" pope. so you've decided! good!you're doing well! what do we lose?we enter the bosom of the west. the vatican is all-powerful!knowledge, conduct! strength!and the romans? let's go tell dominic!- be quiet!

oh, if the romans were smart enoughto agree to an alliance with us! then the vatican would seeour knowledge! and our strength!- and this? we might need it, involuntarily. the knights are dogs, but ifthe romans refuse, what would we do? you're lying the holy church!- give me 100 gold coins! what?- i'll send a gift to pope innocent. to buy off my sin!- i don't have! you know i don't! send him relics! send him the relicsof st. ivan of rila!

give me the cross! the popewould like it better. don't ask me for it!it's from the holy land! so it's dearer to youthan the relics of st. ivan? ah, you!keep it! go to dominic! take care of him!tell him i'm beyond the danube! i'll meet him when i return! dear lord! don't speak! so hatred has blinded them!- the worst is not they refused.

the knights have left rome!the new crusade has begun! that's what they gathered for.they had to leave some day. but what are the romanshoping for? are they mad?! don't they understandwe should be united now? it seems they're thinking otherwise.they're negotiating with the pope. they've got it wrong this time! wouldthe knights leave them to take us on? what do we have?! i'm seeking100 gold coins as a gift for the pope! and constantinople is all in gold!

did you see it?- i saw it! the romans will buythemselves off! why did i lose so much time? dominic could've beenin rome by now! we should've meta long time ago, father! i've written the letter tothe holy pope long ago as well! give the holy fathermy humble reverence! tell him i wait night and dayfor his blessing to illuminate me! dobrilo!

and this is foryour patience, father! was it the tsar? he didn't call for me? i'm leaving for rome! thank god! so the romanshave refused! may god guide youon your path, father! i received a cross of pure goldfrom the holy land yesterday! i'll send it asa gift to the holy pope! i want to give yousomething for a keepsake as well!

i like you so much, father! come! you're not sleeping again? i can't! when will we live, kaloyan?the years are passing by! you're gone whole dayand don't sleep at night. is maria all right?- the same as me! when was the last time you saw her?she'll forget she has a father! i can't go on like this! i sent to call manastar!i want his forgiveness!

the knights stand before constantinopleand don't leave for the holy land. i don't know what will happen. i'mafraid they'll reconcile with the romans! forget about this at least tonight! why don't you go and bringyour brother? my army's not enough! and the new oneshaven't arrived yet! if something happens...- i can't! good night! woeful constantinople!i knew it will fall! do you remember, i told youthe romans have it wrong this time! so far the pope's goalhas been clear.

but from now on? the knights won't leavefor the holy land. but about our lands...- i know one thing! zagore has no master now.let's take it back! if they head this way, it doesn'tmatter who rules over zagore. but at least the border willbe further away from us! from you!let's do it! we'll go! we can do it withoutcasualties now!

and let the knightssee we're not cowards! gather the army! but without too much noiseand alarm! quietly! manastar! i need manastar now, maria! seven tens! wait! strezimir arrives!

we'll give him 200 swords, 300 spears and 10 mailsfor his centurions! now for you, dragota! three hundred swords! take from the ones we capturedfrom stavrakis' trireme! leave the short spearsfor manastar! he has the right,he captured them. only if he comes! do you knowwhat an insulted cuman is, huh? two more tens!

the saddle's for me, huh? praise be to the gods! so, who are we fighting? we're leaving for zagore!- and who's there now? god knows who we'll find, butfishes are caught in turbid waters! now is the time to get it back!sit down! what's this? why have you came? the campaign's cancelled!

huh? why? i don't know! i'm confusedhere as well! boy's deeds! backward-forward,forward-backward! a royal decree!- don't call for me anymore! thank you, bolyars and courtiers! god has given us what we wanted!without blood, zagore is ours again! praise be to kaloyan! we don't need it anymore!

go to belgun! we'll race tomorrowall the way to zagore! i'll give all bolyars 100 paces headstart!- maybe even 200! and how much will you give me? and to you... to you...- milord! dominic's waiting. as you ordered,after the coronation. we'll go to zagore!three days' ride! all in a field! with you, we'll race like equals!

wait a little! knights! mladen! stop! did i scare you?- you talk only about those knights. are they vampires or goblins?- scarecrows, but iron ones! have you finished the fortress?- no! but i'll be back soon. stavrakis?!

who sent you?!- the knights took plovdiv. they're butchering everyone,nobles and peasants alike. let them butcher you!you deserve it! they don't pass your peoplein zagore either. they don't ask who's roman or not!- don't worry about us! the papal legate is stillin tarnov! we also had a treaty with them.gave them loads of gold! you'll believe me when yousee them at your gates! why do you come?- for help! we're going to kaloyan!

i know the secret way out!we won't let the knights to burn our village! take the weapons! by tomorrow we'll be in zagore! where is mladen?! i don't know!- you're not married, huh? we'll find you a man! i'll keep you all in the fortressuntil we find the brigand! come on! we're a tsar's village,only he can judge us!

all right! i'll leave youin your tsar's village! hang him on that tree!- grandpa! grandpa! grandpa! hold! what's going on in zagore?- i don't know! fires, milord,and the peasants are fleeing! mladen's leading the peopleof zlokuchane, with our weapons! haven't you been down there yet?- i haven't! it's dangerous! what are you waiting for?!

dominic ran away!- what?! but...- aren't you a tsar's village? all men inside the fortressand no thinking of fleeing! and where will the womenand children stay, milord? zlokuchane is gone,the bolyar destroyed it! if i didn't know youas my trusted man, i'd think you'revalkan reincarnated! we might need those peoplefor battle soon! how will you gather them?

look at her! do you think her fatherand brothers will follow you? build them huts within a week! send scouts to zagore!i'll expect news in 3 days! guards, take her to the palace! take the men aside! quickly! weren't you from zlokuchane?what are you doing here? the bolyar ugay sent meto serve you, milord! whom?! me?! what a pimp!

why are you crying? let me go, milord! i can'tget used to the palace! didn't your house burn down? it did! maria isn't well! you'll stay here! where to?!fleeing, father?! why? i'm going to constantinople!- all the way there? the papal soldiers are alreadynear, in zagore!

zagore?- don't pretend! does kaloyan know?- and how do you know?! the romans want our help! if you help the romans, you'llbe the first to pay for it! this is the easiestplace to strike! and the knights welcomeonly the humble bolyars! i won't become a catholic!- emperor baldwin seeks friends! you'll have gold, support!if you want, give an oath yourself! so you crowned the tsar with one handand held this with the other!

ah, you brigands in christ! wait for me in the fortress! you remembered me? you almost forgotme since you went to the mountains! i bring bad news, knyaz! zagore's burning!- god forbid! they're burning it, huh? but kaloyan is strong!they won't reach here! who knows?!they took constantinople! and kaloyan makes me build huts!- what huts?

for the peasants! i set themon fire, for disobedience! and the tsar makes mebuild a new village! listen, knyaz! i came for help!i have no gold! he wants gold for huts... the peasants will makethem themselves! the tsar wants bigand good ones! give me 100 gold coins!- where from? i have none! wherever you've takenfor everything here from! from the tsar's treasure!- ah, you!

give it!it's for a tsar's village! i have none! did you forget i was inthe palace during the revolt, when all of youwere busy plundering?! don't tremble!i won't tell anyone! i don't want to die either! i also signedbaldwin's charter! swear it! come!

kaloyan sent milatto emperor baldwin! in god's name,we must hurry! i'm awaiting news from dominic! i'm listening! tsar kaloyan wishes youhealth, milord! and wants you not toencroach upon our lands! these lands were roman!they're ours now, till the danube! this is our land!romans trampled it! now you! but it's bulgarian!

take him away!- and tell your lousy tsar we won't go back! others have also raisedswords against us! remember, baldwin! we'll measureyou the way you measure us! you here as well?mangy papal dog! curse you and your bloody pope! the bulgarian bolyars whosigned the charter came! how many?- four! and the fifth is a nephewof the tsar, knyaz boril!

let him and one baron enter! trouble, cousin,may god help us! what?- i went about all the passes! refugees are flocking from zagore!ragged, barefooted! the bolyars chase them! i toldugay, but he doesn't want them! why not?!- there were many romans among them! that's not right! you go! you might turn him! prepare belgun!

ugay has gone too far! lord! lord, forgive me! and help me! after me! ugay!- the tsar! hold the tsar! come on, quickly!come on, a bit more! the fortress is just up there! wait!go back!

go back, milord! there areconspirers in the fortress! they tried to kill the tsar! till when? till when?! who is it? it's me! open up! i can't!maria's sleeping already. you haven't eaten in two days! rest, milord!

seven years i built! i thought i'm standingon a rock! but it was shifting sand! what do the traitors want?! no, this can't go on anymore! we have to go!but who will i lead? only the tsar's forces?- it won't be enough for a single battle! we need ten times more! if you were flesh and blood,i'd give you a sword, too!

let's gather the militia!- simple people! untrained! and they will stop the knights?!- those simple people freed our lands! the people of zagora have alreadyrisen by themselves! plovdiv's rebelling! everyrefugee is a prepared warrior! just give him a swordand lead him! to whom?! the plovdiv bogomils?! heretics! if the knights corner them,they'll turn their swords against us! peace! let them stop at the mountain! goddoesn't want to give us zagore back!

no! god has no part in this thing! i'll go! i'll gather everyonewho can hold a sword! but we can't do anythingonly with footmen! we need horsemen!horsemen! ah, if manastar was here,i'd leave tomorrow! wanderer!why do you trust him? manastar's an honest warrior!we'll come to an agreement! i wanted chichek to bring him, butshe doesn't even allow me in her room! go! you go and ask her!

i'm cold! and feverish! where to? to my master!- that's no longer needed! come with me! it was here, milord! why did you kill denitsa?!- me?! what did she do to you?!- i haven't! i swear in the child! where's your golden horseshoe?!

maria was playing with it!- i'll kill you! snake! once they reach the well! can you write on bulgarian? what about greek? if you know neither bulgarian, norgreek, what are you doing here?! tsar kaloyan, help us, we're dying!from thrace, ad 1205 how many of you are there?!- we left 1000 on 100 places each! and more are coming, as many as you want!- come and lead us, milord!

but it might betoo late otherwise! go and tell them - i'll come! hold on! burn everything! leaveno bread, let them eat rocks! block the water sources,so they'll die from thirst! harass them day and night!let them have no rest! let them have no sleep!- we'll do everything! the rebels send you a gift!- who did you take it from?! from a priest of the knights!- is he alive?! he is!- guard him!

i want to see him!he knows who's in the plot. i'll question him myself, milord! they're giving me backmy honour and my mind! how quickly can you gather the militia?- in a week's time. do it for 3 days, if you can!- i can! since they took her to the palace,we haven't heard anything of her. i asked milat once,he didn't say anything. come on! it's a shame! look! we've gathered so manypeople and you're looking down!

we're not going to fight for tsarsand bolyars, but for the people! come on, go! and listen, be careful, a wholepack of bolyars is in the fortress! who raised you?- mladen, he went to zagore! you think you'll accomplishsomething by going barehanded? we won't go barehanded! have you ever seen a knight?who will lead you? the pain that youdon't see in the palace! kaloyan's going against the knights!- thank god!

people! tsar kaloyan will lead us!tsar kaloyan! long live tsar kaloyan! well?- no cumans! and the peasants?- stil gathering, the forest is full! lord god! if i was in your place,i'd burn the whole mountain! let them all burn!what are they doing?! who'll work for him, if he kills them?don't you see everyone's risen?

go and stop them, if you dare! there are other people to stop them!let them go, if they want to die! but we have to stop kaloyan!understand this! otherwise, we're finished! only boril can help us now!baldwin doesn't know the rest of us! and the others aren't coming yet!- only boril! i'm not going for tarnovwithout manastar! open up! tell the voivode ugay that khan manastarand his sister have arrived!

ugay's gone! he died! the men and the armyhave left for adrianople! where to, chieftain? to adrianople!- why? plunder!take her to tarnov! i know the way to tarnov myself! to adrianople! tsar kaloyan! glory to kaloyan! glory tokaloyan! glory!

mladen, bring the messenger! did dominic say something?- he did, milord! he's down there, at the swamp!our men are guarding him! he said that... milord, the besieged adrianoplesends its last piece of bread! help us! speak! did you tell us out?- i don't remember! we'll save you!remember!

what did you tell them?- i don't remember! ugay! dragota!- others, others! i don't remember! who else?- mihail! anyone else?- i don't know others! dog! he's gone! we'll wait till they eat theirlast piece of bread as well! milord, khan manastarhas arrived!

as a friend or an enemy? go inside the tent! alone! dobrilo, stay here! drop the sword! why did you come?- if you don't need me, i'll leave! no! i need the cavalry! but i'll kill you!i know everything, you're a traitor! i would've been a traitor!

it's your fault!chichek led me to ugay! and the men followed her!they wanted plunder! again, why did you come?- the cumans are where plunder is! if i was a traitor... dobrilo, khan manastar will bemy guest tonight! khan manastar! lead the cumans!drive their last herds away! harass the knightsuntil they leave the camp! sir, allow me and the knightsof blois to attack!

i won't!no one should leave the camp! what an honour for the lousy barbarians!- adrianople will fall by easter! after that we'll crushall this rabble! i'm hungry, sir! consider it, count, that they'vejust borrowed our cattle! i'm hungry!- consider it a lent for the holy church! if someone goes on his own,he'll be heavily punished! and excommunicated!today is good friday,

god doesn't want blood! a prayer, seigneur! emperor baldwinordered all knights to go! bring me wine and food! to arms! to arms,knights of blois! just one unit!- i see! we'll let them through! open up!- wait! hold!let them pass! the woods won't hold the heavy cavalry!- they must!

lead the knights in the swampand beat them! the plunder is yours! if count louis de blois survives,i'll hang him amidst the camp! we must help them!christ's warriors are dying there! sir, count louis de bloisasks for... knights of burgundy, flandres,brittany, lombardians, venetians, normans! warriors of the pope! the hourof god's wrath has arrived! god raises his hand to lead usagainst the infidels! for the bulgarian land!for the glory of our arms!

beat the knights! on your positions! strezimir! give the signal! we measured you,as you measured us! original subtitles: stanimir2translation: nikebg

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